WELCOME TO THE virtual herbarium of Department of Botany, University of Jammu, Jammu                                         click the hyperlink https://admin.jammuuniversity.ac.in/Botany_herb/herbariumbot.aspx

Herbarium of Department of Botany, University of Jammu (Acronym: HBJU) is a internationally recognized repository of more than 18000 specimens of seed plants (Angiosperms and Gymnosperms), Pteridophytes, Bryophytes, Lichens/ Fungi, and Algae. Established in 1973, the HBJU is a separate building with all the facilities of drying, pressing and preserving the plant materials.

Scientific investigations depend on thorough documentation for future use, ensuring that the information can be accessed for further studies or verification, especially when there might be errors in identification. Voucher specimens are essential in this process, as they provide tangible evidence that allows researchers to confirm findings and enable subsequent projects to build upon earlier botanical research. The vast knowledge we have accumulated about plants worldwide, including the number of species, owes much to the existence and utilization of herbarium specimen vouchers.

 Guidelines for depositing plant specimens in HBJU :- 

  1. Collecting the Specimen: Choose a healthy and representative plant specimen, preferably with flowers, fruits, and leaves. Avoid collecting damaged or diseased specimens.

  2. Timing of Collection: Collect the specimen when it is at its mature stage, unless specific information is needed about different growth stages.

  3. Labeling: Attach a label to the specimen indicating the collection date, location (with GPS coordinates if possible), habitat description, collector's name, and any other relevant data.

  4. Pressing: Press the plant specimen between newspaper sheets or specialized drying paper, ensuring that leaves, flowers, and stems are spread out and not overlapping.

  5. Drying: Place the pressed specimen between cardboard sheets and apply gentle pressure. Change the drying paper periodically to prevent mold growth.

  6. Specimen Size: Aim for a standard size, typically around 11 x 16 inches (28 x 41 cm), to fit standard herbarium folders.

  7. Quality of Specimen: Ensure the specimen is clean, free from insects, and there are no extraneous materials like soil or debris.

  8. Data Recording: Record all relevant data about the specimen in a field notebook or database, including the information already mentioned on the label.

  9. Ethical Considerations: Follow ethical guidelines for plant collection, especially for rare or endangered species, and obtain necessary permits if required.

  10. Specimen Preservation: Store the dried specimens in herbarium folders made of acid-free paper (herbarium sheet) to prevent deterioration over time.

  11. Packaging and Transport: Package the specimens carefully to avoid damage during transportation, and ensure they are adequately protected from moisture.

  12. Depositing the Specimens: Deposit ONE well mounted specimen on ONE herbarium sheet ONLY. Specifications of a standard herbarium sheet are:

  • Acid-free paper or cardstock.

  • Size of herbarium sheet 11 x 16 inches (28 x 41 cm).

  • Thickness between 0.7 to 0.9mm.  



Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Dr. Susheel Verma Head & Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. Conservation Biology E-mail: susheel.verma@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419797202
Dr. Yash Pal Sharma Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. Mycology and Plant Pathology, Mushroom Biology E-mail: yashpalsharma@jammuuniversity.ac.in, yashdbm3@yahoo.co.inEPABX: 2673 Mobile No.: 9419157412
Dr. Namrata Sharma Professor M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D. Plant Reproduction E-mail: phyllanthus@rediffmail.comEPABX: 2671 Mobile No.: 9086003468
Dr. Veenu Kaul Professor M.Sc, Ph. D. Cytogenetics and Reproductive Biology E-mail: veenukaul@jammuuniversity.ac.in, veenukaul@yahoo.co.inEPABX: 2723 Mobile No.: 9419137180
Dr. Sikander Pal Associate Professor M.Sc, Ph. D. Plant Physiology and Plant Biochemistry E-mail: sikanderpal@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596744900
Dr. Geeta Associate Professor M.Sc, Ph.D Cytogenetics, Plant Tissue Culture E-mail: geetaji@yahoo.comEPABX: 2675 Mobile No.: 9419155243
Dr. Harish Chander Dutt Assistant Professor M.Sc, Ph.D Ecology, Plant taxonomy E-mail: harishchander@jammuuniversity.ac.in , hcdutt@rediffmail.comEPABX: 2678 Mobile No.: 9906073604
Dr. Skarma Nonzom Assistant Professor M.Sc, MPhil, PhD Mycology and Plant Pathology, Fungal Diversity E-mail: skarmanunzom@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419524725
Dr. Romica Verma Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph. D. Reproductive biology and Cytogenetics E-mail: romicaverma92@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 95968 24150
Dr. Abhishek Dutta Lecturer (On contract) M.Sc., Ph.D. Ethnobotany E-mail: abhishekdutta492@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596839143
Dr. Komal Verma Lecturer (On contract) M.Sc., Ph.D. Mushroom Taxonomy E-mail: vermakomal506@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 7051772281