- Notification: Introduction of PG diploma course in Media and law and adoption of statutes
- Notification: Introduction of PG diploma course in Intellectual Property Law and adoption of statutes
- Notification: Revival of PG diploma course in Criminology and Police Science and adoption of revised Statutes
- Notification: Introduction of PG diploma course and adoption of statutes in Corporate Law(Academic Session 2025-26)
- Notification: The Tourism and Travel Management subject in FYUGP (NEP-2020) is hereby introduced in Academic Session 2025-26
- Notification: Additional 2 credits awarded FYUGP (NEP-2020) for participation in 'College on Wheels Innovative Project'.
- Notification: One time Relaxation to 3 year students of B.Sc. Paramedical Science- Batch 2020 to appear in the examination
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Hindi for semesters I to VI at Undergraduate level under the CBCS for Regular and Reappear Candidates
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Botany for semesters I to VI under CBCS for Regular and Reappear candidates
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of URDU for semesters Ist to IIIrd for FYUGP as per NEP-2020 for the re-appear candidates
- Notification: Conduct of examinations of the papers of PSMBTC301 and PSMBTC401 of Semester-3rd and Semester-4th respectively of MBA under CBCS
- Corrigendum: Four Year Undergraduate Programme (Design Your Degree) of semester-I and II for the examinations to be held in the year Dec 2023, 2024 and 2025 and May 2024, 2025 and 2026.
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of Botany for Master Degree Programme for semester Ist to IVth under the CBCS for the Regular and Reappear Candidates for the examinations to be held in the Academic session 2024 only.
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of BBA (HM) for semester Ist to VI at UG level under CBCS for the Regular and Reappear Candidates for the examinations to be held in the year 2024-2025
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of Psychology for semester Ist to VI under the Non-CBCS at UG level for the candidates of DD&OE
- Notification: Adoption of the Syllabus and Courses of Studies for FYUG Programme (Design Your Degree) of Semester-IIIrd for the examinations to be held in the year December 2024, 2025 and 2026.
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of English for MDP for semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for the Regular and Reappear Candidates (Academic session 2024) only.
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of Dogri for MDP for semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for the Regular and Reappear Candidates (Academic session 2024) only.
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of Punjabi for MDP for semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for the Regular and Reappear Candidates (Academic session 2024) only.
- Notification: Syllabus for Data Analytics, Course Code MBEXS208 is a substitute course in place of MOOC Course of Semester II of Executive MBA for the examinations which was held in the years May 2023, 2024 and to be held in 2025
- Notification: Placement of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) Programme in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Corrigendum: Please Read Theory Examination and Field Study marks in the Syllabus of P.G. Diploma in Human Rights and Duties Education of semester II, Course No. PGDHRDE06 for the examinations in the year May 2022, 2023 and 2024.
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Urdu for semester Ist to IIIrd for the Re-appear candidates (Multidisciplinary Course)
- Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Hindi for Master Degree Programme for semester Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS Scheme for the Regular Candidates of DD&OE for the examinations to be held in the year 2024 to 2028
- Notification: Approval of Self Learning Material (SLM) of all the subjects offered at Under Graduate and Post Graduate Level in the Directorate of Distance and Online Education, University of Jammu.
- Notification: Adoption of the revised Statues governing the Degree of Maste of Laws (LL.M) from the Academic Session 2024-25 and onwards
- Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study in the subject of Sanskrit for MDP for semester I to IVth under CBCS for the examinations to be held in the year 2024-25 only.
Course Code: BA LL.B 706 of Sem V of LL.B (5 year) is also continued for the academic session 2026, 2027 and 2028
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Economics for semester Ist to VIth at Undergraduate level under CBCS for the regular and failure for the examinations to be held in 2024,2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028.
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Sanskrit for MDP for semester Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS Scheme for the examinations to be held in the year 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27.
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Sanskrit for Master Degree Programme for semester Ist, IInd, IIIrd and IVth under CBCS for the examinations to be held in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028
Notification: Adoption of the Syllabi and Courses of Studies of the Subject of Commerce of Semester Vth-VIIIth for FYUGP of Bachelor of Commerce as per NEP-2020 for the examinations to be held in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Economics Semester Ist to VIth at Undergraduate Level under Non-CBCS Scheme for the Candidate of DD&OE for the examinations to be held in the year 2024, 2025 and 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the Subject of Economics for MDP for Semester I-IV under Non-CBCS Scheme for the Candidate of DD& OE
Notification: Adoption of Framework in the subject of Music in the FYUGP under NEP-2020 applicable from the Academic Session 2024-25 onwards
Notification: Revised Syllabi of the subject of Economics for Master Degree Programme of Semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for the examinations to be held in the year 2024,2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Geology of semesters I to VIth at Undergraduate level under CBCS for regular and re-appear candidates
Notification : Continuation of the existing syllabi of Environmental Sciences of semesters I-VIth at Undergraduate level under CBCS for regular and re-appear candidates
Notification: Course No. URD-406 of Semester-IV of MDP in Urdu under Non-CBCS Scheme offered in DD&OE for the examinations to be held in the years May 2021, 2022 and 2024 onwards.
Corrigendum: Duration of Examination of the subject of History for semester I to VI at Undergraduate level under Non-CBCS scheme for the Candidates of DD&OE.
Notification: Guidelines for students admitted under Orphan Children and PM CARES category from Academic Session 2024-25 onwards
Notification: MBBS Programme (MCQs and theory question Paper)
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi of Sanskrit for MDP for Semesters Ist to IVth under CBCS scheme for the examinations to be held in the years Dec 2024, 2025 and 2026, May 2025, 2026 and 2027, Dec 2025, 2026 and 2027, May 2026, 2027 and 2028
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi of Sanskrit for MDP for Semesters Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS scheme for the examinations to be held in the year 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi of Economics MDP for Semesters Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS scheme for the candidates of DD & OE
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi of Economics Semesters Ist to VIth at UG level under Non-CBCS Scheme for the Candidates of DD& OE
Notification:Summer Internship in Semester-V of the FYUGP as per NEP-2020
Notification: Adoption of the amended Syllabus and Courses of Study of the subject History for MDP for Sem-IVth under CBCS
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Environmental Science of MDP for the semesters Ist to IVth under CBCS for the Regular and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Political Science for semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at Undergraduate level for the Regular and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Political Science of MDP for semesters Ist to IVth under the CBCS for the Regular and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of the subject of Environmental Science for semesters IIIrd and IVth under the (Non-CBCS Scheme) at Undergraduate Level for the regular and re-appear candidates of DDE& OE
Notification: Relaxation to the students of the FYUGP under NEP-2020 for seeking admissions to Semester-V (for current students of Batch 2022-23 only) Supersession to Notification regarding Admission to Semester-V (for current students of Batch 2022-23 only) for the FYUGP under NEP-2020
Notification: Membership of the Board of Studies in Music in the Faculty of Arts for the triennal period 2024-27
Notification: Membership of the Board of Studies in Nursing in the Faculty of Medical Science for the triennial period 2024-27
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Dogri of MDP for semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for Regular and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Relaxation to those degree colleges where the students have been alloted the same Multidiciplinary Courses in Semester -I, II and III of Four Year Under Graduate Programme as per NEP-2020 for the academic batch 2022-23
Notification: Adoption of the Syllabi and Courses of Studies of Education of Master Degree Programme of Semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for the candidates of the DDE&OE
Notification: Adoption of the Syllabi and Courses of Studies of the subject of Education of Semester Vth to VIIIth for Four Year Under Graduate Programme as per NEP-2020
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study of Education of MDP for semesters Ist to IVth under CBCS for the examinations to be held in the years 2024-25
Notification: Amended Syllabus and Courses of Study of Master Degree Programme in Defence and Strategic Studies for Semesters IVth, Course No. PSDSTC-402 under CBCS
Notification:Continuation of MDP syllabi of Arabic under CBCS Ist to 4th Sem
Notification: Amendments in the note for distribution of marks in the Practical Examination of the Syllabi and Courses of studies in the Botany in the semester Ist to IVth for FYUGP as per NEP-2020
Notification: Existing syllabi and Courses of Studies of Multidisciplinary Course, Title-Entrepreneurship in Botany of semester IInd for FYUGP as per NEP-2020(for the examinations to be held May 2023 and May 2024 only) And adoption of the revised Syllabi and Courses of Study of subject of Botany of semesters IInd for FYUGP as per NEP-2020
Notification: Adoption of the syllabi and courses of studies in the subject of Zoology of Semester Vth to VIIIth for FYUGP as per NEP-2020
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Zoology of MDP for semester Ist and IInd under CBCS and Adoption of the revised Syllabi of Zoology of MDP for Semester III and IV under CBCS
Notification: Adoption of the syllabi and courses of studies of subject of Library Science for semester Vth to VIIIth for FYUGP under CBCS as per NEP-2020
Notifcation: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and courses of study of subject of Sociology for MDP of sem Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS Scheme for the candidates of the DD & OE, Academic session 2024-25 onwards
Notification: Examination fee of Four Year Basic B.Sc. Nursing and Under Graduate Programmes in Music & Fine Arts offered in yearly as well as semester system pattern
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of MBA for sem Ist to 4th under CBCS
Notification: Relaxation to the students of Four Year Under Graduate Programme (NEP-2020) who have missed their Internal Assessment Test
Notification regarding Syllabi and courses of studies in the subject of Industrial Fish and Fisheries of Sem Vth-VIIIth for FYUGP under CBCS
Notification regarding Syllabi and courses of studies in the subject of Islamic Studies of Sem Vth-VIIIth for FYUGP under CBCS
Notification: Inclusion of Registration Fee Component in the Fee Structure of the Four Year Under Graduate Programme-Design Your Degreee as per NEP 2020
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of M.Ed Programme for Semesters I-IV under Non-CBCS for the Re-appear and Failure candidates for the examinations to be held in the years (2023-2024 to 2025-2026)
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of B.Ed Programme for Semesters I-IV for the examinations Dec 2023, May 2024, Dec 2024 and May 2025
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Indian Music for Semesters I-VI under CBCS at UG level
Amendment in Sylllabus of BCA Sem-IV for FYUGP under CBCS(NEP-2020)
Policy for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi of Electronics for Master Degree Programme (sem Ist to IVth) under CBCS
Course Scheme & Syllabus of the six months Certificate Course in Music in the Bhaderwah Campus, JU
Statistics for Master Degree Programme of Semester Ist-IVth under CBCS
Regular classwork of semester1st session 2023-24 time table
Self supporting stands deleted from one year post graduate diploma course in cultural and heritage tourismin Jammu region in the deptt. of History
Remuneration for evaluation of IAA is from Rs. 2 to Rs. 10 for Undergraduate courses and M.COM in the DDE
Re-registration fee component is included in the fee structure of the Ph.D programme for the year 2023-24
Corrigendum: Syllabi of Punjabi of Semester Vth under CBCS at UG level for the examination to be held in December 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Corrigendum: Syllabi of B.Com of Semester Vth under CBCS at UG level for the examination to be held in December 2023, 2024 and 2025
Notification:Correction in nomenclature of Master Degree Programme in Journalism and Media Studies as 'Master Degree Programme in Journalism and Mass Communication'
Notification: Nomenclature of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering(B.E.) to the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) stands applicable from the Batch 2022 and onwards.
Notification: Amendment of Statute 8.6 (Pass Percentage) of the Statutes governing the degree of Bachelor of Technology under CBS from the session 2022 onwards.
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of studies of (Persian, Arabic, Economics, Hindi, Home Science, Music, Philosophy, Statistics, Business Management, Marketing Management) of semesters 1st-VIth at the UG level under Non-CBCS scheme for the candidates of DD&OE for Regular, Failure and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of BCOM for semesters Ist to VIth under Non-CBCS Scheme for the candidates of DD&OE for Regular, Failure and Re-appear Candidates.
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabus of Dogri of Sem Ist to VIth at the UG level and MDP of semester Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS Scheme for the candidates of DD&OE for Regular and Re-appear Candidates.
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabus of Sociology of sem Ist to VIth at UG level under Non-CBCS scheme for the candidates of DD&OE for Regular and Re-appear Candidates.
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabus of M.Sc Nursing for Regular and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Physical Education of semesters Ist to VIth at the UG level under CBCS
Notification: Environmental Science of FYUGP(NEP-2020), Dated 25-08-2023
Notification: Admission to Semester-5th CBCS of three year B.A/B.Sc./ B.Com (General)/ BBA/ BCA course in all govt. and Non-govt. colleges
Notification: Psychology(CBCS) and B.A. Psychology(Hons.) for semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Kashmiri for Semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Geology for Semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Persian and Arabic for semesters Ist to VI under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Industrial Fish and Fisheries for Semesters Ist to VI under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Information of all concerned that the candidate shall attach the self-attested photo ID proof along with the application form for the issuance of Provisional/Degree/ Diploma/ Migration/Marks Certificates and Re-evaluation
Notification: Geography semesters Ist to VIth at UG level under CBCS and Non-CBCS for the Regular, Re-appear and Failure candidates.
Notification: Hindi Language, Hindi Literature and Hindi (Hons.) semesters IIIrd and Vth under CBCS
Notification: Punjabi semesters Ist to VIth at the UG level under CBCS
Notification: Physics semesters Ist to VIth at the UG level under CBCS
Notification: Statistics Semesters Ist to VIth at the UG level under CBCS for Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates
Notification: Chemistry of Semesters Ist to VIth at the UG level under CBCS
Notification: Islamic Studies of semesters Ist to VIth at UG level under CBCS
Notification: Political Science B.A. (Hons.) and Public Administration of semesters Ist to VIth at UG level under CBCS
Notification: Environmental Science of the Semesters Ist to VIth at UG level under CBCS
Notification: B.Sc. Electronics of semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Social Work of semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Dogri of Semesters Ist to VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Home Science (B.A./ B.Sc.) of semesters Ist to VIth at UG level under CBCS
Notification: Sanskrit of Semesters Ist to VIth at the Undergraduate Level under CBCS and Non-CBCS for the Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates.
Notification: Sociology of Semesters Ist to VIth at the Undergraduate Level under CBCS for the Regular, Re-appear and Failures Candidates
Notification: Urdu (CBCS) and Urdu (Non-CBCS) DD&OE of semesters Ist to VIth at the Undergraduate level and Master Degree Programme of Urdu(CBCS and Non-CBCS DD&OE)
Notification: History and B.A. History (Hons.) of semesters Ist to VIth at the Undergraduate level under CBCS and Non-CBCS for the candidates of DD& OE for Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates
Notification: Education of Semesters Ist-VIth at the Undergraduate level under CBCS and Non-CBCS for the candidates of DD&OE for Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates (for examinations: 2022-2025)
Notification: English, Functional English and English Literature of Semesters Ist to VIth at the Undergraduate Level under CBCS for the Regualr, Re-appear and Failure Candidates (Examinations: 2022-2027)
Notification: Library Science of Semesters Ist to Vith at the Undergraduate Level under CBCS for the Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates(Examinations: 2023-2027)
Notification: Change in the title of Course No. UMICST303 of the Subject BCA of Semester IIIrd for FYUGP as NEP-2020
Notification: Mathematics for Master Degree Programme of semesters Ist to IVth under Non-CBCS Scheme for the Private, Failure and Re-appear Candidates(2021-2025)
Notification: Mathematics Semesters 1st to VIth at the Undergraduate Level under CBCS and Non-CBCS for the DD&OE Candidates(Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates)
Notification: Resource Mobilization Fee for the students admitted in the Govt. Colleges for various courses of the University
Notification: Botany semesters Ist to Vith at the Undergraduate Level under CBCS for regular, re-appear and failure candidates
Notification: BBA, Business Management/ Management and Marketing Management of semesters I to VIth at the Undergraduate level under CBCS and P.G. Diploma in Business Management of semester I and II for Regular, Re-appear and Failure Candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study in Dogri of Sem 1st and 2nd for FYUGP under CBCS for the failure and Re-appear Candidates
Notification: Remote Sensing and GIS for Master Degree Programme for sem Ist to IVth under CBCS for failure and Re-appear candidates.
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of the subject of MBA-IB at ICccR & HRM for sem I to IVth under CBCS
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses of study of PGD in Composite Culture Management of sem I and II for the failure and re-appear candidates
Notification: Revised syllabus for Two Year MCA programme sem IV Open course PSCSATO452 under CBCS
Corrigendum: Public Administration ----Sem I and Sem II (Course No. UMDPAT-103 and 203 respectively) for FYUGP under CBCS as per NEP-2020
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and courses study in the subject of BBA(HM) Sem 1st-VIth at UG level and MBA (HT) of MDP for sem 1st-IVth under CBCS for the failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and course of study of the subject of Political Science under CBCS of sem 1st and IInd for the failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Continuation of the existing syllabi and course of study of the subject of Public Administration of sem 1st and IInd under CBCS for the failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Three Months Certificate Courses(Course Scheme & Structure) in the Disaster Management Centre, JU
Notification: Contination of the existing syllabi and courses of study in Education for semesters I-VI under CBCS at the Undergraduate level for the failure and Re-appear Candidates for the examination to be held in the years 2023-24 onwards.
Notification: Exam Details for Women's Studies Semester 4th of P.G Programme under the CBCS
Notification:Earning of 4 Credits through Open Elective or MOOCs in 4th Semester MDP -CBCS
Notification: Journalism and Media Studies Sem-I & II under CBCS for the Failure and Reappear Candidates for the academic session 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
Corrigendum: B.Lib.I.Sc of semester IInd for the examination to be held in May 2023 and M.Lib.I.Sc of semester Ist and IInd under Non-CBCS Scheme
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and courses of study in the subject of Economics of sem Ist Code Course UMDECT:103 (Multi-disciplinary Course) for the failure and Re-appear Candidates for the examinations(2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026)
Notification: Continuation of the existing Syllabi and Courses of Study in the subject of History for MDP of sem 1st to IVth under CBCS
Notification: Continuation of existing syllabi of Punjabi(O.L) in Gyani for the DD&OE and private candidates for the examinations to be held in the years 2023, 2024 and 2025
Notification: MBA for semester Ist to IVth under CBCS for the academic session 2023-2024 only
Notification: BBA(HM) for Sem Ist to VIth at UG level and MBA(HT) of MDP for Sem Ist to IVth under CBCS for the academic session 2022-23
Amendment in Statute 40-Determination of Grades
Correction Slip in the subject of Punjabi (Course No. 500) for Master Degree Programme under Non-CBCS for the examinations to be held in Dec 2022,2023 and 2024 and May 2023, 2024 and 2025
Notification: Examinations for Undergraduate level failure and Re-appear Candidates in the subject of Zoology
Notification: Examinations for Master Degree Programme (semesters Ist to IVth for Private Candidates)
Notification: Master Degree Programme in Physical Education(M.P.E.d) for semesters I to IV under CBCS for the Academic session 2023-2024 only.
Notification: Two year B.P.E.d (Semesters I to IV) under Non-CBCS Scheme for the Academic session 2023-2024 only.
Notification: Examinations to be held for B.Ed for semesters I to IV
Notification: Bachelor of Visual Arts(Painting, Sculpture, Applied Art and Art History & Aesthetics for another five years for Re-appear and Failure candidates(Academic session 2021-22 onwards)
Notification: MOOC Courses in the Post Graduate Level for 4th Semester in the offsite campuses and Govt. /Private affilated Colleges.
Notification: One year P.G. Diploma Course in Cultural & Heritage Tourism in Jammu region, Department of History, JU
Notification: Change of nomenclature of MDP in Rural Development to Master of Rural Studies w.e.f academic session 2022-23 onwards
Notification: Political Science for Ist to IInd semesters under Non-CBCS scheme at Undergraduate Level for the candidates of DDE, 2022-23
Notification: Bachelor of Visual Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Applied Art and Art History and Aesthetics)
Notification: Non-Collegiate Women's Education Board, DD& OE(Directorate of Distance and Online Education, JU)
Notification: B.Com. LLB(5 Year) in Udhampur Campus, JU
Notification: Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) Course in Udhampur Campus, JU
Notification: Guidelines for Pursuing Two Academic Programmes Simultaneously
Notification : Nomenclature of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
Notification: Revised Statutes governing Basic B.Sc. Nursing degree programme under semester systems as per Indian Nursing Council
Notification : Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) semesters 1st to Fourth year.
Proposed Amendments in the existing statute of Entrance Examination for admission to L.L.M Course
Corrigendum: FYUGP-BCA under CBCS as per NEP-2020
Notification: Fee Structure of B.Com. (Honours) Programme offered in the Bhaderwah Campus and Udhampur Campus, University of Jammu Academic session 2022-23 onwards
Notification: Fee Structure of B.A English (Ist Semester) Kathua Campus from the session 2022-23 onwards.
Notification: Syllabi and course of study in the subject of Social Work of semesters Ist and IInd for Four year UG programme under CBCS as per NEP-2020
Notification: Value Added Courses of Semester 1st and IInd for Four Year UG programme under CBCS as per NEP-2020
Notification: Syllabi and course of study in the subject of English of MDP for semesters 1st to VIth under Non-CBCS scheme for the Candidates of DDE
Corrigendum: Syllabi of Indian Music of B.A. for the Vth and VIth semesters under CBCS, JU
Notification: Introduction of 5 Years Integrated MCA Programme in the Bhaderwah Campus, JU
Notification: Syllabi of Psychology for semesters 1st to VIth under Non-CBCS scheme at UG level for the candidates of DDE, Private and Re-appear.
Notification: Industrial Fish and Fisheries syllabi for 1st to VIth under CBCS at UG level for Failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Sericulture syllabi for Semesters 1st to VIth under CBCS at UG level for Failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Zoology Syllabi for Semesters 1st to VIth under CBCS at UG level for Failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Revised Syllabi and courses of study in the subject of Statistics of Semesters 1st, IInd and IIIrd for Four Year Under Graduate Programme under CBCS as per NEP-2020
Notification: Revised Syllabi and course of study in the subject of Physics for semesters 1st to VIth under CBCS at UG level for Failure and Re-appear candidates
Notification: Hindi Language for Semester Vth and VIth under CBCS at UG level
Notification: Revised Syllabi and courses of Study in Open course Semester IVth in the Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy to be offered for the PG students under CBCS
Notification: Revised Syllabi and Courses of Study in the subject of Sericulture of MDP Sem 3 & 4 under CBCS in the Offsite campus
Notification: Amendment in the Master's Degree Programme(CBCS) in the Offsite Campuses/affiliated P.G Colleges
Notification: Eligiblilty Criteria for admission to M.Com Programme in DDE, JU
Corrigendum: Instruction for Paper setter and Candidates
Notification: Hindi(Hons) for Semester III under CBCS for the Fresh Batch
Notification: Hindi Literature for Semester Vth and VIth under CBCS at UG level for the Fresh candidates
Notification: Hindi Literature for Semester IIIrd and IVth under CBCS at UG level for the Fresh Candidates
Notification: Hindi Literature for semesters Ist and IInd for Regular and Re-appear and for IIIrd and IVth Semester only for the Re-appear Candidates under CBCS at the UG level
Notification: Syllabi and Courses of study of Hindi(Hons) for semesters Ist and IInd for Regular, Failure and Re-appear, Failure and Re-appear Candidates and for semester IIIrd only for Failure and Re-appear Candidates under CBCS
Syllabi and Courses of Study in the subject of Public Administration for Sem 5th and 6th under CBCS
Corrigendum for questions weightage with internal choice in Sociology of Master Degree for Sem 1st to VIth under Non-CBCS scheme.
Notification : Allotment of Programme code to all PG programmes (CBCS) and Under Graduate (Professional)
Notification : Computer Engineering of B.E Programme is changed as Computer Science & Engineering.
Corrigendum regarding syllabi of BCA under CBCS
Notification: Adoption of National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, session 2021-22 onwards
Notification: Adoption of Indian Nursing Council, Revised Regulations and Curriculum for B.Sc Nursing Programme, Regulations, 2020 from the session 2022-23 onwards
Notification : Environmental Science for semesters Ist to VIth under Non-CBCS scheme at UG level for the candidates of DDE, Academic session 2022-23
Corrigendum regarding Syllabus of Biochemistry for Semester Ist to VIth under CBCS at the UG level
Corrigendum regarding syllabi and courses of study in the subject English/English literature of Semester IIIrd (CBCS)
Notification: Adoption of fee structure and introduction of fee on account of self financing seats of the deptt. of Journalism and Media Studies, University of Jammu