About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
The National Service Scheme is a movement a method and a Programme to effectively involve the University Teachers and students in making education socially relevant and using the system to transform the society. This process not only seeks to make the teaching purposeful and meaningful, but it also seeks to sensitize the members of the University Community who are a privileged group to contribute their mite to the good of the society. Effective communication on a contributing and reciprocal basis between the University and the society of which it is a system will undoubtedly strengthen the teaching programmes and will prove helpful in the restructuring of the contents of various courses offered at the graduate and post-graduate levels.
The realization that the educational system should actively contribute towards the benefit of the masses and should not remain a prerogative of few has grown in recent years. The National Service Scheme has opened new vistas and has offered unique opportunities for institutions of higher learning to become instruments of change and development.
The NSS organization of Jammu University is organizing special camps, inter-college & National Integration camps to make youth to interact with each other and to transfer skill. The Programme Schedule of these camps include lectures by experts group discussions & demonstrations by Audio Visual methods for increasing the capacity of students to learn the art of communication of skills & numerical skills. The training is provided to Peer Educators through training and orientation courses and short duration workshops. The major objective of such trainings to provide education and latest information by latest methods of Information Technology such as internet & others and than to create practical and meaningful awareness, with an objective of generation consciousness are concern for the social issues concerning the society. The communication skills are developed to attain the objective of bringing transformation in the attitude & behaviour of such individuals, which is not in confirmily with healthy norms and is adverse to the concept of 'Healthy Life Style'. The developed communication skill, with latest knowledge based on accurate Information Technology to the Peer Educators & desired awareness & education about issues like HIV/AIDS drug addiction, literary Environment Protection & Child Labour.
The experience of the National Service Scheme in the last seven years however need to be systematized in the form of a built-in mechanism to induce change within the existing system and without. This is necessary because the concept, and the function of education for the matter, have been changing with the merging needs and problems of a given Society. Earlier the Universities and the Institutions of higher learning were established with the primary purpose of imparting knowledge for its own sake. Later it was realized that the Universities should prepare graduates who could take up certain jobs with or without in-service training. Of late, the role of the Universities has been visualized as that of catalyst in a society, and as such they should undertake the tasks of promoting or bringing about social change and development. Thus the changing concept and function of education from mere dissemination of knowledge to the assumption of responsibility for social and economic development has prompted academicians to exercise their minds of the nature of courses related to the social reality, the methods of teaching, and of evaluation of students' performance in a subject. This task however has not been easy; and those who have discharged the 'Limited' function of didactic teaching for a number of decades in the institutions of higher learning and who still visualize the dissemination of knowledge as the primary task of the University have been quite opposed to any change. This has thwarted efforts to bring about reforms in the educational system, and in the restructuring or reorientation of the curricula at the graduate and post-graduate levels.
NSS Campus Unit-II, JU organized Cleanliness Drive under Second Phase
NSS Campus Unit-II, JU organized Cleanliness Drive
Office of the Programme Coordinator NSS, JU Celebrates National Youth Day-2023
“NSS Campus Units JU organized National Unity Day-Rastriya Ekta Diwas-2022 and Cleanliness Drive”
Red Ribbon Club, NSS JU and JKSACS, Health and Medical Department, J&K Organizes Online Quiz
NSS , JU organizes Webinar on "Ecosystem – The Life Support System, Rejuvenation and Restoration”