
  • Professional Training Programme Conducted:
  • 21 days Winter School Training Programme for Capacity building in Geospatial Technologies under NRDMS (DST) Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, 
    New Delhi w.e.f 25th Feb. - 17th March, 2014 for College and University teachers.
  • 10 days Training Programme for Capacity building in Geospatial Technologies for PGTs in Geography (KVS, NVS and CBSE) of Higher Secondary from 27th July to 7th August 2015 
    sponsored by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), department of Space, Govt. of India in collaboration with National Council of Educational Research and Training
     (NCERT), New Delhi. 
  • 21 days Winter School Training Programme for Capacity building in Geospatial Technologies under NRDMS (DST) Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, 
    New Delhi w.e.f 21st Dec., 2015 - 10th Jan., 2016 for College and University teachers.
  • 21 days Winter School Training Programme for Capacity building in Geospatial Technologies under NRDMS (DST) Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India,
     New Delhi w.e.f 20th Dec. 2016 to 9th Jan. 2017for College/University teachers and State administration.
  • 21 days “Winter School Training Programme for Capacity Building in Geospatial Technologies L2 (Water Resources) under NRDMS (DST) Programme, Ministry of Science and 
    Technology, Govt. of India New Delhi w.e.f 19th November to 9th December, 2019 for College/University teachers and State administration.
Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. A.S. Jasrotia Professor & Head M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D & P.G. Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Remote Sensing & GIS E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419133793
Dr. Ajay Kumar Taloor Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D & P.G. Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Remote Sensing & GIS E-mail: ajaytaloor@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419116573