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Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
The Inter-Hostel Badminton Competition organized by Chairman, Campus Sports Committee in collaboration with Provost, Boys' Hostels, University of Jammu, held on 13 June 2024 at Gymnasium Hall with enthusiastic participation from various Boys’ hostels of University of Jammu. The event aimed to promote sportsmanship and camaraderie among students residing in different hostels. *Event Overview:* The competition commenced at 5:00 pm with an inaugural ceremony by the Chief Guest Prof. Lalit Sen Sharma (Provost), Prof. Jaspal Singh Warwal warden Baba Jitto boys hostel (Guest of honour) dignitaries Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba Chairman, Campus Sports Committee, Dr. Satya Priya warden of Jambu lochan Boys Hostel, Dr. Nitin Sharma, Dr. PP Singh, Dr. Ripu Daman, Dr. Rajesh Sharma. The matches were conducted under the supervision of Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba, Chairman, Campus Sports Committee in which Mr. Ravish Vaid Table Tennis Coach played a very significant role. A total of four teams representing four hostels named Baba Jitto Boys Hostel, Vivekananda Boys Hostel, Nehru Boys hostel and Jambu Lochan Boys Hostel competed fiercely across various categories including men's singles, men's doubles. The first match was played between Jambu Lochan Boys Hostel and Nehru Boys hostel in which Jambu Lochan beats Nehru Hostel by 2-0. The second match was played between Vivekananda Boys Hostel and Baba Jitto Hostel but the Baba jitto boys hostel team weren’t present at that time so Vivekananda team reached finals without playing a match. The final match was played between Jambu Lochan Boys Hostel and Vivekananda Boys hostel in which Vivekananda boys hostel won final by 2-0.