Awards and Achievements


Name of the Faculty Member Award/Honor/Achievement/Selection/Appointment/Nomination etc.
Prof. Naresh Padha
  • Executive Member, ISCA    Elected member,    Indian Science Congress Association,Years 2018-2019, 
  • 2016-2017 and 2013-14
  • Local Secretary, 101st Indian Science Congress held at University of Jammu, Feb 3-7, 2014
  • Best Research Paper Award,Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat,    Hari Ohm Ashram Prerit Shri….Inter-Univ Trust    23.03.2010
  • Young Scientist Award,Selection at state level,    J & K State Council of Science & Technology, 1995
  • Young Scientist Fellowship, Selection at state level,J&K State council of Science & Technology, 3 months in  1996 and  3 months 1997
  • Research Fellowship Selection, University of Jammu, April 1988 to May 1989 and 1st April 1986 to 31st Dec 1986.
  • (Junior Research Fellowship), Selection at national level,Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai,    Jan 1987 to March 1988
Prof. Rajni Kant
  • Vice Chancellor, Rabindranath Tagore University Bhopal,  September, 2023
  • Selected for MHRD LEAP-2.0 Training at 2019
  • IIT Kharagpur (Nov. 10-25th 2019)
  • Churchill College, Cambridge University, U.K (Jan 5-11, 2020)
  • Elected as Vice-President, Indian Crystallography Association at  BARC 2019
  • Elected as Member, National Academy of Sciences (NASI) 2016
  • Nominated Member, IUCr- INSA National Committee on Crystallography 2016
  • Elected Member, Executive Council, Indian Crystallographic Association 2013
  • Elected Member, Executive Council, Indian Crystallographic Association 2010
  • Nominated as INSA Delegate for IUCr Meeting, Osaka, Japan 2008      
  • Elected Member, Executive Council, Indian Crystallographic Association 2007
  • Nominated by MEA to Impart Crystallography at Yangoan Univ., Mynamar 2006
  • State DST Visiting Fellowship at CLCR, Bangalore 1997
  • DST BOYSCAST Fellowship at Oxford University, U.K.1993
  • DST Young Scientist Award in Physics by the State Council of Sci. & Tech. --- 1991
Prof. Anju Bhasin
  • Dean Academic Affairs, University of Jammu, 2023-
  • Founding Vice Chancellor, Cluster University of Jammu (March 2017- June 2020)
  • Fulbright Professional and Academic Excellence fellowship 2014-2015(For Nine months starting Mid Nov, 2014)
  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow at University of Birmingham, UK (June, 2012-June 2018)
  • Marie Curie International incoming Fellowship to UK (2006-2008);
  • Marie Curie International incoming Fellowship( return Phase) at University of Jammu, (2009 -2010)
  • Commonwealth Fellowship to U.K,(1998 -1999 ) 
  • Young Scientist Award by J& K State Department of Science and Technology (1992).
  • CSIR Research Associateship, (1993 -1994) 
Prof. Vivek Kumar Gupta 
  • Received "Young Scientist Award "in the  field of  Physical  Sciences  for the  year  1994,  conferred  by   the  Dept.  of  Science  and  Technology,   J & K  State Govt., India. 
  • Awarded "INSA Visiting Fellowship- 1997-98"   by   Indian   National Science  Academy,  New   Delhi  to  do  Research at Centre for Liquid Crystal Research, Bangalore during 1997-98. Worked on the Project “X-ray and High Pressure studies on some Discotic Liquid Crystals”.
  • Awarded "INSA Visiting Fellowship- 2003-04"  by Indian National Science Academy, New  Delhi to do Research at Centre for Liquid Crystal Research, Bangalore during 2003-04.Worked on the Project “Effect of  Pressure on the Photoinduced Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals”.
Prof. Sanjeev Singh Sambyal
  • Received “Young Scientist Award-1996 in Physical Sciences” conferred by the Department of Science and Technology, J & K State Govt.
  • Received JRF by UGC, India, from 1988 to 1992  
  • Received SRF by Department of Atomic Energy, India, from 1988 to 1992  
Prof. Arun Bharti  
Prof. K. K. Bamzai
  • Awarded a medal and cash prize for topping the list in P. G. Dip. in Journalism from Jamna Devi Trust (1989).
  • Received Royal Society Fellowship (UK) to work in faculty of Engineering, School of Metallurgy and Materials, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK under Scientific Exchange Programme of Indian National Science Academy for a period of three months from 6th Sept. to 3rd Dec. 2004 
  • Received best presentation award (2nd Prize) during National Seminar on Electro ceramics (NSE – 2007) November 5-6, 2007, GVM Girls College, Sonepat. 
  • Received Materials Research Society of India Medal for the year 2015 (MRSI Medal 2015) in recognition of the significant contribution to the field of Materials Science & Engineering during 26th Annual General Meeting of MRSI at University of Rajasthan on 10th February 2015. 
Prof. Ramni Gupta
  • Department SWAYAM Coordinator, 2019- .
  • Department NAAC Coordinator, 2005-2017, 2019- .
  • Received “Young Scientist Award-2013 in Physical Sciences” conferred by the Department of Science and Technology, J & K State Govt.
Dr. Rani Devi
  • Awarded “Senior Research Fellowship” by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi during 1996.
  • Received “Young Scientist Award-1998 in Physical Sciences” conferred by the Department of Science and Technology, J & K State Govt. The award carried a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and a citation.
Dr. Sandeep Arya
  • Awarded "Visiting Scientist Fellowship- 2020-21" by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India to do Research at JNCASR, Bangalore, India. 
  • Awarded "INSA Visiting Fellowship- 2017-18" by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi to do Research at CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India. 
  • Best paper award in National Conference on Trends in Electronics and Computational technologies (NCTECT-2015), 2015.
  • Awarded IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship -2012 sponsored by IASc-INSA-NASI collectively to do research at IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
Er. Anik Gupta
  • Fellow Institution of Engineers
  • Former Director Computer Centre University of Jammu
  • Director Centre For IT Services University of Jammu
  • Member LHC GRID Task Force  setup by Department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India
  • Was System Coordinator for India  Experiment PMD at ALICE in LHC at CERN
  • Was responsible for development and installation of the Detector Control System for PMD at ALICE at LHC in CERN
Er. Sanjay Mahajan  
Dr. Rajndra Nath Patra
  • 1. Fellowship

Ph.D. Students


PG Students

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Naresh Padha Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Optoelectronics E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419182875
Prof. Rajni Kant Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, Post-Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics E-mail: rkant.ju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419194375
Prof. Anju Bhasin Professor, Dean Academic Affairs M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D., Post-Ph.D. Experimental High Energy Physics (Working in ALICE & CBM collaborations) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419181423
Prof. Vivek Kumar Gupta Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Condensed Matter Physics (X-ray Crystallography of Organic, Organometallic and liquid Crystalline molecules) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419102467
Prof. Sanjeev Singh Sambyal Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Experimental High Energy Physics (Working in ALICE & CBM collaborations) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419183686
Prof. Arun Bharti Professor & Head M.Sc,M.Phil, Ph.D Theoretical Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419134355
Prof. K. K. Bamzai Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Experimental Solid State Physics / Crystal Growth & Characterization / Materials Research E-mail: kkbamz@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419134629
Prof. Ramni Gupta Professor M.Sc, NET, Ph.D Experimental High Energy Physics (QGP Physics, Fluctuations study (Intermittency) E-mail: Ramni.Gupta@cern.chEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419191509
Dr. Rani Devi Associate Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Nuclear Theory (Microscopic Nuclear Structure Theory and Nuclear Density Functional theory) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9469749946
Dr. Sandeep Arya Assistant Professor M.Sc, NET, Ph.D Electronics and Materials Science (Nanomaterials for Sensing and Energy applications) E-mail:, Mobile No.: 9419156254
Dr. Rajendra Nath Patra Assistant Professor MSc, NET, PhD, Post-Doc Experimental High Energy Physics and QGP study, Silicon and Gas detector technology E-mail:, rajendrapatra07@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9126650330
Er. Anik Gupta Scientist G/Director Centre for IT Enabled Services and management B.E.(Electronics and Electrical communication) Electronics Instrumentation and Detector Technology E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419183235
Er. Sanjay Mahajan Electronics Engineer B.E (Electronics & Communication High Energy Physics E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419141358
Dr. Saroj Kanta Nayak Programmer B.E (Electronics & Communication) High Energy Physics E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419209752