1. No entry beyond serving counter, kitchen area & serving area is out of bound for boarders.
  2. Meal timing to be observed (there is no obligation to serve beyond prescribed time)

Timing: Breakfast 8:00 am to 9:30 am

              Lunch         1:00 pm to 2:45 pm

              Dinner        8:00 pm to 9:30pm  

  1. Two separate queues for scholars and PG boarders to be performed for meals.
  2. No one to take mess utensils out of dining hall. If anybody found doing so will be fined Rs 20/-per utensils on the spot.
  3. Timely payment of mess fee /fine is to be done. It is applicable during vacation too.
  4. No wastage of food.
  5. Come in person and also mark entries in mess (food register) maintained by mess Incharge.
  6. To avail the facility of meals during fasting time prior entries are to be made in fasting register maintained by the mess Incharge.


Mess Rules

  1. Mess committee comprises all Ph.D and M.Phil. scholars of the hostel.
  2. The mess committee will meet once in a month (last week).
  3. Mess committee will decide and fix the menu for the succeeding month in the last week of the month.
  4. Any change in the existing menu will first be discussed by the mess-in-charge with the mess committee, before its implementation.
  5. Any special dish, for the boarders during illness or otherwise, will be prepared by cooks only after being informed by the mess- in-charge.
  6. All boarders must make entry in the mess register about their fast day and the meal to be taken.
  7. No boarder is allowed to cook inside the kitchen hall of the hostel.
  8. No boarder is allowed to take any mess utensil in her room.
  9. No boarder is allowed to carry food during lunch times in her room.
  10. All employees are required to take their meals in the mess hall itself, after boarders mealtimes, i.e.Breakfast         after    9: 30am

                        Lunch              after    2:30pm

                        Dinner             after    8:45pm

  1. Nobody is allowed to take any food item outside the mess hall.  

Washroom Rules

Boarders are requested to act responsibly and keep washrooms clean by making proper use of the dustbins.

Points To Follow

  • Put used/empty satchels, bottles, toothpaste tubes etc. in the dustbins.
  • Wrap used sanitary napkins before putting in the dustbin.


  • All wing boarders will pay fine (i.e. Rs 10/-boarder) in case used sanitary napkins are found in any washroom of the wings. Alternatively any boarder found guilty would have to pay Rs 100/- on the spot.              
  • Taps, Lights, Geyser switch are to be switched off if not required.