About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Destination Branding of the Pancheri Region, Udhampur (J&K): Modelling Socio-ecological Systems for Economic Sustainability and Regional development.
S. No. |
Name of Author |
Title of the Paper |
Year |
ISSN No. |
Name of the Journal |
1 |
Sharma J. and Raina, A. K. |
Quantitative analysis, distributional pattern and species diversity of woody plant species of Lamberi Forest Range, Rajouri, J&K, India. |
2018 |
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411 |
J. App. Nat. Sci., 10(1): 522–527. |
2 |
Sharma, N. and Raina, A. K. |
Physico-chemical characteristics of soil under pine, mixed pine and broad leaved vegetation of Surinsar forest, J & K. |
2018 |
ISSN 0972-3099(Print)2278-5124 (Online) |
Env. Con. J., 19(3): 153-159. |
3 |
Manhas, P. and Raina, A. K. |
Composition, structure and diversity of tree species along an elevational gradient in Dudu forest range, Jammu and Kashmir, India. |
2018 |
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411 |
J. App. Nat. Sci., 10(3): 981-985. |
4 |
Kumar, R., Raina, A. K. and Sharma, N. |
Ion chromatography of major anions in the Neeru stream, Bhaderwah, J&K, India. |
2018 |
ISSN 0972-3099(Print)2278-5124 (Online) |
Env. Con. J., 19(3): 17-30. |
5 |
Kumar, R., Raina, A. K. and Sharma, N. |
Dataset on water quality characteristics of a hill stream in Bhaderwah, Jammu and Kashmir. |
2019 |
ISSN: 2352-3409 |
Data in Brief |
6 |
Sharma, S., Raina, A. K. and Upreti, D. K. |
Lichen diversity of Padder Valley Kishtwar (J&K), India. |
2019 |
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411 |
J. App. Nat. Sci. |
7 |
Kumar, R., Dutt, V. Raina, A. K. and Sharma, N. |
Spatial water quality assessment of a mountain stream in northwestern India using multivariate statistical techniques |
2022 |
ISSN 0167-6369 (Print) |
Environ Monit Assess 194:785 |
8 |
Mohan, R., Qamar, S. and Raina, A. K. |
Carbon dioxide sequestered by trees in an urban institution: A case study |
2022 |
ISSN 0972-3099(Print)2278-5124 (Online) |
Env. Con. J. 23 (1&2): 385-391 |
9 |
Sharma D. and Rampal, R.K. |
Combined impact of sewage and industrial effluent on Rice (Oryza sativa) in Marh Block, Jammu (J&K) |
2018 |
ISSN 0972-3099(Print)2278-5124 (Online) |
Env. Con. J., 19(3): 43-46 |
10 |
Choudhary, S. and Rampal, R.K. |
Assessment of indoor SPM in households of sub-urban areas of District Jammu (J&K) |
2018 |
ISSN 0972-3099(Print)2278-5124 (Online) |
Env. Con. J., 19(3): 67-72 |
11 |
Kaur, H. and Rampal, R.K. |
Impact of combined effluents on growth and yield of wheat crop in Samba (J&K) |
2018 |
ISSN 0972-3099(Print)2278-5124 (Online) |
Env. Con. J., 19(3): 129-132 |
12 |
Nishu and Rampal R. K. |
Indoor air pollution of PM2.5 in urban households of Jammu, (J&K). |
2019 |
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411 |
App. Nat. Sci. Foundation, 11(3): 680-683 |
13 |
Rani, S. and Rampal R. K. |
Biomedical waste generation, composition and management: A case study of Shree Maharaja Gulab Singh Hospital (SMGS) Shalamar, Jammu (J&K). |
2019 |
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411 |
J. App. Nat. Sci., 11(3): 596-600 |
14 |
Sharma, R., Kumari, A., Rajput, S; Nishu, Arora, S., Rampal, R. K. and Kaur, R. |
Accumulation, morphophysiological and oxidative stress induction by single and binary treatments of fluoride and low molecular weight phthalates in Spirodela polyrhiza L. |
2019 |
ISSN 2045-2322 (online) |
15 |
Nishu and Rampal, R. K. |
Seasonal variations of indoor aerosols (PM2.5) in urban households of Jammu (J&K), India. |
2021 |
Online ISSN: 2231-5209 | Print ISSN: 0974-9411 |
J. App. Nat. Sci., 13(3): 853-860. |
16 |
Sharma, R. and Sharma, S. |
Geospatial approach for morphometric analysis of environs of Jammu (J&K), India. |
2018 |
ISSN:2279-0543 |
Int. J. Sci. Res. Rev., 7(5): 176-185 |
17 |
Pandita, K. and Malaviya, P. |
Impact of distillery wastewater on some of the growth parameters of Pisum sativum L. var. FPP11. |
2018 |
ISSN: 0975-833X |
Int. J. Current Res., 10(7): 71587-71589 |
18 |
Kaur, P. and Malaviya, P. |
Human Impacts on Gharana Wetland (Reserve), Jammu (J&K, India). |
2018 |
ISSN: 2319-7064 |
Int. J. Sci. Res., 7(6): 1058-1061 |
19 |
Pandita, K. and Malaviya, P. |
Evaluation of phytotoxicity of distillery wastewater on seed germination, seedling growth and pigment content of Pisum sativum L. var. FPP41 |
2018 |
ISSN:2278-9022 |
Researcher: A Multidisciplinary J., XIV(1): 1-9. |
20 |
Sharma, S. and Malaviya, P. |
Decolorization and detoxification of tannery wastewater by Trichoderma viride SPFT1. |
2018 |
Print ISSN: 1582-9596 |
Env. Engg. Manag. J., 17(3): 545-550. [Impact Factor: 0.916] |
21 |
Sharma, P. K., Minakshi, D., Rani, A. and Malaviya, P. |
Treatment efficiency of vertical flow constructed wetland systems operated under different recirculation rates. |
2018 |
Print ISSN: 1582-9596 |
Ecological Engg. 120: 474-480 [Impact Factor: 4.379] |
22 |
Mishra, A., Medhi, K., Malaviya, P. and Thakur, I. S. |
Omics approaches for microalgal applications: prospects and challenges. |
2019 |
Print ISSN: 0960-8524 |
Bioresource Tech. [Impact Factor: 11.889]. |
23 |
Parihar, A. and Malaviya, P. |
Impact of textile wastewater on the growth parameters of Brassica juncea (L.) |
2019 |
ISSN: 2279–0543 |
Int. J. Sci. Res. Rev., 8(2): 3039-3045 [Impact Factor: 1.536]. |
24 |
Singh, A. and Malaviya, P. |
Chromium phytoaccumulation and its impact on growth and photosynthetic pigments of Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. on exposure to tannery effluent. |
2019 |
Online ISSN: 1873-2976 |
Env. Sustainability, 2:157-166 |
25 |
Minakshi, D., Sharma, P.K., Rani, A. and Malaviya, P. |
Phosphorous removal potential of ertical constructed wetlands filled with different filter materials. |
2019 |
ISSN: 2456-4281 (Online Version) ISSN: 0975-1416 (Print Version) |
J. Graphic Era Uni., 7(1): 53-63. |
26 |
Malaviya, P., Singh, A. and Anderson, T.A. |
Aquatic phytoremediation strategies for chromium removal |
2020 |
Print ISSN: 1560-1705 |
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 19(4): 897-944. [Impact Factor: 14.284] |
27 |
Sharma, R., Vymazal, J. and Malaviya, P. |
Application of floating treatment wetlands for stormwater runoff: A critical review of the recent developments with emphasis to heavy metals and nutrient removal. |
2021 |
Online ISSN: 1879-1026 Print ISSN: 0048-9697 |
Science of the Total Environment. 777. [Impact Factor: 10.754] |
28 |
Anuradha, Raina, G., Rawat, S.S. and Malaviya, P. |
Spring water quality assessment using Water Quality Index in Lansi village of Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir (India). |
2021 |
ISSN: 2277-1948 |
Int. J. Env. Sci., 10(1): 19-23. |
29 |
Singh, A., Sharma, R., Pant, D. and Malaviya, P. |
Engineered algal biochar for contaminant remediation and electrochemical applications. |
2021 |
Online ISSN: 1879-1026 Print ISSN: 0048-9697 |
Science of the Total Environment. 774. [Impact Factor: 10.754] |
30 |
Sharma, R., Sharma, R., Parveen, K., Pant, D. and Malaviya, P. |
Comprehensive and critical appraisal of plant based defluoridation from environmental matrices. |
2021 |
Online ISSN: 1879-1298Print ISSN: 0045-6535 |
Chemosphere. 281. [Impact Factor: 8.943] |
31 |
Sharma, A., Malaviya, P., Choudhury, M. and Paul, C. |
Performance of germination, development, yield, and pigment on irrigation with untreated paint industry wastewater on Tagetes erecta L. var Pusa Basanti. |
2021 |
ISSN:1583-6258 |
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(4): 2103-2115. |
32 |
Sharma, R. and Malaviya, P. |
Management of stormwater pollution using green infrastructure: the role of rain gardens. |
2021 |
Print ISSN:2049-1948 |
WIREs Water. 8(2): e1507. [Impact Factor: 7.428] |
33 |
Sharma, R. and Malaviya, P. |
Constructed wetlands for textile wastewater remediation: A review on concept, pollutant removal mechanisms, and integrated technologies for efficiency enhancement. |
2022 |
Online ISSN: 1879-1298Print ISSN: 0045-6535 |
Chemosphere. 290, Article ID 133358. [Impact Factor: 8.943] |
34 |
Sharma, R., Mishra, A., Pant, D. and Malaviya, P. |
Recent advances in microalgae-based remediation of industrial and non-industrial wastewaters with simultaneous recovery of value-added products. |
2022 |
Print ISSN: 0960-8524 Online ISSN: 1873-2976 |
Bioresource Technology. 126129 [Impact Factor: 11.889] |
35 |
Sharma, R., Kumari, R., Pant, D. and Malaviya, P. |
Bioelectricity generation from human urine and simultaneous nutrient recovery: Role of Microbial Fuel Cells |
2022 |
Online ISSN: 1879-1298Print ISSN: 0045-6535 |
Chemosphere. 292, Article ID 133437. [Impact Factor: 8.943] |
36 |
Minakshi, D., Sharma, P.K., Rani, A., Malaviya, P., Srivastava, V., Kumar, M. |
Performance evaluation of vertical constructed wetland units with hydraulic retention time as a variable operating factor. |
2022 |
Online ISSN: 2352-801X |
Groundwater for Sustainable Development. |
37 |
Sharma, R. and Malaviya, P. |
Ecosystem services and climate action from a circular bioeconomy perspective. |
2023 |
Print ISSN: 1364-0321 |
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 175. 113164. [Impact Factor: 16.799] |
38 |
Kumari, R. and Malaviya, P. |
Short-term impact of poultry biochar amendments to stimulate antioxidant enzyme activity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. HD-2967) in response to greywater. |
2023 |
ISSN: 0944-1344 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. [Impact Factor: 5.190] |
39 |
Parihar, A. and Malaviya, P. |
Textile wastewater phytoremediation using Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. assisted by novel bacterial consortium in a two-step remediation system. |
2023 |
Print ISSN: 0013-9351 |
Environmental Research. 221, 115307. [Impact Factor: 8.431] |
40 |
Kumari, R, Sharma, R., Sharma, N.K., Pant, D. and Malaviya, P. |
Impact of greywater on germination and physiological responses of Triticum aestivum L. HD 2967 in soil amended with poultry biochar. |
2023 |
Print ISSN: 0959-3330 Online ISSN: 1479-487X |
Environmental Technology. [Impact Factor: 3.475] |
41 |
Slathia, D., Thakur, P. And Sheikh, A. |
Diversity and distribution of macrophytes in fresh water bodies under varying degree of anthropogenic pressures. |
2018 |
ISSN: 0019-4816 |
Indian Forester, 144(3): 274-279. |
42 |
Kundan, P. and Slathia, D. |
Investigation of water quality changes in drinking water supplied from Sitlee water treatment plant on River Tawi to Old Jammu city, Jammu, J&K, India. |
2018 |
ISSN : 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online) |
J. App. Nat. Sci., 10(2): 601 – 607 |
43 |
Dhar, S. and Slathia, D. |
Arithmetic Water Quality Index for evaluation of drinking water quality of Lake Mansar, J&K. |
2018 |
NA |
Int. J. Sci. Res. Rev., 7(11): 209-224 |
44 |
Jamwal, K. D. and Slathia, D. |
Geospatial mapping and drinking water quality status of fluoride endemic hilly District Doda (J&K), India |
2019 |
ISSN : 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online) |
J. App. Nat. Sci., 11(2): 410 – 423. |
45 |
Slathia, D. and Sheikh, A. |
Current status of auatic macrophytes in Lake Mansar- A Ramsar Site in the Siwalik belt of Jammu region, Jammu, J&K |
2019 |
ISSN 2581-6063 |
Plant Archives, 19(2): 2263-2269. |
46 |
Slathia, D. and Sheikh, A. |
Macrophytic diversity of some wetlands of Jammu region, J&K, India. |
2021 |
ISSN 2581-6063 |
Plant Archives, 21(2): 273-278. |
47 |
Slathia, D. and Sheikh, A. |
Biomonitoring of Health of Lake Mansar (Jammu) using Phytoplankton. |
2021 |
P-ISSN-0974-3030, e-ISSN: 2582-5011 |
J. Mountain Res., 16(1): 111-118. |
48 |
Slathia, D. and Jamwal, K. D. |
A Review of Defluoridation Techniques of Global and Indian Prominence |
2022 |
ISSN:0973-4929, Online ISSN:2320-8031 |
Current World Environment |
49 |
Slathia, D. and Jamwal, K. D. |
Water quality characterization and pollution source apportionment in the Himalayan river flowing through Jammu City, India, using multivariate statistical approach and geospatial techniques |
2022 |
ISSN: 0944-1344 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research [Impact Factor: 5.190] |
50 |
Sharma, R. and Slathia, D. |
Application of multiple linear regression models to determine microbial water changes across highly disturbed lower Himalayan stream and the ground water sources in the proximity, Jammu (India) |
2023 |
ISSN 0257–8050 |
Poll Res. 42 (1) : 154-165 (2023) |
51 |
Slathia, D. and Sheikh, A. |
Assessment of abiotic and biotic characteristics of two wetlands of Jammu region, (J&K), India. |
2023 |
NA |
research communications |
52 |
Kaur, J., Gorka, R., & Kumar, R. |
Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment of Poonch district, Jammu and Kashmir, India |
2018 |
ISSN : 2319-4316 |
J. App. Geochem., 20(2): 192-204. |
53 |
Kumar, R., Chaudhary, S. and Yadav, S. |
Anthropogenic Influences on the hydrogeochemistry and Water Quality of Ground Water in Singrauli Power Belt Region, Central India. |
2019 |
J. Proceedings Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad., 85(3): 637-658. |
54 |
Sharma, M. Kumar, R., Rattan, R. and Sanotra, A. |
Hydrochemistry and water quality of Gharana wetland conservation reserve, Jammu and Kashmir , India |
2019 |
ISSN:2278-9022 |
Researcher: A Multidisciplinary J., XV(1):4-12. |
55 |
Verma, A.; Kumar, R. and Yadav, S. |
Distribution, pollution levels, toxicity, and health risk assessment of metals in surface dust from Bhiwadi industrial area in North India. |
2020 |
ISSN: 1080-7039 (Print) 1549-7860 (Online) |
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An Int. J., 26(8): 2091-2111. [Impact factor 4.997] |
56 |
Gupta, S.; Rajput, A. and Kumar, R. |
Spatial Variability of Finer Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Mass Concentrations over the Jammu Urban Area. |
2021 |
ISSN(Print): 2328-3912 ISSN(Online): 2328-3920 |
Appl. Ecol. Env. Sci.., 9(4): 465-469 |
57 |
Verma, A.; Yadav, S. and Kumar, R. |
Geochemical fractionation, bioavailability, ecological and human health risk assessment of metals in topsoils of an emerging industrial cluster near New Delhi. |
2023 |
Electronic ISSN: 1573-2983 Print ISSN: 0269-4042 |
Environ Geochem Health 45, 9041–9066 [Impact factor 4.898] |
58 |
Kumar, R., Chaudhary, S. and Yadav, S. |
Hydrogeochemistry And Quality Assessment Of Groundwater In Singrauli Power Belt Region, Eastern India |
2019 |
ISSN 2454-9983 |
Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 85 No. 3 |
59 |
Gupta, S., Kumar, R., et al |
Atmospheric Microplastics: Perspectives on Origin, Abundances, Ecological and Health Risks |
2022 |
ISSN: 0944-1344 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
60 |
Gorka, R., Kumar, R., Yadav, S and Verma, A. |
Health implications, distribution and source apportionment of heavy metals in road deposited dust of Jammu City in northern India |
2022 |
Online ISSN: 1879-1298Print ISSN: 0045-6535 |
Chemosphere. 292, Article ID 133437. [Impact Factor: 8.943] |
61 |
Bhasin, N., Kumar, R., et al |
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Total Columnar Ozone Over Jammu and Srinagar, India |
2023 |
ISSN: 2251-6727 |
Journal of Chemical Health Risks |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Piyush Malaviya | Professor & Head | M.Sc., Ph.D | Env. Microbiology, Bioremediation | E-mail: piyushmalaviya@jammuuniversity.ac.in; piyushmalaviya@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419106740 |
Dr. Deepika Slathia | Associate Professor | M.Sc., Ph.D | Limnology, Microbiology | E-mail: deepikasalathia@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419160433 |
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Atri | Assistant Professor | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Aerosol Chemistry, Soil Pollution Chemistry | E-mail: rakeshkumaratri@gmail.com, rakeshatri@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: 2626 Mobile No.: |
Dr. Meenakshi Khajuria | Lecturer | M.Sc., Ph.D | Limnology, Aquatic environment | E-mail: mk_env@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419149820 |