Fellowships (Natioinal & International):-

  1. Prof. S. K. Pandey was awarded fellowship by RITE, National Industrial Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan in 1998 for six months and worked with Prof. T. Abe.
  2. Prof. K.K. Kapoor was awarded BOYSCOST fellowship by DST and worked with Prof. Mugio Nishizawa, Tokushima Bunri University, Japan during 1999-2000.
  3. Prof. Satya Paul was awarded BOYSCOST fellowship by DST and worked with Prof. James H. Clark, Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, Unversity of York, UK during 2002-2003.
  4. Prof. R.K. Bamezai was awarded INSA-DFG fellowship to work with Prof. H. Kresse, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany in 2003.
  5. Prof. Meena Sharma was awarded INSA fellowship to Czech Republic in 2003 to work with Prof. Petr Uchytil, Institute of Fundamental Reserarch, Czech Republic, Czech.
  6. Prof. S.K. Pandey was awarded Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship in 2005 to work with Prof. H.W. Roesky, University of Gottingen, Germany.
  7. Prof. K.K. Kapoor was awarded INSA fellowship to work with Prof. J.M.K. Williams, University of Bath, UK, in 2006.
  8. Prof. S.K. Pandey was awarded INSA-DFG fellowship to work with Prof. D. Stalke, University of Gottingen, Germany in 2009.
  9. Prof. Satya Paul was awarded INSA-DFG fellowship to work with Prof. L.F. Tietze, University of Gottingen, Germany in 2009.
  10. Prof. Kamal K Kapoor visited Prof. Olivier Reiser’s Laboratory, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Regensvurg, Germany for a priod of three momths with effect from June 01, 2019 wih financial support of DFG, Germany.

Research Activities:-

Ph.D. Degrees awarded (2018-23) :- 52

M.Phil. Degrees awarded (2018-2022) :- 28

National and International Publications (2018-23) :- 211

Other Activities:-
In addition to academic activities leading to M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees, the Department has Chemical Society under the aegis of which various activities, for example, debates, invited Lectures, Seminars, short tours/picnics are held from time to time.
The department also organizes refresher course in Chemistry for College and University teachers in collaboration with Human Recource Development Centre, University of Jammu, Jammu. In addition, various conferences, seminars, workshops, symposia etc. have been organized in the Department.

Organization Memberships:- 
The faculty members and research scholars of the Department are invariably life or annual members of various organizations like Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata, Indian Council of Chemists, Agra, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, Indian Liquid Crystal Society, Bangalore, Chemical Research Society of India, Bangalore, Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, Indian Association for Solid State Chemists and Allied Scientists, Jammu, Indian Association of Analytical Chemists, Alexander Von Humbholdt Foundation, Germany, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Japan, Indian Thermodynamic Society, Amritsar, National Environmental Science Academy etc.

Recognition/Affiliation :-
The Department has been identified by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi for the DST-FIST Programme in the year 2009 for a period of five years, UGC-SAP Programme in the year 2010 for a period of five years and DST-PURSE Programme in the year 2011 & 2016 for a period of five years.

Awards and Honours :- 

Faculty Members


Name of the awardee

Name of the award

Name of the awarding body

Category of award (innovation/ techology transfer etc.)

Dr. Monika Gupta  2018

National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) Green Technology Innovative Award in Delhi University



Dr. Ashwani Kumar  2018

National Environmental Science Academy (NESA) Young Scientist Award in Delhi University



Dr. Monika Gupta 2018

Women Research Award



Dr. Ashwani Kumar 2018

Young Scientist Award



Prof. Meena Sharma 2019

Leadership of Academicians Program (LEAP) at IIT Bombay

Ministry of Education (MoE)


Prof. Meena Sharma 2019

Leadership of Academicians Programme (LEAP), Nanyang Technological  University, Singapore



Prof. Kamal K Kapoor June 2019 to August 2019

Visited Prof. Oliver Reiser’s Laboratory, University of  Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, with Germany supported Fellowship (DFG) under International Exchange of Scientists Programme for three months, to work in the area of Photocatalysis

Germany supported Fellowship (DFG


Prof. Kamal K Kapoor 2019

Leadership of Academicians Programme (LEAP), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh



Prof. Kamal K Kapoor 2020

Leadership of Academicians Programme (LEAP), Monash University, Australia



Prof. H. N. Sheikh 2020

Leadership of Academicians Program (LEAP) at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi and Oxford University (Selected)



Prof. Kamal K Kapoor 2020

Selected to deliver Platinum Jublee Lecture 2020 at 107th ISC, Bangalore [ Jan 03 and Jan 07, 2020]




Research Scholar


Name of the awardee

Name of the award

Name of the awarding body

Category of award (innovation/techology transfer etc)

Dr. Bushra Chowhan 2021

Project (Fabrication of affordable UV chamber for killing COVID-19 using locally available UV lamp)

J&K Science and Technology Innovation Council (JKSTIC)


Ms. Richu (2020)

3rd Position in the three day Virtual International Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Chemical Sciences (ERTCS-2020)

PG Department of Chemistry, Govt. Post Graduate College Rajouri


Ms. Akanksha Manhas (2020)

3rd Position in the three day Virtual International Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Chemical Sciences (ERTCS-2020)

PG Department of Chemistry, Govt. Post Graduate College Rajouri


Ms. Mobina Kouser (2024)

Certificate for presenting paper at JK Women Science Congress-2024

University of Jammu in collaboration with J&K Science, Technology & Innovation Council





Name of the Student

Name of the award/medal

National/ International

Sports / Cultural

Sudhashi Khajuria (2017)

Participated in 28th Senior National Korfball Championship



Vivek Parihar (2017)

Vice-Chancellor Award for Completion of 120 hrs. in NSS



Vivek Parihar (2018)

Appreciation Ward from Chairman NSS for regular blood donation



Vivek Parihar (2018)

Joint Team from J&K stood second in Swach Bharat Summer Internship



Sudhashi Khajuria (2018)

Third position in the All India Inter-University Korfball (Mixed) Championship Tournament



Sudhashi Khajuria (2021)

Participated in 32nd Senior National Korfball Championship



Sudhashi Khajuria (2021)

Participated in 33rd Senior National Korfball Championship



Sudhashi Khajuria (2022)

Third position in the All Inter-University Korfball (Mixed) Tournament



Sudhashi Khajuria (2022)

Participated in 34th Senior National Korfball Championship



Srishti Koul (2022)

National Service Scheme Awards for the award 2020-21 (awarded by Hon’ble President of India)



Prachi Bhagat (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Himanshi Khajuria (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Preeti Sharma (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Kavita Sharma (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Rohit Singh (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Purnima Raina (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Arushi Sharma (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Neha Choudhary (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Ritika Bhatia (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Rahul Gupta (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Purvi Gupta (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Meenakshi Singh (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Geetanjali Sharma (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Arushi Vashist (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Harneet Kour (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program



Anshika Aggarwal (2023)

Participated in the Symposium on Drug Discovery and Skill Development on High End Research, organized by CSIR-IIIM Jammu under One Week One Lab ((OWOL) program




Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. H.N. Sheikh Professor & HOD M.Sc., Ph.D Coordination Chemistry, Coordination Polymers, Material Chemistry, Nanomaterials E-mail: hnsheikh@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419148792
Prof. Meena Sharma Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D Material Science, Solution Chemistry E-mail: mlakhanpal89@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419184645
Prof. S.K. Pandey Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Dithiophosphate Chemistry, Heterometallcyclophosphazene Chemistry, Flourine Chemistry pertaining to the Synthesis of CFC's Alternatives & Electrochemical Fluorination, Phosphazene Chemistry, Metallo-orgamic Chemistry E-mail: kpsushil@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419147679
Prof. Kamal K. Kapoor Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D Organic Synthesis, Green Chemistry, Synthesis of Un-natural Amino Acids, Medicinal Chemistry E-mail: k2kapoor@yahoo.com; kamalkka@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419134807
Prof. Satya Paul Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Heterogeneous catalysis, Green chemistry, Synthesis of Bio-active Heterocycles E-mail: paul7@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419147677
Prof. Devinder Singh Sambyal Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Solid State and Materials Chemistry, Perovskite Oxides, Ruddlesden-Popper Phases, Spinal and Inverse Spinel Ferrites, Pyrochlores E-mail: drdssambyal@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419244710
Dr. Ashwani Kumar Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Solution Chemistry, Biomolecules in Solutions E-mail: ashwani.kalsi@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419860841
Dr. Monika Gupta Associate Professor M.Sc, Ph. D Organic Chemistry, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Ionic Liquids, Synthesis of Bioactive Heterocycles E-mail: monika.gupta77@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419623841
Dr. Kuldeep Raj Sharma Lecturer on Contract Ph. D Inorganic Chemistry E-mail: kr,sharma546@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9086631451
Dr. Richa Singhaal Lecturer on Contract Ph.D Inorganic Chemistry E-mail: singhaalricha123@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 7006810565
Dr. Nitika Sharma Lecturer on Contract Ph.D Organic Chemistry E-mail: snitika697@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9149723370
Dr. Amir Fayaz Lecturer on Contract Ph.D Physical Chemistry E-mail: amirfayaz34@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9906711574