• Master of Rural Studies
  • Coaching Scheme for SC/ST/OBC/Minorities 
  • Employment information cum Advisory Bureau
  • Self Financing Courses

Master of Rural Studies 

Programme Specific Outcomes (MRS)


Semester 1st 

Course No.

Course Title



Immersion Programme



Rural Society and Governance

  • The objective of the paper is to provide a theoretical and detailed understanding about the rural society, its polity, culture and development along with its various perspectives. The detailed understanding of rural society thus, would enable the students to develop clarity about rural development and would thus set the base for rural development management in subsequent papers.


Management Perspectives & Leadership

  • This course provides the students with detailed knowledge of management perspectives for enabling them to develop the ability and skills through management concepts, principles and practices.


Basics of Accounting, Finance & Economics

  • This course provides the students with a detailed knowledge of accounting and finance and also enables them to develop ability and skills through accounting techniques and their application in practical work situation.


Basics of Research Methodology

  • To familiarize students with basics of research, research process, sampling, data collection and hypothesis testing procedures. To equip students with the knowledge of qualitative research procedures. To familiarize participants with statistical software’s such as SPSS/EXCEL/NVIVO/ATLAS-TI.


Working with Communities

  • To orient students about working with the community, its scope, different methods, prerequisite and phases of community mobilization. Further, to impart knowledge about the various community organizations and intervention models.

Semester 2nd


Field Work and Report Writing

  • To acquaint the students with real life situation in the rural perspectives and to enable them to capture the knowledge explicitly in the form of report.


Rural Livelihood, Collective Actions and Organisations

  • The objective of the paper is to provide students with understanding of rural livelihoods, challenges of livelihood, rural collectives and cooperatives.


Organisational Behaviour & Human Resource Management

  • The objective of the course is to help the students to understand conceptual framework of organizational behavior human resource management. It will expose them to the contemporary issues faced by the organizations.


Entrepreneurship and Production Environment

  • The academic goal is to develop the skills necessary for evaluating and creating a new venture, with the ability to communicate the endeavor effectively through written and verbal presentation. At the end of this course, students will be able to evaluate business opportunities as both an entrepreneur and an investor, within start-ups and established companies.


Value Chain and Marketing

  • To acquaint the students with the basics of marketing and equip them with marketing skills for decision making in an organisation.


Rural Project Management

  • To outline the need for Project Management and highlight different techniques of Project Planning & Management.

Semester 3rd 


Summer Internship Project

  • To work with the Government/Non Government agencies to gain on the job experience about their working.


Poverty and Development

  • To make students understand the forces, which have shaped development both historically and in the contemporary world. Further, to develop a good understanding of regional differences in development and critically explore questions of causality with regard to origins and effects of development around the world.


Rural Social Infrastructure

  • To offer students an orientation about fundamentals of social infrastructure in India. Further, to orient students with the knowledge of key educational policies, its thrusts areas in India. To assist them with the knowledge about dynamics of health and poverty and various health mission programme in India. To offer knowledge of housing & sanitation programmes along with its various aspects and implementation scale in India.


Rural Banking and Micro Finance

  • To expose the students with the functioning of rural credit institutions in India and to enable students to understand the concept of micro-financing with special focus on Self Help Groups, its importance, prospects and importance of financial inclusion.


Social Problems And Marginalised Groups

  • The objective of the paper is to provide students with understanding of social problems and marginal groups in India.

Semester 4th 



  • The dissertations will be carried out by the students under the guidance and supervision of a designated Faculty from the Department of Lifelong Learning. At the end of 3rd Semester, the student is expected to submit the synopsis of dissertation with a brief introduction, scope, objectives and research methodology after carrying out the review of related literature to the School through the Faculty Supervisor. 


Climate Change & Disaster Management

  • The course will aware the students aware about global climate change and relevant disaster management practices.


Rural and Agricultural Marketing

  • The objective of this course is to enable the students to develop a thorough understanding of the various concepts of rural marketing in general and agricultural marketing in particular.


Corporate Social Responsibility

  • The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts of corporate social responsibility and its measurement. To understand concept business policy, strategies and different areas associated with CSR.


Voluntary Organizations

  • To equip the students with the voluntarism its dimensions and implications. To help the students understand origin, structure and function of the NGOs in India. To aware the students about the various challenges being faced by the NGOs in new millennium.


Rural Development Indian Perspective (Open)

  • The course will develop broader understanding about rural life to the students from other disciplines.
Syllabus of master of rural Development - 2019

Programme Specific Outcomes (Coaching)

Programme Specific Outcomes (Self Financing Courses)

Programme Specific Outcomes (EIAB)


•    Basic course in French
•    Advance course in French
•    Basic course in German
•    Basic course in Urdu
•    Advance course in Urdu
•    Basic course in computers
•    Basic course in digital photography

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Dr. Kavita Suri Professor & Former Director Ph. D. E-mail: kavitasuri@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419180833
Dr. Priyanka Sharma Assistant Professor Ph. D. Organizational Behaviour E-mail: pri.lot2000@gmail.comEPABX: Nil Mobile No.: 9419748277
Dr. Vivek Sharma Sr.Assistant Professor Ph. D. Rural Marketing and Tourism E-mail: drviveksharma@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: 2268 Mobile No.: 9419201230
Dr. Pallavi Sachdeva Assistant Professor Ph. D. Clinical Psychology E-mail: drpallavisa@yahoo.comEPABX: Nil Mobile No.: 94191-25077
Dr. Bharti Prabhakar Assistant Professor Ph. D. Single Women Adjustment Problems and Cooping Mechanism E-mail: bharti_mini@rediff mail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 94191-12425
Dr. Sandeep Singh Assistant Professor Ph. D. Border studies, rural development, state politics. E-mail: sandeepsinghju8@gmail.comEPABX: Nil Mobile No.: 9419172579