


Timetable of BBA (HM)-1st    Sem.  w.e.f  07-10-2024 Time-Table%20BBA%28HM%29_1st%20Sem.PDF

Revised Timetable of BBA (HM)-3rd   Sem.  w.e.f  04-10-2024 Revised%20Time%20Table%20BBA%20%28HM%29-3rd.PDF

Revised Timetable of BBA (HM)-5th  Sem.  w.e.f  04-10-2024 Revised%20Time%20Table%20BBA%28HM%29-5th.PDF

Revised Timetable of MBA (TTM)-1st Sem.  w.e.f  04-10-2024 Revised Time Table MBA  TTM -1st.PDF

Revised Timetable of MBA (TTM)-3rd Sem.  w.e.f  04-10-2024 Revised Time Table MBA TTM 3rd.PDF

Timetable of Ph.D. Course Work w.e.f 16-05-2024 TimeTable_Ph.D_CourseWork.PDF

Timetable of MBA(TTM)-2nd sem. Session 2023-24 TimeTable_MBA TTM -2.PDF

Timetable of BBA(HM)-2nd sem. Session 2023-24  BBA HM-2nd.PDF

Timetable of BBA(HM)-4th sem. Session 2023-24 Timetable BBA HM-4TH Sem.pdf

Revised Timetable of MBA(TTM)-1st  sem. Session 2023-24 Revised Timetable MBA TTM-1st.pdf 

Timetable of MBA(HT)-4th sem. Session 2023-24 MBA (HT)-4th.pdf

Timetable of MBA(TTM)-1st sem. Session 2023-24MBA(TTM) Sem-1.pdf

Timetable of MBA(HT)-3rd Sem. Session 2023-24MBA(HT)-Sem 3rd.pdf

Timetable of BBA(HM)-5th Sem. Session 2023-24 BBA(HM)-5th.pdf

Timetable of BBA(HM)-3rd Sem. Session 2023-24BBA(HM)-3rd.pdf 

Timetable of BBA(HM)-1st Sem. Session 2023-24BBA(HM)-1st.pdf 

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Anil Gupta Professor and Director Ph.D, MBA, MTTM Marketing, Strategic Management, Service Maketing E-mail: anilgupta@jammuuniversity.ac.in, anil1975@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419143987
Prof. Parikshat Singh Manhas Professor (Deputation) Working as a chairman of JKBOSE, Director SCERT Ph.D, MBA, MTM Marketing, E- Commerce, Consumer Behavior, Communication,Tourism Management, Entrepreneurship. E-mail: psmanhas@hotmail.com / Skype:psmanhas EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419188260
Dr. Suvidha Khanna Associate Professor Ph.D, MTM Tourism and Hospitality Management E-mail: urs_suvidha@rediffmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419144426
Dr. Poonam Sharma Lecturer PhD, MTM, M.Com Tourism Management, Services Marketing, Event Management E-mail: poonamshtm2021@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596659970
Dr. Priyanka Sharma Lecturer PhD,MBA (HT), Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management Tourism Management E-mail: priyanka.41987@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9796698963
Dr. Nikita Dogra Lecturer PhD, MBA (HT) Tourism Management E-mail: nikdogra@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419202233
Dr. Honeyka Mahajan Lecturer NET, MBA (HT), BBA (HM) Hospitality Management E-mail: honeyka1996@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419775925
Ms. Taniya Lecturer SET, MBA (TTM) and BSC (TTM) Travel and Tourism Management E-mail: taniyasharma.ts1822@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 7006768708
Mr. Tapas Tandon Teaching assistant MTTM, B.Sc. (HMCT) Front Office, Food & Beverage Service E-mail: tapastandon31@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 7006060716