Number of students on Roll during last five years

Number of students enrolled . M.Sc. degree programme during the period 2018-2019

S.No. Year Number of students enrolled in First Semester Number of stdents enrolled in 3rd Semester Total Students
1 2018      
2 2019      
3 2020      
4 2021      
5 2022      
6 2023      

Lists of Students on rolls during the last 5 years List%20of%20MSc%20Students%20%282018-2023%29_0.pdf

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Naresh Padha Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Optoelectronics E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419182875
Prof. Rajni Kant Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, Post-Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics E-mail: rkant.ju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419194375
Prof. Anju Bhasin Professor, Dean Academic Affairs M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D., Post-Ph.D. Experimental High Energy Physics (Working in ALICE & CBM collaborations) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419181423
Prof. Vivek Kumar Gupta Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Condensed Matter Physics (X-ray Crystallography of Organic, Organometallic and liquid Crystalline molecules) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419102467
Prof. Sanjeev Singh Sambyal Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Experimental High Energy Physics (Working in ALICE & CBM collaborations) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419183686
Prof. Arun Bharti Professor & Head M.Sc,M.Phil, Ph.D Theoretical Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419134355
Prof. K. K. Bamzai Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Experimental Solid State Physics / Crystal Growth & Characterization / Materials Research E-mail: kkbamz@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419134629
Prof. Ramni Gupta Professor M.Sc, NET, Ph.D Experimental High Energy Physics (QGP Physics, Fluctuations study (Intermittency) E-mail: Ramni.Gupta@cern.chEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419191509
Dr. Rani Devi Associate Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D Nuclear Theory (Microscopic Nuclear Structure Theory and Nuclear Density Functional theory) E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9469749946
Dr. Sandeep Arya Assistant Professor M.Sc, NET, Ph.D Electronics and Materials Science (Nanomaterials for Sensing and Energy applications) E-mail:, Mobile No.: 9419156254
Dr. Rajendra Nath Patra Assistant Professor MSc, NET, PhD, Post-Doc Experimental High Energy Physics and QGP study, Silicon and Gas detector technology E-mail:, rajendrapatra07@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9126650330
Er. Anik Gupta Scientist G/Director Centre for IT Enabled Services and management B.E.(Electronics and Electrical communication) Electronics Instrumentation and Detector Technology E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419183235
Er. Sanjay Mahajan Electronics Engineer B.E (Electronics & Communication High Energy Physics E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419141358
Dr. Saroj Kanta Nayak Programmer B.E (Electronics & Communication) High Energy Physics E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419209752