FIST%20Project%20Completion%20Report%20%28Dr%20Rakesh%20Kumar%20and%20Prof%20Seema%20Langer%29.pdf Yearly Project Report for Utilization of DST-FIST Support, Date and Ref. No. of DST Sanction Letter: No. SR/FST/LS-1/2018/141(C) Dated: 27/12/2019 Submitted to the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India).  FIST%20UC.pdf FIST project Utilization certificate. Co- PI (Dr. Rakesh Kumar) and PI (Prof. Seema Langer)

DIQA%20Project%20Report.pdf Diversity and Taxonomy of Terrestrial Isopods from Jammu Division (J&K).  Sanction order no. 3977-92 Dated 23rd January 2023. DIQA%20UC.pdf DIQA project Utilization certificate. (PI- Prof. Seema Langer)

RUSA%20Project%20Report%20%28Dr.%20Seema%20Langer%2C%20Professor%29.pdf Diversity and Taxonomy of Terrestrial Isopods from Jammu Division (J&K) (PI- Prof. Seema Langer)

ICMR%20Project%20Report.pdf Project title: Human pulmonary paragonimiasis in crab eating communities and smear negative suspected TB cases from some states of India.(PI- Prof. Seema Langer; Co-PI- Dr. Rakesh Panjaliya) Date of Start: 15/10/2018 End of Project: 15/10/2023; Duration: Five years;  Objective of the proposal: Paragonimus metacercariae recovery and crab Identification from various states of India. ICMR%20UC.pdf ICMR project Utilization certificate.

Seed%20grant%20under%20RUSA.pdfProject title: Biochemical estimation of rotifers of family Brachionidae, SEED GRANT under RUSA 2.0; Grant- 1 Lakh Rupees; PI- Dr. Sarbjeet Kour

GRANT%20released%20%288th%20March%202023%29.pdfProject title: Polymorphism in Zooplankton of Jammu waters) Sanction order RA/238110-8117 Dated 8th March 2023); Grant- 2 Lakh Rupees; PI- Dr. Sarbjeet Kour

Dr%20Arti%20Dogra%20%28Sanction%20Project%20Dated%208th%20March%202023%29.pdf Title of project- Biosorption: A sustainable approach in remediation of toxic heavy metals from Industrial waste water/synthetically prepared solution using snail shell dust and fish scales (Sanction order no. dated 8th March 2023). Total project cost Rs 2 lakhs, Utilization certificate copy also attached. (PI- Dr. Arti Dogra)

Dr%20Arti%20Dogra%20%28Sanction%20Project%20Dated%205th%20November%202019%29.pdfTitle of the project: Ecobiology of Tatta paani thermal spring of Padder, Kishtwar (J&K), Sanction order no. RUSAJU/2/2019-2020/36/3428-3499 dated 5th November 2019; Total project cost Rs 1 lakh. Utilization certificate copy also attached. (PI- Dr. Arti Dogra)

Dr%20Arti%20Dogra%20%28Sanction%20Project%20Dated%2028th%20February%202019%29.pdfTitle of the project: Ecobiology of thermal spring of Jammu (J&K), Sanction order no. RA/19/5907-18 dated 28th February 2019; Total project cost Rs 55000. Utilization certificate copy also attached. (PI- Dr. Arti Dogra)

Research%20and%20seed%202023-2024-1-7.pdfTitle of project: Survey and Identification of entomopathogenic nematodes from university campus and its adjoining areas.Sanction order no. RA/23/7148-55 dated 23/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 200000/-Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Ripu Daman Parihar)

Seed%20grant%202023-2024-1-7.pdfStudy of Galleria mellonella and its mass rearing in the laboratory on artificial culture.Sanction order no. RA/23/5045-5055 dated 19/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 100000/-Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Ripu Daman Parihar)

seed%20grant%20%282018-2023%29%20UC%20and%20report%20%28Dr%20Chinmoyee%20Maharana%29_0.pdf Discovery of miRNAs candidates for molecular diagnostics in Alzheimer's disease, Sanction order no. RA/23/5056-66 dated 19/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 1 lakh. Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Chinmoyee Maharana)

seed%20grant%20%282018-2023%29%20UC%20and%20report%20%28Dr%20Chinmoyee%20Maharana%29%20Rs%202%20lakhs_0.pdf Unravelling roles of miRNAs in understanding Alzheimer's disease, Sanction order no. RA/23/7140-47 dated 23/01/2023.Total project cost Rs 2 lakhs. Utilization certificate copy also attached ( PI-Dr Chinmoyee Maharana)

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Seema Langer Professor & Head M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D Fish, Prawn, Crab, Taxonomy, Culture, Parasitology E-mail:, Mobile No.: 9906027016
Prof. Roopma Gandotra Professor M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D Aquaculture, Fish Biology, Endocrinology& Microbiology E-mail:, roopmagandotra08@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419192591
Dr. Arti Sharma Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Aquatic Ecology, Insect Diversity, Aquaculture & Toxicology E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419131914
Dr. Parvinder Kumar Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Human Genetics, Molecular Biology Medical/ clinical genetics Population genetic E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419195384
Dr. Sarbjeet Kour Assistant Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Limnology, Aquatic biology, Ecology & Zooplanktology E-mail:, sarbj1977@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419128802
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Assistant Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph. D. Animal/Human Cytogenetics, Human genetics, Molecular biology, Cancer Genetics, DNA Barcoding E-mail:, Mobile No.: 9419155790
Dr. Ripu Daman Parihar Assistant Professor B.Sc, M.Sc.,Ph.D., E-mail: Mobile No.: 9596733127
Dr. Raman Jasrotia Contractual Faculty M.Sc, M.phil, Ph.D E-mail: Mobile No.: 9906079611
Dr. Pankaj Chibber Contractual Faculty M.Sc, Ph.D E-mail: Mobile No.: 8493855865
Dr. Chinmoyee Maharana Assistant Professor B.Sc, M.Sc.,Ph.D., E-mail: Mobile No.: 9717961237