Course Outcomes


Master Programme Course Scheme

Semester Course Code Title Course Credit
First PSPSTC-101 Western Political Thought 6
First PSPSTC-102 International Politics: Theory and Issues 6
First PSPSTC-103 Indian Political System 6
First PSPSTC-104 Public Administration 6
Second PSPSTC-201 Political Theory 6
Second PSPSTC-202 India’s Foreign Policy 6
Second PSPSTC-203 State Politics in India 6
Second PSPSTC-204 Comparative Politics 6
Third PSPSTC-301 Modern Indian Political Thought 6
Third PSPSTC-302 Indian Politics: Issues and Trends 6
Third PSPSTC-303 Politics in South Asia 6
Third PSPSTC-304 International Political Economy 6
Third PSPSTC-305 Indian Administration 6
Fourth PSPSTC-401 Dynamics of Jammu & Kashmir Politics (with a Field Study Component) 6
Fourth PSPSTC-402 India’s Neighbourhood, Extended Neighbourhood and Near Abroad 6
Fourth PSPSTC-403 International Organization and International Law 6
Fourth PSPSTC-404 Human Rights 6
Fourth PSPSTC-405 Public Policy Making and Policy Analysis 6
Fourth PSPSTC-406 Indian Political Economy


Open Choice Courses offered:

Semester Course Code Title Course Code
Third PSPOLTO-306 Polity and Politics in India 4
Fourth PSPOLTO-407 India and the World 4

M.A Political Science Semester-1 

Course Code: PSPSTC-101 

Title – Western Political Thought (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This core course aims to impart knowledge to the learners in the Political  Philosophies of various western political thinkers which constitute the foundations of the discipline of  Political Science. It will introduce and familiarize the learners to the ideas, concepts, principles and  theories given by various thinkers about the state, citizens, political obligation and art of state-craft. This  course is designed to enable the learners to understand that how these ideas, institutions and principle kept  on evolving in the writings of various thinkers through the various phases and stages of human  civilization. The major objective of this course is to educate the learners that political ideas, institutions  and structures described, celebrated and criticized in the writings of political thinkers are not static and  abstract rather they were conceived in the light of the continuous process of social, economic and political  churning of human society. 

Learning Outcomes: Major learning outcome of this course will be to develop the foundation of learners  in the subject matter of the discipline of political science. It enables the learners to understand,  comprehend, contextualize and reflect upon the political developments, issues and phenomena taking  place in the contemporary times. The methods and tools deployed by the political thinkers in their  writings will equip the learners to approach political events and phenomena by placing them in their  proper contexts. 

M.A Political Science Semester-1 

Course Code: PSPSTC-102 

Title – International Politics: Theory and Practice (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed to develop the basic understanding about the international  politics because the state as a subject matter of political science conducts itself in the comity of nations. It  intends to help the learners to understand that complex dynamic of international politics within which the  state actors operate. This aims to equip the learners with sufficient knowledge to understand that why the  nation-states behaved/behave in a particular way in their external contexts. The course will inculcate  foundational understanding about the nature of international power structure evolved through the different  stages of history of international relations.  

Learning Outcomes: This course will equip the learners with skills to understand and analyze the nature  of world power structure evolved over the period of time. The modes of conflict, competition and  cooperation used by the nation-states to conduct relations amongst them enable the learners to understand  theory and practice of International Politics. It aims to empower the learners by educating them on the  techniques of understanding, transforming and resolution of inter-state conflict and conflict amongst  states. By introducing the theoretical foundations of power transition in international relations and the  changing nature of power relationship which resulted into the emergence of dynamic structure of  international system  

M. A. Political Science Semester 1 

Course Code: PSPSTC-103 

Title – Indian Political System (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course aims to provide foundations in the philosophical and ideological bases  of Indian Political System. It is designed to the structures, processes and relationship amongst various  structures and symbiotic relationship between the structures and processes. Major objective of course is to  introduce the learners to the politics of representations and recognition. While focusing on the  democratization and federalization of political structures, it empowers the learners to understand the  process of structural differentiation inbuilt and evolved in the Indian Political System over the period of  time.  

Learning Outcomes: This course imparts skills to the learners to understand the working of Indian  Political System. The learners will be enabled to understand that how the principles of separation of  powers and checks and balances have been operating in the Indian context. It will help the learners to  know that the understanding of the socio-economic and political context is equally important to grasp the  working of political strictures and processes as their functioning is shaped by it. The significance of the  legitimacy of political structures and wherefrom they are driving it will be vital learning for the learners. 

M.A Political Science Semester 1 

Course Code: PSPSTC-104 

Title – Public Administration (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed to educate about the evolution, growth, dynamism  and vitality of the public administration for the practice of statecraft. The learners will also be  familiarized about the organizational structures, operating principles of and various methods to  study the discipline of public administration. The course intends to impart theoretical and  practical knowledge about the steel-frame of state constituted by the administrative structures  and processes and the impact of contemporary conditions on them.  

Learning Outcomes: The learners will acquire skills to understand the working of administrative  structures as a part of statecraft. The knowledge acquired by students about the liaison, control  and monitoring mechanism deployed by the state to regulate the functioning of administrative  structures will help them to understand the process of policy implementation and evaluation.  

M.A Political Science Semester-II 

Course Code: PSPSTC-201 

Title-Political Theory (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course provides knowledge about the evolution, growth, dynamism  and vitality of the discipline of political science. Major objective of the course is to educate  students about the universals of the discipline. It aims to generate the interest of learners in the  theoretical knowledge base as it is paramount to understand the subject of political science. It  will equip the learners to understand the process of theorization that has symbiotic relationship  with the practice of statecraft. The course intends to impart theoretical knowledge theorized on  the basis of the practice of statecraft.  

Learning Outcomes: The theoretical knowledge imparted to the learners will equip them to grasp the practice of statecraft. The skills acquired by them will empower them to draw theoretical  inferences while analyzing data on any political event, development and phenomena. Teaching  of this course will inculcate theoretical orientation in the learners for understanding the practice  of politics. Knowledge provided about the tools, techniques and methods deployed by the  political theorists will enable the learners to contemplate and reflect upon the contemporary  political phenomena. This course imparts analytical skills to the learners that are vital in  academic world and in the arena of politics and political science.  


M.A Political Science Semester-II 

Course Code: PSPSTC-202 

Title-India’s Foreign Policy (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course is framed to enable the learners to comprehend the way India situated  itself in the comity of nation-states after independence when the international scenario was highly  acrimonious and polarized. Another objective is to make students understand the way India has been  adjusting to the highly dynamic world by calibrating its world view accordingly. It elucidates the way  India has established and steered its relations with major players at the bilateral, regional and global  formats. This course explores the role of constantly evolving internal and external environments  in shaping, transforming and adjusting India’s world in the past as well as in the contemporary  world. 

Learning Outcomes: The learners are educated that why India or for that matter every country needs  foreign policy. They are expected to know the use of diplomacy and the various policy postures  pronounced by India to deal with the highly dynamic world. It also aims to make students  understand that how the security scenario of India was improved when it had limited military  capability. This course equips the learners to grasp how India used diplomacy to secure its  national interest, to mobilize capital and technology for its energy security, economic growth and  prosperity. This knowledge will help them to relate India with the contemporary world.  

M.A. Political Science Semester II 

Course Code: PSPSTC-203 

Title-State Politics in India (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: Indian politics constitutes macrocosm and state politics the microcosm of politics  in India. While focusing on the latter, this course aims at exploring the dynamics of politics that varies  from state to state. Understanding about the theoretical frameworks equips them to approach political  phenomena in the politics of different states. The course tries to figure out and examine the  commonalities, diversities and uniqueness in the arena of state politics across India. It also seeks to  explore the role of region, religion, ethnicity, caste, class and community in the realm of state politics. 

This course attempts to explain that the state formation has been a continuous process and for the  structural differentiation to satisfy the regional aspirations of people across the country and thereby  building Indian Nation and State.  

Learning Outcomes: Understanding about the state politics will prove handy for the learners to grasp the  peculiarities of politics in different states of Indian Union is systematic and organized manners. The knowledge gained from theoretical frameworks equips the learners how to approach political phenomena  in the politics of different states. It explores that how the assertion of regional assertions led to the  reorganization of states in different phases. The course examines that the logic behind the formation of  more and more states over the period of time which led to the differentiation of political structures and  thereby building Indian nation by accommodating linguistic, ethno-cultural and regional aspiration.  

M.A. Political Science Semester II 

Course Code: PSPSTC-204 

Title-Comparative Politics (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course introduces students of different approaches and conceptual  frameworks to approach politics in a comparative perspective. It underlines the significance of  understanding how and why the comparisons are made. The course explores the commonalities and  differences in the politics of nation-states across the world by deploying different analytical and  conceptual tools. It intends to equip the learners with theoretical tools to compare and contrast political  structures and processes apart from explaining the process of structural differentiation across the world. It  educates the learners that political structures and processes are dynamic as they have always been  negotiating with the evolving objective realities within the nations-states throughout the world.  

Learning Outcomes: While studying this course, the learners will learn about debates on the conceptual  framework and theoretical perspectives in the domain of comparative politics. They will learn to use the  comparative method to compare the changes in political structures, processes, regimes and ideologies  which have been taking place in the perennial way across the nation-states. It will equip the learners with  theoretical knowledge and analytical tools to study politics comparatively by comparing and contrasting  political phenomena across the world. 

M.A. Political Science Semester-III 

Course Code: PSPSTC-301 

Title-Modern Indian Political Thought (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course aims to educate students to ideas of Modern Indian Political Thinkers  that have shaped the course of politics during the colonial and post-colonial eras. The course also explores  the factors and context that shaped the political thinking of these thinkers. It also compares their ideas on  the different issues of national importance for India. It intends to underline the relevance of their ideas in  the globalized India.  

Learning Outcomes: This course will enrich the knowledge of learners about Indian Political thinking  and tradition. It will enable them to understand that the articulation of political thinking of thinkers had  organic relations with their respective contexts. The context plays very vital role because every Indian  political thinker is the product of particular socio, economic, political and cultural context apart from their  educational background that had profoundly shaped their political thinking.  

M.A. Political Science Semester -III 

Course Code: PSPSTC-302 

Title-Indian Politics: Issues and Trends (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: The course is framed to familiarize the students about the issues cropped up in  Indian Politics in the Post-Colonial era. It aims to broaden the horizon of learners about Indian politics by  focusing on variety of issues ranging from old to new issues shaping contemporary Indian Politics. To  elucidate the transition in Indian Politics from liberal to neo-liberal politics under the impact of neo 

liberal economic reforms as a major trend is another vital objective of this course. The debates on  secularism, nationalism, citizenship and transparency & accountability will familiarize the students about  major discourses in Indian Politics. To explain the shift form socialist orientation to neoliberal orientation  will be another objective of this course. 

Learning Outcomes: This course will empower the learners to comprehend Indian politics beyond  structural and constitutional perspectives. It will enable them to grasp Indian Politics in its entirety. The  course will consolidate the knowledge base of the learners about the dynamism of Indian Politics. It will  enable them to understand the dialectical relationship between the Indian politics and its social universe.  

M.A. Political Science Semester III 

Course Code: PSPSTC-303 

Title-Politics in South Asia (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: Major objective of this course is to examine the domestic politics of South Asian  States by placing it in the perspective of comparative politics. This course provides the conceptual and  constitutional perspectives about the politics of these states. It aims to educate the students about variety  of political regimes ranging from democratic to authoritarian and praetorian emerged in the South Asian  states in the Post-Colonial era. It further compares the variants of these regimes experiences by the South  Asian states with each other. To understand the changing nature of South Asian States and their organic  relationship with their social universe is the key objective. The course familiarizes the learners about the  diversity of political structures and structural differentiation have taken place over times apart from  introducing them to the dynamic political processes that are constantly shaping the working of political  structures. 

Learning Outcomes: The course inculcates the orientation of comparative politics in the students to  understand the politics of South Asian States in comprehensive manners. The tools of comparative  politics equip them to develop deeper insights in the politics of these states by comparing and contrasting  their constitutional perspectives, political structures, political processes, political elites and political  ideologies. The knowledge imparting by this course enables the learners to grasp the role of civil society  movements that brought transformation in the nature of states and political regimes in South Asia. It will  enable them to understand that how the civil society upsurge led to the democratization of politics in the  region.  

M.A. Political Science Semester-III 

Course Code: PSPSTC-304 

Title-International Political Economy (Elective) 

Objectives of Course: This course provides theoretical perspective and empirical explanations regarding  international political economy. It examines how economic interests are determining the course of  international relations. This course deals with issues relating to distribution of power, wealth and  resources among nations. The politics over framing the rules of international trade and to understand the  evolution of global economy & global market are the key objectives to be explored. The students will be  familiarized with the politics of foreign aid, trade, technology transfer, arms trade and foreign direct  investment. The impact of Bretton Woods system, globalization and anti-globalization on international  political economy will be examined to provide overall perspective to learners. The North-South divide  prevailed during the cold war era and has been prevailing in the globalized world comprehends the  dynamics of international political economy in the contemporary era.  

Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to examine the inter-state relations and  international politics generated thereof from the perspective of political economy. It enables the learners  to understand that how the economic interests of dominant powers determine the course of global politics and international economy. The course explores for the benefit of its learners that how foreign aid, trade,  foreign direct investments, technology transfer and arms transfer from developed nations to developing  nations are used as tools to shape the nature of international political economy. It explores the role of  international financial and monetary institutions in shaping dynamism of international political economy. 

M.A. Political Science Semester III 

Course Code: PSPSTE-305 

Title-Indian Administration (Elective) 

Objectives of Course: This course traces the evolution of Indian Administration is a historical  perspective and constitutional framework. Besides, elucidating the uniformity of administrative structures  and continuity of administration in India, it elaborates liberal democracy and quasi unitary state structure  that shape the working of Indian Administration. It explains functioning of administrative structures at  national, state and local levels, their inter-relationship and their respective social, economic, political and  cultural settings. The course also aims to explain the concepts and mechanisms of clean and accountable  administration. It explores the impact of liberalization, privatization and globalization on administration.  

Learning Outcomes: The grounding in evolution of Indian Administration will help learners to absorb  its working in the contemporary times. It also elucidates that Indian Administration operates in the larger  political-setting with which it has symbiotic relationship. It empowers the students to grasp the dynamism  of Indian Administration. They are familiarized with the concepts and mechanism of clean administration,  good governance and accountable and responsible administration. Understanding the change and  continuity of administration from national to state and local levels will be an outcome.   

M.A. Political Science Semester-III 

Course Code: PSPSTO-306 

Title-Polity and Politics in India (Open Choice Course) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed for the students pursuing Mater Degree Programme in  other discipline with an objective to promote their inter-disciplinary knowledge base. It aims to introduce  the theory and practice of Indian polity in a blended mould. The course provides conceptual and  constitutional framework of Indian Polity to grasp the practice of politics in India. This course  familiarizes with the institutions and processes of governance operating at the national, state and local  levels. It also explores the factors shaping Indian politics.  

Learning Outcomes: The learners gain the knowledge on Indian Polity and Politics and also get inter disciplinary perspective of knowledge. They also learn the significance of inter-disciplinary approach for  understanding their parent subjects. It helps those students tremendously who are aspiring for the  competitive examinations for the various jobs. It acquaints the students about the functioning of Indian  Political System which affects their lives and future.  


M.A. Political Science Semester-IV 

Course Code: PSPSTC-401 

Title- Dynamics of Jammu and Kashmir Politics (Compulsory) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed to provide knowledge about the immediate surroundings  of learners. It familiarizes the students about the politics of Jammu and Kashmir evolved over the period  of time. It introduces the students with the historical and constitutional perspectives of the politics of  Jammu and Kashmir. The constitutional provisions related to its special status and the subsequent  modifications in that have been discussed here. The economic and electoral dynamics of politics have also  been explored to grasp the politics in its entirety. The perennial conflict situation and urge for regional  autonomy have also been examined. It also acquaints the students with the recent change brought about in  its status and position in the Indian Union. 

Learning Outcomes: Understanding about the historical and constitutional perspectives enables the  learners to grasp the dynamics of politics in Jammu and Kashmir. It empowers them to develop broad  knowledge base by focusing on the politics of granting special status and subsequently diluting it through  various accords and agreements. Political economy and regional autonomy perspectives help the learners  to develop deeper insights in the dynamics of politics in Jammu and Kashmir. To elucidate the impact of  recent change in the status of Jammu and Kashmir will be another learning outcome of this course.  


M.A. Political Science Semester- IV 

Course Code: PSPSTC-402 

Title-India’s Neighbourhood, Extended Neighbourhood and

Objectives of Course: This course aims to enrich students’ knowledge base on India’s World view by  focusing on its immediate and extended surroundings. It evaluates India’s South Asian, Southeast Asian,  West Asian and Central Asian diplomacies besides examining its Indian Ocean policy and relations with  Australia and Canada. It explores its bilateral relations with South Asian states, some Southeast Asian and  West Asian States which matter more to India’s national interest. 

Learning Outcomes: The course help the learners to use the bilateral and multilateral approaches to  grasp India’s policy perspectives and strategies about South Asian, Southeast Asian, Central Asian and  West Asian regions. By elaborating the regional policy postures, it equips the learners to figure out that  how India kept on adjusting its equations and relations these regions depending upon the evolving time  and space. While discussing India’s maritime security concerns and naval diplomacy, the learners will be  able to understand the significance of Indian Ocean in India destiny. 


M.A. Political Science Semester-IV 

Course Code: PSPSTE-403 

Title-International Organization and International Law (Elective) 

Objectives of Course: This course intends to explain evolution and growth on international organization  and International Law which have been shaping the behaviour of state actors in international politics. It  educates about the goals, principles of International Organization besides describing its contribution in the  domain of high politics and low politics. The course explores the need for reforms in the United Nations  to keep it relevant in the twenty-first century. It elucidates the symbiotic relationship between  international organization and international law as they reinforce each other. It explains relations between  International and National Law for the better understanding of the subject. It mandates to elaborate on the  sources of International Law, humanitarian law and their utility for the pacific settlement of conflict. 

Learning Outcomes: This course enables the learners to consolidate their knowledge base by focusing  on the study of International Organization and International Law because national politics has close  linkages with international politics. It introduces them that the states are bound to honor their commitments to International Organization given under International Law while formulating their  national policies. It sensitizes the learners to the right of asylums for the individual and the right to  extradition available to the states under international law.  

M.A. Political Science Semester-IV 

Course Code: PSPSTE-404 

Title-Human Rights (Elective) 

Objectives of Course: This course is framed to sensitize the student with the articulation of idea of  human rights which to the conceptualization of various human rights and their legalization in the form of  international legal regimes such as declarations, covenants, protocols and conventions. It explores the role  of public international law and humanitarian law for protection and promotion of human rights. It intends  to elaborate the obligations of State and Civil Society as major stakeholders in the domain of human  rights. Impact of conflict and globalization on human rights’ scenario across the world has also been  elaborated here. This course examines the mechanism of human rights and the human rights of  disadvantage groups such as children, transgender, refugees, migrants, minorities and internally displaced  people in India. It also evaluates the role of Human Rights’ Movements for protection of human rightss  

Learning Outcomes: The course educates students about the global picture regarding the dynamism of  human rights and international legal regimes evolved thereof. It will make the learners aware that  individual, state, civil society and international community are stakeholders in the domain of human  rights. They will come to know the safeguards available in the international and national law for the  protection of human rights. It will enhance the sensitivity of the students regarding the human rights in  general and the rights of disadvantaged group in particular. 


M.A. Political Science Semester-IV 

Course Code: PSPSTE-405 

Title-Public Policy and Governance (Elective) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed to impart knowledge theoretical about the public policy,  public policy making, policy analysis and evaluation. It explains the models of policy analysis and the  significance of public policies in democratic societies. It explores the roles played by various agencies,  groups and media in policy implementation and evaluation. The case study of some public policies is  undertaken to elucidate their objectives, formulation, implementation and evaluation processes. To  explain the co-relations between the public policies and governance is the core objective of this course. It  intends to draw distinction between government and governance. 

Learning Outcomes: While studying this course, the learners will understand the significance of public  policies for the Statecraft. Understanding the importance of public policies for democratic governance  will be one of the vital learning outcomes. The students will be introduced to the processes of public  policy formulation, implementation and evaluation for strengthening their knowledge base. They will also  learn that how the sound public policies will improve governance and effective governance will result  into people-centric public policies. The study of some sectoral public policies will enable them explore  the relationship between public policies and democratic governance.  


M.A. Political Science Semester-IV 

Course Code: PSPSTE-406 

Title-Indian Political Economy (Elective) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed to grasp on political economy perspective by focusing on  the linkages between the polity and economy of India. It intends to provide conceptual and historical  framework of Indian political economy. It explores to what extent the economic ideas of founding fathers  Indian Constitution and freedom struggle shaped political economy in India. Political economy of  agriculture, liberalization, elections, regional disparities, media, social sector, technology and growth in  Indian will be examined. It explains that political and economic processes are inter-twined as the polity  and economy are inter-dependent. 

Outcomes: Theoretical knowledge about political economy equips the learners to explore the dynamics  of economy and polity in India. They will learn politics of land reforms, demonetization, digitalization  and economics of elections, media and technology for the better understanding of Indian politics and  economy. This course will enable the students to learn their subject better by using the inter-disciplinary  approach. 


M.A. Political Science Semester-IV 

Course Code: PSPSTO-407 

Title- India and the World (Open Choice Course) 

Objectives of Course: This course is designed for the students pursuing Mater Degree Programme in  other discipline with an objective to promote their inter-disciplinary knowledge base. It introduces the  world power structure that keeps on changing with the change of global objective realities. The use of war  and diplomacy by the states as an instrument of their foreign policy is elaborated here. It aims to  familiarize the students with India’s World View which has been evolving since its independence. It  educates students about India’s use of foreign policy as an instrument to mobilize external support in the  form of capital and technology to modernize its economy. It elucidates the use of diplomacy to fulfill  India’s energy requirements by importing fossil fuels from the West Asian region. This course explores  India’s World View in the context of three concentric circles such as immediate circle, intermediate circle  and ultimate circle. 

Learning Outcomes: The learners gain the knowledge on India and World and thereby develop inter disciplinary perspective of knowledge. They also learn the significance of inter-disciplinary approach for  better understanding their parent subjects. It helps those students tremendously who are aspiring for the  competitive examinations for the various jobs. It acquaints the students that how India has been engaging  the world by articulating different policy perspectives to serve its national interest. They will also learn  about India’s commitments towards global commons such as world peace, climate change, fair world  trading system and security of Sea Lanes of Communications. 


Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Baljit Singh Mann Professor and Head E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419835781
Prof. Mohd. Tajuddin E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.:
Dr. Ellora Puri Sr. Assistant Professor PhD Comparative Politcs, State Politics in India, Political Violence, Gender and Politics E-mail: Mobile No.: