"College on Wheels-J&K Gyanodaya Express," is a pioneering educational endeavor and the first of its kind in Jammu and Kashmir. This unique initiative aims to redefine education, effectively dissolving boundaries and reshaping the world into a boundless University. The goal is to facilitate the discovery of the student's inner passions and life's purpose through immersive, collaborative, project-based learning experiences to address real-world challenges. The ultimate aspiration is to cultivate a culture of idea incubation, innovation, and skill development in alignment with National Education Policy 2020, where our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has envisioned a paradigm shift from job seekers to job creators.


1) To encourage independent exploration and hands-on research, enhancing learning and problem-solving skills addressing real life challenges.

2)To cultivate innovative thinking and interdisciplinary collaboration for potential groundbreaking discoveries and idea incubation.

3)To equip students to identify market opportunities and navigate the complexities of bringing innovations to market, understanding customer needs.

4)To encourage personal growth, self-confidence, and leadership development for Women Empowerment. To promote cultural exchange, fostering unity and sense of mutual respect.

5)To provide educational enrichment by exposing students to India's historical, geographical, and cultural diversity.