About University Read more about About University About University Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Introduction Read more about Introduction DIQA One of the emerging challenges faced by any higher educational institution is the development, application and maintenance of quality...
Teaching Staff Selection List of Assistant Professors in Department of Political Science. Selection of the Candidates for the Posts of Associate Professors (UR Category) in Sanskrit and Hindi Department, JU Selection of the Candidate for the Permanent Post of Assistant Professor in following Departments/ Directorate, JU Applications invited for the temporary posts of Lecturers/Teaching Assistants for the academic session 2024-25 Selection of the Candidate for the Permanent Post (Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/23/311 dated 09-06-2023) of Assistant Professor in following Department, JU Applications are invited for the post of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Chair Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/23/311 dated 09-06-2023 (Click here for online form submission) (Extension Notice : Last date extended upto 15-07-2023) Applications invited for the temporary posts of Lecturers/Teaching Assistants for the academic session 2023-24, JU Online/ Offline applications invited for various teaching posts (Advertisement No Adm/TW/C&R/22/287-300 dated 22-08-2022), JU (Extension Notice : Last date extended upto 10-12-2022) Applications invited for the temporary posts of Lecturers/Teaching Assistants for the academic session 2021-22, JU Applications invited for the temporary posts of Lecturers/Teaching Assistants for the academic session 2021-22, JU Advertisement for the post of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Chair Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/20/6426 dated 07-12-2020 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/20/6085 dated 21-08-2020 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/20/1880 dated 10-03-2020 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/19/482-530 dated 27-07-2019 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/19/118 dated 16-05-2019 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/18/1431 dated 28-09-2018 (Principal Form) (Lecturer Form) Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/18/212 dated 27-04-2018 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/17/2123-35 dated 20-12-2017 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/17/2114-20 dated 18-12-2017 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/17/2053-73 dated 30-11-2017 Advertisement No. Estab./NTW/17/2895-2994 dated 07-11-2017 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/17/971 dated 30-08-2017 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/17/844 dated 01-08-2017 Advertisement No. Adm/TW/C&R/17/720 dated 21-07-2017 (Corrigendum for the post of BEd Lecturer/ Teaching Assistant)