About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Syllabus of Design your Degree of Semester-II, FYUGP under CBCS Design Your Degree Sem-III Syllabus of DYD Sem-II Course Code: UFDDPC-201
Design Your Degree of Semester-I, FYUGP under CBCS Modification in Syllabus of DYD of Sem-I Syllabus of DYD Sem-I Course Code : UFDDPC-104
Statutes of the Four Year Under Graduate Programme Amendment in Statute-40 Revised Statutes of FYUGP as per NEP- 2020(Academic Session 2023-24 onwards) Amendment in Statute (Revised)
Islamic Studies Change in the Scheme of Examinations in the syllabii for Islamic Studies Sem I & II under CBCS Islamic Studies Revised Syllabi for Sem Ist & IInd Islamic Studies Sem IIIrd and IVth under CBCS Islamic Studies Sem 5th to 8th Corrigendum Islamic Studies Sem-V UMJIST-503
B.A/B.Sc. Honours in Computer Applications B.A/ B.Sc. Honours Computer Applications Sem III and IV B.A/ B.Sc. Honours in Computer Applications Sem Vth to VIIIth
B.A/B.Sc. Honours in Information Technology Information Technology Sem III and IV Information Technology Sem Vth to VIIIth
Bachelor of Computer Applications(B.C.A) B.C.A Sem IIIrd and IVth (Web Technology, Data Science and Software Development) Modification in the Title of the Course No. UMICST303- B.C.A Sem IIIrd Ammendment in the Syllabi of BCA Sem-IV under CBCS B.C.A Sem Vth to VIIIth
Social Work Social Work: Modification in the Scheme of Examinations Sem Ist and IInd Social Work : Sem IIIrd and IVth
Economics Economics Sem IIIrd and IVth Revised Syllabi of Economics for Sem Ist (FYUGP) Change in the Scheme of Examinations in the subject Economics Sem IInd Economics Sem Vth to VIIIth
Electronics Electronics Sem IIIrd and IVth Electronics Sem Vth to VIIIth
Sanskrit Sanskrit Sem IIIrd and IVth Sanskrit Sem Vth to VIIIth
Physical Education Physical Education Sem III & IV Physical Education Sem Vth to VIIIth
Kashmiri Kashmiri Sem IIIrd and IVth Kashmiri Sem Vth to VIIIth
Geography Geography Sem IIIrd and IVth Geography Sem Vth to VIIIth
Education Education Sem IIIrd and IVth Education Sem Vth to VIIIth
Chemistry Chemistry Sem IIIrd and IVth Chemistry Sem Vth to VIIIth
Value Added Courses Value Added Courses - Optional Sem IIIrd and IVth
Punjabi Punjabi Sem IIIrd and IVth Punjabi Sem Vth to VIIIth
Philosophy Philosophy Sem-IIIrd and IVth Philosophy Sem Vth to VIIIth
Indian Music Indian Music Sem-III and IVth Indian Music Sem Vth and VIth Revised syllabi of Music of Ist to IVth Sem
English/ English Literature Corrigendum: English sem IInd English/English Literature Sem-IIIrd and IVth English/ English Literature Sem Vth to VIIIth Mulltidiscipline Course of Functional English of Sem 1st to 3rd
Dogri Dogri Sem I & II (revised) Dogri Sem-III & IVth Dogri Sem Vth to VIIIth
Management/ Business Management Management/ Business Management Sem IIIrd & IVth Management/ Business Management Sem Vth to VIIIth
Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Semester I, II and III under CBCS Academic Year 2023 Environmental Sciences Semester IVth and Vth
Library Science Library Science Sem-I and Sem-II(for the academic session 2022-23 only); and Sem Ist to IVth Library Science Sem Vth to VIIIth Partial modification of Syllabi of Library Science for Sem.5th to 8th
Commerce Corrigendum:Commerce(Business Regulations) of Sem-IInd Commerce Sem IIIrd and IVth Commerce Sem Vth to VIIIth
Mathematics Corrigendum: Mathematics Sem-II Mathematics Sem-III and IV Mathematics Sem Vth -VIIIth
Food Science and Quality Control Food Science and Quality Control Sem IIIrd and IVth Corrigendum Food Science and Quality Control(4th Sem under the CBCS) Correction of syllabi of Food Sci. & Quality Control under FYUGP course No. 405 Food Science and Quality Control Sem Vth to VIIIth
Home Science Home Science Sem IIIrd and IVth Home Science Sem Vth to VIIIth
Sociology Sociology Sem IIIrd and IVth(CBCS) Sociology Sem Vth - VIIIth (CBCS)
Urdu Urdu Sem IIIrd and IVth Urdu Sem Vth to VIIIth Modification in Sem-Vth Syllabi Urdu Sem I to III (Multidisciplinary Course)
Psychology Psychology Sem IIIrd and IVth Psychology Sem Vth to VIIIth
Industrial Fish and Fisheries Industrial Fish and Fisheries of Sem IIIrd and IVth Industrial Fish and Fisheries of Sem Vth-VIIIth
Sericulture Sericulture Sem IIIrd and IVth Sericulture Sem Vth to VIIIth
Statistics Statistics Sem IVth Statistics Sem Vth to VIIIth Amended Syllabus Statistics Sem-Vth (Course Code: UMJSTT-501,502 ,503,504 and USEGEI-506)
Zoology Zoology Sem IIIrd and IVth Zoology Sem Vth to VIIIth
Botany Botany: Changes in the Scheme of Examinations in the syllabii Sem -I and Sem-II Botany Sem-III and IVth Botany Sem Vth to VIIIth Botany Sem Ist to IVth (ammended) Correction of syllabi of Botany under FYUGP as NEP-20 1st to 4th Sem Syllabi of MD course of Botany under FYUGP as per NEP 2nd Sem Modification of syllabi of Botany of Semester VIth and VIIth Botany Corrigendum (Sem-V Major Course UMJBOT-504 & Sem-VI Minor Course UMIBOT-605) Botany Corrigendum (Sem VI and VII)
Biochemistry Biochemistry Sem IIIrd and IVth Biochemistry Sem Vth to VIIIth
Biotechnology Biotechnology Sem IIIrd and IVth Biotechnology Sem Vth to VIIIth
Physics Physics Sem IIIrd and IVth Physics Sem Vth to VIIIth
Political Science Revised Syllabi Political Science Sem I and II Political Science Sem III and IV Political Science Sem Vth to VIIIth
Public Administration Revised Syllabi Public Administration Sem I and II Corrigendum: Public Administration Sem I & II, Course No. UMDPAT-103 & 203 Public Administration Sem III and IVth Public Administration Sem Vth to VIIIth
History History Sem IIIrd and IVth History Sem Vth to VIIIth History Muti Disciplinary Course Sem Ist to IIIrd