Under Graduate Syllabus (CBCS/ Non-CBCS) 


Amendments in the Scheme of Examinations of B.Ed through open and Distance Learning for semesters I to VI for the candidates of DD&OE

Statute & Syllabi of Disaster Management under UG Programme for Army Personnel at HAWS under Non CBCS

Syllabi of history of Ist and IInd Semester under Choice Based Credit System at UG Level

BA LL.B 5 yrs Revised Syllabus Sem I-X  (Examinations to be held in  2024-2031)

LL.B 3 yrs Revised Syllabus Sem I-VI (Examinations to be held in 2024-2029)

B.Lib.I.Sci Semester 1st and 2nd(Examinations to be held in Dec 2024, 2025 and 2026 & May 2025, 2026 and 2027) under Non-CBCS

BA/B.Ed Semesters VIIth and VIIIth Four Year Integrated Programme

BA /B.Ed Semester Vth Four Year Integrated Programme

Political Science for Semester-VI under CBCS  2021-2026

Political Science for Semesters VI, Course Code: PS-601 under Non-CBCS Scheme-2022-27 for the candidates of DDE

Corrigendum: Course Code. UCATE-605 B.A/B.SC Computer Application of Semester VI under CBCS

General English and English Literature(Semester- V and VI) under Non-CBCS for the candidates of DDE

B.A Social Work (Semester-III to VI) under CBCS

 B.A Public Administration(Semester-V and VI) under CBCS

Subject combination 2021 onwards UG Level under CBCS

Revised Subject Combinations of ARTs under Choice Based Credit System
BCom (I-VI semester) CBCS  
History (V-VI semester) CBCS Continuation notification Education(I-VI semester) CBCS
Continuation notification Math (IV-VI semester) CBCS Continuation notification Math (I-Vi semester) DDE Non-CBCS
Corrigendum Persian Statistics (I-Vi semester) CBCS
Physical Education (V-VI semester) CBCS Food Science and Quality Control (I-VI semester) CBCS
Biotechnology (V-VI semester) CBCS Economics (III-VI semester) CBCS
Punjabi (IV-VI semester) CBCS NCC (I-II semester) CBCS (NCC- Army & Naval)
Dogri (I-VI semester) CBCS Continuation notification of Punjabi (I-Vi semester) Non- CBCS
Continuation notification of Psychology CBCS Psychology (V-VI Semester) CBCS

BBA (I to VI semester) CBCS
PGDBM (I to II semester) Non-CBCS

Continuation notification of Psychology for DDE Non-CBCS
BCom Hons (I to VI semester) CBCS Persian (I -II semester) CBCS
Philosophy (Iv to VI semester) CBCS BCom (I to VI semester) CBCS
Electronics (II to VI semester) CBCS Continuation notification of Zoology
Continuation notification of Psychology for DDE under UG Level under NON CBCS Continuation notification of Pyschology CBCS
Bio-Chemistry (I Semester) CBCS Modified Psychology (Hons) (I to IV semester) CBCS
Continuation of syllabi of History under NON-CBCS Notification of Islamic Studies CBCS
Political Science (I to VI semester) CBCS Continuation notification of political science under CBCS 
Zoology (III to VI semester) CBCS Political Science (I to VI semester) Non-CBCS
Botany-Notification Social Work (I, II semester) CBCS
Indian Music (I to VI semester) CBCS Urdu (IV to VI semester) CBCS
BCom (I to VI semester) Non-CBCS DDE Education (III, IV semester) CBCS
BCom (I to VI semester) CBCS BCom Hons (I to VI semester) CBCS
Computer Application (BA/ BSc) & BCA (III to VI semester) CBCS BBA, Business Mgt & Marketing Mgt (I to VI semester) CBCS
English (III to IV semester) CBCS BCA (I to VI semester) CBCS
Zoology, Sericulture, Industrial Fish and Fisheries (III to VI semester) CBCS Physical Education (III, IV semester) CBCS
Islamic Studies (III to VI semester) CBCS History (I to VI semester) CBCS
Computer Application (I to VI semester) CBCS History Hons (I to VI semester) CBSC
Library Science (I to VI semester) CBCS Economics (I to II semester) CBCS
Biotechnology (I to IV semester) CBCS BCA (I to VI semester) CBCS
BBA (Hotel Management) (I to VI semester) CBCS BA Hindi (Hons) (I to II semester) CBCS
Environmental Science (III to VI semester) CBCS Statistics (IV to VI semester) CBCS
Sociology (I to VI semester) CBCS Sociology (I to VI semester) Non-CBCS DDE
English & English Literature(I to IV semester) Non-CBCS  
English Literature & Functional English (III, IV semester) CBCS English (III, IV semester) CBCS
Hindi Literature (I semester) CBCS Hindi (I to VI semester) CBCS
Hindi (Hons) (IV to VI semester) CBCS Hindi (V to Vi semester) Non- CBCS
Persian (III to VI semester) CBCS  
Arabic (I to Vi semester) Non-CBCS Arabic (III to VI semester) CBCS
Public Administration (I to IV semester) Political Science (Hons) (I to VI semester)
Circular Environmental Science  (V, VI semester)
Course Structure and Combination of Subjects for Under Graduate programme under Choice Based Credit System Computer Application (BA/ BSc)  (V, VI semester)
Core Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses under Choice Based Credit System at U.G Level for 5th and 6th Semester Urdu (V, VI semester)
Revised combinations of ARTS under CBCS Hindi Language (V, VI semester)
Home Science & Food Science and Quality Control (Notification) Hindi Literature (I, II, III, IV semester)
Physics (Notification) Islamic Studies (I, II, V, VI semester)
History (Notification) Economics (I, II, III, IV, V, VI semester)
BPEd (Notification) B. Architecture (III, IV semester)
Music (Notification) Dogri (V, VI semester)
PGDBM (Notification) NCC (III, IV, V, VI semester)
Urdu (Notification) English (V, VI semester)
English, Functional English, English Literature (Notification) Geography (V, VI semester)
Islamic (I, II, V, VI semester) Political Science (IV, V, VI semester)
Chemistry (I, II, III, IV, V, VI semester) BSc Home Science & Food Science and Quality Control(V, VI semester)
Dogri (I, II, III, IV, V, VI semester) BA Home Science (V, VI semester)
English (I, II semester) Punjabi (V, VI semester)
English Literature (I, II semester) MIL (Hindi, English, Punjabi, Urdu, Dogri)
Environmental Science (I, II semester) Biotechnology (V, VI semester)
Functional English (I, II semester) BCom (Hons) (V, VI semester)
Physical Education (I, II semester) BCom (V, VI semester)
Library Science (I, II semester) Geography (I, II, IV semester)
Kashmiri (I, II, III, IV, V, VI semester) Sociology (I to VI semester)
Mathematics (I, II, III semester) Indian Music (V,  VI semester)
Psychology (I, II, III, IV semester) Education (I, II, V,  VI semester)
Psychology Honours  (I, II, III, IV semester) Economics (IV to VI semester)
Hindi Honours  (III semester) Islamic Studies (III to IV semester)
Sanskrit  (I, II, III, IV, V, VI semester) Economics (I to II semester)
Zoology  (I, II semester) History (III to IV semester)
Physics  (V, VI semester) Urdu (III to IV semester)
BA/ BSc Computer Applications (I to IV semester) BCA (I to IV semester)
Persian (III to VI semester) Arabic (III to VI semester)
Hindi (I to IV semester) Biotechnology (III to IV semester)
Political Science (I to III semester) English Literature (DDE) (IV semester)
English Literature (III to IV semester) Education (III semester), (IV semester)
Geography (III semester) Env Science (III to IV semester)
Economics (III semester) BBA (HM) (I to VI semester)
Punjabi (III to IV semester) Sanskrit (III to IV semester)
Functional English (III to IV semester) Core Courses and Skill Enhancement Courses under Choice Based Credit System at U.G Level for 3rd Semester
Dogri (III to IV semester) Sociology (III to IV semester)
Psychology (I to IV semester) Physics (III to IV semester)
Geology (I to IV semester) Food Science (III to IV semester)
English (Hons) (I to IV semester) BSc Home Science (III to IV semester)
BA Home Science (III to IV semester) Mathematics
English BCom (Changed Courses Content for Sem-III & IV)
BCom (Hons) BBA
Botany Business Management
Chemistry (I to VI semester) Electronics
Industrial Fish & Fisheries BA Marketing Management
Music Philosophy
Sericulture Statistics

Under graduate Syllabus for CBCS (1st to 2nd semester)

BCom BCom (Hons)
Education Hindi
Punjabi Sociology
English Botany
BBA HM Sanskrit
Urdu Math
Environmental Studies Zoology
BA English (Hons) Communication Skills
BA Management BA Marketing Management
BBA BA, BSc Home Science
Psychology Sericulture
Chemistry (Supersession - Chemistry Semester-II) Industrial Fish & Fisheries
Electronics Philosophy
Geology Physics
Dogri Indian Music
Islamic Studies Punjabi Communication
B.A./B.Sc. Computer Applications BCA
Dogri Communication Biotechnology
Statistics Geography
Economics Political Science
Arabic Persian
Communication Skill (Hindi)  

Under graduate Syllabus (3rd to 6th semester)

Biotechnology Food Science & Quality Control
BSc Home Science BA Home Science
Environmental Studies BBA
Persian Sericulture
Sociology Arabic
BCom BCom (Hons)
Business Mgt Education
Hindi Marketing Mgt
English Zoology
Chemistry Fisheries
Electronics Botany
History Physics
Sanskrit Statistics
Psychology Punjabi
Geography Music
Political Science Geology
Computer Application BCA