Minutes of the meeting of Institutional Ethical Committee (09.12.2024)

Order regarding 14 faculty members for their project proposals under one time seed grant (06.12.2024)

Order regarding Constitution of Research Advisory Council for the University (05.12.2024)

Order regarding constitution of the committee--- to cater to varied categories of funding out of University of Jammu Research Fund (22.11.2024)

BORS meeting Schedule (29.11.2024)

Circular regarding institutional Ethical Committee Meeting (19.11.2024)

Circular regarding Bio Safety Committee (13.11.2024)

Circular regarding Anveshan Team (12.11.2024)

Order regarding constitution of Steering committee---to steer the research activities/ events (08.11.2024)

Circular regarding NAAC visit (Research Data Dated: 23.10.2024)

Circular regarding institutional Ethical Committee Cases (18.10.2024)

Extension notification for call of Research proposals (One  time Seed Money Grant) 16.10.2024.

Extension notification for Ph.D Admissions  Session: September 2024. 16.10.2024

Circular regarding NAAC visit(Principal Investigators)  Dated: 11.10.2024

Request for Research Papers on different verticals of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen)Phase-II.

Institutional Ethical Committee Minutes (29.05.2024)

Committee for University Research Scholarship 12.06.2024

Minutes of meeting of Article Processing Committee held on 01.04.2024

DRS/24/1463-1513 Dated 11.06.2024 Circular(UoJRF Fee)

RA/24/1393-1400 Dated 06.06.2024 DRC(Geography)

Policy regarding permission for pursuing part-time research work by the college faculty members(Higher Education Deptt.) 2024

RA/24/1305-1314 Dated 29.05.2024 DRC(Biotechnology)

RA/24/1120-30 Dated 21.05.2024 DRC(Library Science)

DRS/24/1189-1229 Dated 24.05.2024 Reminder -Vacancies for Ph.D Admissions.

DRS/24/980-1029 Dated 17.05.2024 Circular(Statutes)-Clarifications

RA/24/1030-33 Dated 17.05.2024 Reminder

RA/24/874-84 Dated 14.05.2024 DRC(Remote Sensing & GIS)

RA/24/885-94 Dated 14.05.2024 DRC(Statistics)

RA/24/895-905 Dated 14.05.2024 DRC(Geology)

RA/24/791-800 Dated 09.05.2024 DRC(TBS)

RA/24/842-52 Dated 09.05.2024 DRC(Physics)

RA/24/812-22 Dated 09.05.2024 DRC(DSRS)

RA/24/801-11 Dated 09.05.2024 DRC(Sociology)

RA/24/519-569 Dated 01.05.2024 Circular(Ethical Cases)

DRS/24/468-518 Dated 01.05.2024 Circular(RAC/DRC)

Statutes  for Ph.D 2024

Form for submission of  Ph.D Synopsis.

DRS/24/97-147 Dated 04.04.2024 Circular(Projects)

DRS/24/148-198 Dated 04.04.2024 Circular(Proforma for submission of Research Projects).

DRS/24/5824-5878 Dated 06.02.2024 Circular(Projects).

Extension of date for submission of applications for PhD. programme under exempted category session 2023.

RA/23/2461-2510 (Research Appellate Committee (RAC) and Research Grievances Committee (RGC))

RA/23/2410-2460 (Centralized Research Admission Committee (CRAC))

Two days photo/poster gallery under the theme "Chandrayaan Yatra" in the Deptt. of Physics.

One day Scientific & Technical  Outreach Programme by Bhabha Atomic Research Institute, Mumbai.

Department Research Project Monitoring Committee(DRPMC)

Six monthly progress report of all seed money projects.

Six monthly Progress report proforma for Ph.D Programme

RA/20/7209-58 Dated 24.08.2020 (Research and Publication Ethics: Course Work)