Application for award of Research Scholarship/ Fellowship
DRS/22/829-869 Dated 31.05.2022 regarding University Research Scholarship
Estab/20/15998-16080 dated 23/12/2020 regarding enhancement of scholarship from Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/-.
Form for submission of progress report for Renewal of Research Scholarship/ Fellowship
Research Scholarships :-
- Subject to availability of funds, six research scholarships per year each post-graduate Course in a Department which has been authorized to enrol scholars for carrying research leading to the award of Ph. D. Degree.
- The value of each scholarship shall be Rs. 10000/- per month. Each scholarship shall be tenable for a period of three years from the dte the scholar starts research work in a Department of the University (including probationary training period). In addition each scholarship shall carry an annual grant of Rs. 3,500/- for Sciences and Rs. 2,000/- for Humanities including Social Sciences for meeting authorized contingent expenditure connected with the research work in accordance with the Regulations prescribed in this behalf.
A.The value of University Research Scholarship for M. Phil. Programme.
S.No. |
Item |
Revised |
1. |
Value of each Research Scholarship |
Rs. 10000/- per month |
2. |
Contingent Grant
i) For Science Subject
ii) For Humanities including Social Science Subjects. |
Rs. 1500/- p.a.
Rs. 1000/- p.a. |
- The scholar shall comply with all statutory requirements prescribed for registration for the Degree of Ph. D.
- Regulation No. 4 deleted vide U.C.R. No. 51 of 24.7.1986
- The selected scholar shall not accept or hold appointment, paid or otherwise, during the tenure of the award. He may, with the approval of his Supervisor and the Head of the Department concerned, undertake an approved teaching assignment of five to six hours in a week in the University without accepting any additional remuneration.
- No research scholar shall without the previous permission of the Board of Research Studies concerned join any other course of study or appear at any other examination conducted by the University or a public body.
- A scholar shall be eligible to get only one scholarship at a time. Before the scholarship is awarded, the scholar shall be required to submit an undertaking to the effect that he/she is not in receipt of any scholarship or stipend from the state or the Central Government or University Grants Commission or any other agency. Scholars enjoying any other scholarship or stipend shall be required to surrender it forthwith if selected for award of this scholarship.
- The scholarship shall be sanctioned by the DRS on the recommendation of a DRS each year. Applications for the research scholarships shall be made by the candidates on the prescribed form Appendix-A and shall be forwarded by the Heads of the Departments to the DRS alongwith the recommendation of the DRS in each case.
- The research scholar shall complete the full period of research work viz. three years, in the event of a scholar discontinuing before the completion of the period without previous permission of the Vice-Chancellor, he/she shall be liable to refund the entire amount received by him/her. If a scholar, due to one reason or the other, is not in a position to complete the full period of award, he should send his/her application for leaving the scheme and obtain the permission of the DRS before actually relinquishing the award. If the DRS considers that the reasons given are valid and satisfactory, the scholar may be released from the scheme and the condition for the recovery of the scholarships paid to him/her may be waived.
- Normally the research scholar shall have to complete the research project in a subject by him and approved by the University authorities within three years from the date of commencement of the research work under guidance of the Supervisor, and this period can be extended upto six months in case of genuine and special cases by the University on the recommendation of the Supervisor and the Head of the Department concerned.
- The scholarship for a particular month shall be paid to the scholar in the first week of the following month through the Head of the Department where he/she is working on presentation on a bill.
- The research scholar shall have to present to the University six monthly report of his work through his Supervisor who shall give his remarks about the progress of the work.
- A scholar under this scheme is entitled to enjoy one month's leave in a year in addition to the general holidays with the approval of his/her Supervisor and the Head of the Department. This includes all kinds of leave i.e. casual leave, earned leave, etc. The general holidays do not, however, include the vacations i.e. summer and winter. The year for this purpose is reckoned from the date of award of the scholarship. In extraordinary circumstances, such as serious illness, etc. leave without remuneration may be granted with the approval of the DRS.
- The DRS shall be competent to suspend or withdraw a scholarship if it is reported that the progress or conduct of a scholar has not been satisfactory.
- The women awardees may be permitted by the DRS, on the recommendation of the Supervisor and the Head of the Department concerned, to avail of maternity leave to the extent of six months once during the tenure of Scholarship.
Research Fellowships:-
- Research fellowships may be instituted in the University Teaching Departments to provide an opportunity to research students to undertake advanced study and research in different fields.
- The number of fellowships in each department shall be determined from time to time by the University Council.
- The value of a research fellowship shall be Rs. 1200/- p.m. for first two years and Rs. 1400/- per month for further two years. In addition, each fellowship shall carry an annual grant of Rs. 3500/- for Science subjects and Rs. 2000/- for other subjects for meeting authorized contingent expeinditure connected with the research work in accordance with the Regulations prescribed in this behalf.
- Persons who have passed their Master's Degree examination of this University or of any other recognized University in the first division or a high second division in the subject concerned or an allied subject shall be eligible to be considered for the research fellowships.
- The fellowships shall be sanctioned by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of a Selection committee consisting of the Professors and Readers in the Department with the Head of the Department concerned as the Chairman. Application for the research fellowships shall be made by the candidates on the prescribed form given at Appendix "A" and shall be forwarded by the Head of the Department concerned to the Registrar alongwith the recommendations of the Selection Committee in each case. The names of the fellows provisionally approved by the Vice-Chancellor for the award shall be communicated by the Registrar to the Department concerned.
- On receipt of this communication, the Head of the Post-graduate Department concerned shall furnish to the Registrar within one month the exact date on which the fellow commenced his research work under the scheme together with a bond duly executed by the fellow on a non-judicial stamped paper of proper value under law in the proforma given at Appendix "B".
- The tenure of each fellowship shall, in the first instance, be for one year may be extended by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned for the maximum period of three years depending on the progress of the research work. Under special circumstances, the fellowship may be extended by the Vice-Chancellor by a further period of one year on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned. If a person who has been awarded this fellowship completes his researh work for the Ph.D. degree within a period of three years from the date of award of this fellowship, he may be awarded the fellowship for a period of one year more for post-doctoral research on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned.
- Provided that tenure of fellowship shall include the award of any other scholarship/fellowship made by any other agency and that the period of leave availed of by a scholar without fellowship shall count towards the tenure of the fellowship.
- The fellow shall do whole-time research work under approved guidance in a subject selected by him and approved by the Board of Research Studies concerned. The fellow may be registered for the Ph. D. degree on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned.
- No research fellow shall, without the previous permission of the Board of Research Studies concerned, join any other course of study or appear at any other examination conducted by the University or a public body.
- A fellow shall be eligible to get only one fellowship at a time. Before the fellowship is awarded, the fellow shall be required to submit an undertaking to the effect that he/she is not in receipt of any scholarship or stipend from the State or the Central Government or University Grants Commission or any other agency. Fellow enjoying any other scholarship or stipend shall be required to surrender it forthwith if selected for award of this fellowship.
- A person who is awarded a research fellowship shall not accetp or hold any appointment, paid or otherwise, during the tenure of the award. He shall be a whole-time research worker and a teaching load up to six hours in a week could be assigned to him by the Head of the Department in consultation with the Research Supervisor without any remuneration. This will, however, not apply when a fellow is engaged in his field studies outside the University Campus.
- The fellow shall have to present to the Head of the Department quarterly report of his work through his Supervisor who shall forward it to the Vice-Chancellor alongwith his remarks about the progress of work.
- A fellow under this scheme is entitled to enjoy the Month's leave in a year in addition to the general holidays with the approval of his/her Supervisor and the Head of the Department. This includes all kinds of leave, i.e. casual leave, earned leave, etc. The general holidays do not, however, include the vacations i.e. summer and winter. The year for this purpose is reckoned from the date the fellowship was awarded. In extraodinary circumstances, such as serious illness, etc., leave without remuneration may be granted with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
- The fellowship for a particular month shall be paid to the fellow in the first week of the following month through the Head of the Department where he/she is working on presentation of a bill.
- The fellow shall be entitled to actual first class fare each way or actual bus fare for journey by road, plus D.A. admissible under rules when he/she is deputed for tour or conferences or research meetings or in connection with his research work.
- A fellow shall not relinquish the fellowship before the completion of the period of the award without the prior permission of the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned.
- The Vice-Chancellor shall be competent to suspend or withdraw a fellowship if it is reported that the progress or conduct of a fellow has not been satisfactory.
- The women awardees may be permitted by the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Supervisor and the Head of the Department concerned, to avail of maternity leave to the extent of three months once during the tenure of Fellowship.