About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Programmes offered by the Department:
Thrust areas of Research
1. Conventional and non-conventional security threats.
2. Transnational organized crime and nuclear weapon proliferation
3. Ethnic politics and conflicts
4. Global and regional strategic issues
5. Globalization and its impact on regional politics and security
6. International Relations and Area Studies
Masters of Arts (MA) in Defence and Strategic Studies: An Outline
Procedure and Assessment
Like M.A. Programmes in other Social Science disciplines, the curriculum of Master Degree Programme in Defence and Strategic Studies is executed according to the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) which provides an opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses comprising Core, Elective, Open Choice, and Swayam Courses. The minimum number of lectures in each course would be sixty. The assessment of the student is being done basis within the framework of continuous evaluation which includes First Minor Test, Second Minor Test, and Major Examination in each semester. The courses are being evaluated according to the Grading System which is consider more appropriate that the conventional system of assessment.
Initially, the number of seats may be twenty-five and later this can be increased. The proposed Masters of Arts (MA) Programme has been designed to impart knowledge about the basic concept and various Defence and Strategic dimensions having national and international implications. All courses in this programme have been based on multi-disciplinary approach which incorporates Fundamentals of Warfare, Strategic Thought, International Relations, National Security of India, India as a Rising Power, Defence Mechanism of India, Fundamentals of Military Psychology, Science, Technology and Defence Economics, International Law, Armament and Arms Control, various issues related to Peace and Conflict Studies, Military System in India, International Security Problems, and four elective course to facilitate a more profound understanding of Defence and Strategic Studies in the context of changing environment of world’s geo-strategic scenario.