Syllabus and Courses of Study for M.Sc. (Applied Geology)

PG Department of Geology, University of Jammu



















Structural Geology  & Tectonics








Igneous Petrology




Practical I (111 & 112)




Practical II (113, 114  & 115)




Week-end Field work



                          SEMESTER – II



Basin Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy













Geospatial Techniques




Metamorphic Petrology








Practical I (211 & 212)




Practical II (214,  215 & 216)





                      SEMESTER – III



Micropaleontology and Oceanography





Fuel Geology




Ore Geology




Applications of RS and GIS




Engineering and Environment Geology









Practical I (311 & 312)




Practical II  (313, 314 & 315)




Field Work











Exploration and Mining Geology






Gemology / Cryosphere & Climate Change Science










Geohazards and Disaster Management





Practical I (411 & 412)

























Evaluation Scheme

The students shall be continuously evaluated during the conduct of each course on the basis of their performance as follows:

Examination (theory)

Syllabus to be covered in the examination

Time allotted for the examination

Total Marks

Minor Test I (after 30 days)

Up to 25 %

1 hour (2 credits)

1½  hour (4 credits)

10 (for 2 credits)

20 (for 4 credits)

Minor Test II (after 60 days)

Up to 50 %

Major Test (after 90 days)

Up to 100 %

2½  hour (2 credits)

3  hour (4 credits)

30 (for 2 credits)

60 (4 credit course)



Guidelines for setting of question papers

For TWO  Credit Courses


For FOUR Credit Courses


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1), Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer types questions (5 marks) to be set  from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)   Time: 01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Minor test 1 (25% weightage for first 5 sub-units  (1.1 - 2.1), Time : 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units(1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer types questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)  Time : 1½ hour

80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and 20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1).

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units(2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer types questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)

Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed : 2 ½ hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only


Major Test (80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and 20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2). Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only.











Course No.: PSAGTC111                                        Title: Sedimentology

Credits: 04                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 60       

Maximum Marks: 100                                              Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

Objective: This course is about deciphering the earth’s history from the pages of the earth’s past written in the sedimentary rocks. This course is about the sediments, sedimentary rocks and the processes operating in their formation to arm the students with the knowledge of ancient events and environments on the ever-evolving face of earth.

UNIT-I           Sediments and textural analysis     

1.1       Sediment generation and formation of sedimentary rocks 

1.2       Textural analysis and their significance

1.3       Surface textures and their significance

1.4       Porosity and permeability pore morphology, effect of texture on porosity and permeability


UNIT-II          Sediment movement and sedimentation

2.1       Laws of fluid motion and sediment transport

2.2       Flow regimes and stability of bedforms

2.3       Modes of sediment transport: sediment gravity flows: mudflows, grain flow, liquefied flows, turbidity flows, bedload, suspension and solution transport

2.4       Sedimentary structures (Primary, secondary and biogenic) and their formation


UNIT-III        Petrogenesis of sedimentary rocks

3.1       Classification and petrogenesis of clastic sedimentary rocks: rudaceous rocks, arenaceous and argillaceous rocks

3.2       Nomenclature and Classification of carbonate rocks (Folk and Dunham)

3.3       Diagenesis of sedimentary rocks

3.4       Heavy minerals and their significance


UNIT-IV         Petrogenesis of chemical rocks

4.1       Carbonate rocks and their allochemical and orthochemical constituents

4.2       Petrogenesis of biogenic silica deposits.

4.3       Petrogenesis of phosphate deposits. 

4.4       Evaporites


UNTI-V          Domains of sedimentation

5.1       Introduction to depositional sedimentary environments

5.2       Dolomites and Dolomitization models 

5.3       Application of carbon and oxygen isotopes in sedimentationstudies

5.4       Application of Cathodo-luminiscence technique in diagenetic studies




Course No.: PSAGTC111                                                                            Title: Sedimentology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

Books Recommended

Miall, Andrew D.                                               Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Lindholm, R. C.                                                  A Practical Approach to Sedimentology

Collinson, J. D. & Thompson, D. B.                  Sedimentary Structures

Reineck, H. E. & Singh, I. B.                             Depositional Sedimentary Environments

Allen, J.R.L.                                                       Physical processes of Sedimentation

Reading, H.G.                                                     Sedimentary Environments

Petijohn, F.J. & Potter                                        Sand and Sandstone

Petijohn, F.J                                                        Sedimentary rocks 

Friedman, M.Gorale& Sanders                          Principles of Sedimentology

Selley, R.C.                                                        Applied Sedimentology

Bjorlykke, K.                                                      Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology         

Blatt, Middleton and Murray                             Carbonate sediments and their origin           

Bathurst, R.G.C.                                                 Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis

Carozzi, A.V.                                                      Carbonate rock depositional models:AMicrofacies Approach

Wilson, J.L.                                                        Carbonate rocks in Geologic History

Carver, R.F.                                                        Procedures in Sedimentary Petrology

Leeder, M.R.                                                      Sedimentology: Process and Product

Prothero and Schwab                                         Sedimentary Geology


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1 (Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),             Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2)             Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)



Course No.: PSAGTC112                                                    Title: Stratigraphy

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60   

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

Objectives: To impart working knowledge of stratigraphic methods, concept of the distribution of Precambrian Shield belts and their evolution and to knowledge about Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata with faunal and floral elements and the Gondwana successions.


UNIT – 1:       Principles of stratigraphy

    1. Principles of stratigraphy. Geological time scale. Elementary idea about Earth’s Climatic History.
    2. Codes of stratigraphic nomenclature. Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy,Methods of stratigraphic correlation.
    3. Facies concept in Stratigraphy – Walther’s law.Geological record and its imperfections. Types of unconformities and their significance.
    4. Magnetostratigraphy and its application, application and problems of C14, fission track, Relative and absolute age dating.


UNIT – 2:       Precambrian Stratigraphy of India

2.1       Evolution of Indian shield in space and time. Major Precambrian belts of Peninsular India and their tectonic setting.

2.2       Stratigraphy of Archean rocks of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Singhbhum& Rajasthan and their geochronological relationship.

2.3       Stratigraphy of Proterozoic of peninsular India, viz., Cuddapah, Vindhyan, Godavari Supergroups and their equivalents

2.4       Stratigraphy of Precambrian rocks of extra peninsular India in lesser (Chandpur, Mandhali, Nagthat, Jaunsar, Blaini, Infra-Krol, Krol and Shali) and higher Himalaya (Vaikrita, Haimanta, Salkhala, Dogra Slate, Jutogh, Chail, Shimla Slate and Darjeeling Formations)


UNIT – 3:       Palaeozoic Stratigraphy of India

3.1       Precambrian – Cambrian boundary problem and its fixation in India. Distribution of Palaeozoic rocks in India.

3.2       Correlation of the Palaeozoic successions of India, Tethyan and Lesser Himalayan basins and their tectonic history during Palaeozoic times. 

3.3       Concept of Gondwanaland and global distribution of Gondwana rocks. Distribution, classification, Fauna, flora and depositional environment of GondwanaSupergroup in peninsular India. 

3.4       Gondwana outcrops in Extra-Peninsular India. Age limits of Gondwana rocks and climatic fluctuations. Permo-Triassic boundary and its identification in India.


UNIT –4:        Mesozoic Stratigraphy of India

4.1       Distribution, Classification, depositional characteristics, fauna, and flora of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous systems in major basins of India. Distribution, Stratigraphy, Field characters and age of Deccan Trap.




Course No.: PSAGTC112                                                                            Title: Stratigraphy

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


4.2       Distribution, Classification, fauna and flora and correlation of the Mesozoic strata of Himalaya.

4.3       Distribution, classification, depositional characteristics, fauna and flora of Bagh Group, Lameta Formation and Intertrappean sediments.

4.4       Cretaceous –Tertiary boundary and its identification in India. Significance of marine transgressions in Mesozoic and the development of coastal facies in India.


UNIT –5:        Cenozoic and Quaternary Stratigraphy of India

5.1       Distribution, Classification, depositional characteristics, fauna, and flora of the Paleogene. Himalayan ophiolites and mélanges and their significance. 

5.2       Distribution Classification, depositional characteristics, fauna and flora of the Neogene deposits (Siwalik Group and their equivalent).

5.3       Distribution, Classification, depositional characteristics, fauna, and flora of the Karewa Group.

5.4       Quaternary sediments in India. Neogene/Quaternary boundary and its fixation in India.


Books Recommended

Weller, J.M.                                                 Stratigraphic Principles and Practice.

Dubbar and Rodger                                     Principles of stratigraphy.

Hedberg                                                       International Stratigraphic Guide.

GSI Publ. 20                                                Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature.

Krishnen, M.S                                             Geology of India and Burma.

Pasco, E.H                                                   Manual of Geology of India & Burma, Vol. I-III

Wadia, D.N                                                 Geology of India.

Ravindra Kumar                                          Fundamentals of Historical Geology & Stratigraphy of India.

Naqvi                                                           Precambrian Geology of India.

Pichamuthu                                                 Archean Geology.

Rama Krishna &Vadhyanathan                  Stratigraphy Vol I – II (2008)

S K Shah                                                     Historical Geology (2018)


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour





Course No.: PSAGTC112                                                                            Title: Stratigraphy

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)





























Course No.: PSAGTC113                            Title: Structural Geology & Tectonics

Credits: 04                                                     No. of teaching hours: 60           

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

Objectives: This course intends to impart the fundamental knowledge about the structures in different settings ranging from regional, macroscopic to microscopic scale. This course is about to define and discuss the fundamental concepts and different data sets, and the methods of structural geology and structural analysis. Students will learn to interpret the structures to unfurl the history of deformation in the rocks including advanced ideas of internal structure of earth. Introduction of the latest concept of geomagnetism and its application. The knowledge on tectonic evolution of Himalaya and Indian craton


UNIT I -         Fundamentals of Structural Geology

    1. Mechanisms of Rock deformation
    2. Stress and Strain
    3. Techniques of Strain measurement
    4. Mohr diagram, and Wellman diagram


UNIT II          Structures formed in extensional, compressional, brittle and plastic regimes

2.1       Folds: Classification, Mechanism

2.2       Faults: Mechanism

2.3       Types of Faults: Normal Fault, Reverse fault, Strike-slip fault

2.4       Shear zones Geometry – types and products


UNIT III         Oregeny & Tectonics

3.1       Time relationship between deformation and recrystallization

3.2       Rock Fabric: Foliation and Lineation- terminology, development and significance

3.3       Kinematics and Palaeostress

3.4       Anatomy of Orogenic belts


UNIT III        Interior of Earth and Plate Movements

4.1       Seismic investigations of Earth’s interior, wave’s velocity, velocity curves, density distribution, elastic properties, pressure and temperature within the earth

4.2       Composition of the earth’s crust and upper mantle and crust-mantle relationship.

Gravity anomalies

4.3       Concept of continental drift, Evidences of sea floor spreading, magnetic anomaly patterns age of ocean sediments, oceanic ridges and trenches, benioff zone.

4.4       Geomagnetism- magnetizations, types, magnetic field reversals, polar wandering curve, applications in geology, Nature of plate margins, constructive and destructive geometry of plate motion, mosaic of plate, direction of motion, causes of plate motion, convection plumes and other classical hypothesis, Evolution of Cratonic domains.


UNIT-V          Himalayan Tectonics

5.1       Himalayan Tectonics: sedimentation, closing of continents, rotation of continental blocks, phases of deformation, shifting of depositional basins, vertical tectonics.




Course No.: PSAGTC113                                        Title: Structural Geology & Tectonics

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

5.2       Tectonics of Indian sub-continent, Drift and subduction of the Indian Plate, Andaman subduction zone and Makran subduction.

5.3       Indus-Tsangpo suture zone, Main Central Thrust, Main Boundary Fault, Siwalik structure, Himalayan Frontal Fault.

5.4       Neotectonic evidences in parts of Himalaya. Evolution of important cratonic domains of India.


Books Recommended

Badgley, P.C.                                                  Structure and Tectonics

Ramsay, J.G.                                                   Folding and fracturing of Rocks

Hobbs, B., Means W. & William, P.              An Outline of Structural Geology

Gosh, S.K.                                                       Structural Geology: Fundamentals & Modern Developments

Dennis, J.G.                                                    Structural Geology: An Introduction

Park, R. G.                                                      Foundations of Structural Geology

Davis, G H                                                      Structural Geology of Rocks & Regions

Jain, A K                                                         Structural Geology, 2014

Passchier & Trouw                                         Microtectonics

Twiss & Moore                                               Structural Geology

Ramsay,  J.G. and Martin, I.                           Techniques in Structural Geology, vol. I, II

Condie, K C                                                    Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution                                                                                                                          

Cox, A                                                             Plate Tectonics and Geomagnetic Reversals

Balanssov                                                        Basic problems in Geotectonics

Wadia, D N                                                     Geology of India

Gansser, A                                                      Geology of the Himalaya

Valdiya, K S                                                   Aspects of Geotectonics

Wyllia                                                             Dynamics of Earth

Fossen                                                             Structural Geology

Mitra and Marshak                                         Structural Geology and Tectonics

Rowland                                                          Structural Analysis and Synthesis

Valdiya, K S                                                   The Making of India             


Guidelines for setting of question papers:

Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. (1.1 -2.1)                                          Time: 1½ hour



Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)



Course No.: PSAGTC113                                        Title: Structural Geology & Tectonics

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)






























Course No.: PSAGTC114                                                    Title: Mineralogy

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60   

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

Objectives: This course will lay the foundation for the broader understanding of the geology by imparting the basic knowledge about the rock forming minerals, their formation, complexity, associations, identification and allied technical contexts. This course will also inculcate the basic idea of mineral interaction with light, and its utility for their understanding involving their ‘optical properties’.


UNIT I –         Introduction to mineralogy and optics      

1.1       Fundamentals of mineral, crystals andsilicate structures.

1.2       Interaction of light with matter/minerals (isotropic and anisotropic). Optical phenomena - colour, refraction, reflection, total internal reflection and refractive index. Light vibration and interaction - phase, interference, interference colours, retardation and resolution of light waves.            

1.3       Optical instruments and accessories. Polarization of light – methods and applications. Mineral extinction - causes, categories, measurement and application

1.4       Refractive indices and vibration directions.


UNIT II –       The optics of uniaxial and biaxial minerals

2.1       Optical Indicatrix - uniaxial and biaxial; construction and application.

2.2       Interference figures – uniaxial and biaxial; parts, formation, types and applications.

2.3       Methods and mechanism of determining the actual and apparent optic angle (2V and 2E) in biaxial minerals.

2.4       Pleochroism and pleochroic schemes for uniaxial and biaxial minerals. Dispersion in biaxial minerals.


UNIT III–       The internal structure and classification of minerals

3.1       Internal structure (atomic arrangement) of minerals and crystals. X-rays – historical perspective, nature, generation and spectra.

3.2       X-ray crystallography: diffraction – scattering and interference; Bragg’s Law - derivation and practical application. X-ray diffractometry- single crystalmethod and powder method.

3.3       Classification of minerals: Silicates, Oxides, Sulphates, Halides, Carbonates, Native Metals. Silicate structures and its modification an insight from Bowen’s Reaction Series

3.4       General structure, distinguishing features and paragenesis of native elements, major oxides and hydroxides, sulphates and sulphides, carbonates and phosphates, and atomic minerals.


UNIT IV-       Determinative Mineralogy of Silicate Minerals - I

4.1       Olivine Group: Structure, classification, distinguishing features and paragenesis.

4.2       Garnet Group: Structure, classification, distinguishing features and paragenesis.

4.3       Pyroxene and Pyroxenoid Group: Compositional changes and nomenclature, structure and paragenesis of orthoandclino-pyroxenes, and pyroxene thermometry.




Course No.: PSAGTC114                                                                            Title: Mineralogy

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

4.4       Amphibole Group:Nomenclature, structure and paragenesis of amphibole minerals, exsolution textures in amphiboles, and Al-in-amphibole barometry.


UNIT V-         Determinative Mineralogy of Silicate Minerals - II

5.1       Silica Group: Classification, structure, general characteristics and paragenesis.

5.2       Feldspar Group: Classification, structure, morphology and twinning and paragenesis of alkali feldspar and plagioclase feldspar; Feldspathoid Group: Structure, phase relations and paragenesis.

5.3       Mica Group: Classification and structure, compositional variation and paragenesis; Clay Minerals: Classification, structure, identification and paragenesis.

5.4       Epidote Group: structure, distinguishing properties andparagenesis.


Books Recommended

Whalstrom, E. E.                    Optical Crystallography

Nesse, W.D.                            Introduction to Optical Mineralogy

Dana, E.S                                A Textbook of Mineralogy

Mitra, S.                                  Fundamentals of Optics Spectroscopic & X-ray Mineralogy

Ehelrs, E.G.                             Optical Mineralogy

Kerr, P.F.                                Optical Mineralogy

Naidu, P.R.J                            Optical Mineralogy

Philips, W.R.                          Mineral Optics

Sholley, P.                               Manual of Optical Mineralogy

Winchel, A.N                          Elements of Optical Mineralogy

Mckie, D. & Mckie, C.           Crystalline Solids                               

Wolfson M.M.                        X-Ray Crystallography

Deer, Howie &Zussman         An introduction to the rock forming minerals                                                                         

Cerreves                                  Introduction to mineralogy

Berry and Masons                   Mineralogy

Kestov                                     Mineralogy

Batckhtin                                Mineralogy

Vema, P K                              Optical Mineralogy Ane Book Pvt Ltd. Delhi

Sharma, R and Sharma A       Crystallography and Mineralogy: Concepts and Methods GSI


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour



Course No.: PSAGTC114                                                                            Title: Mineralogy

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)



Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)





























Course No. PSAGTE115                                          Title:   IGNEOUS PETROLOGY

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2 ½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


    1. Mantle as heat engine.                                                                                   
    2. Magma and its generation in the mantle and crust; their nature and evolution.
    3. Magmatic processes: Partial melting, Magma, ascent & assimilation.                          
    4. Magmatic processes (contd.): Fractional crystallization± assimilation (FCA) and liquid immiscibility.



    1. Phase rule and its application to binary and ternary systems.                     
    2. Study of phase equilibria in Nepheline-Silica, Diopside-Anorthite, Forsterite-Silica, systems in the light of modern experimental works                                     
    3. Study of phase equilibria in Albite-Anorthite, Forsterite-Fayalite, Orthoclase-Albite systems in the light of modern experimental works.                                    
    4. Study of phase equilibria inOrthoclase-Albite-Silica, Diopside-Albite-Anorthite, Diopside-Forsterite-Silica systems in the light of modern experimental works.



    1. Petrography and interpretation of igneous textures in terms of rate of nucleation and crystal growth.                                                                                          
    2. IUGS classification schemes of ultramafic and mafic igneous rocks.
    3. IUGS classification schemes of felsic igneous rocks.                                   
    4. Total-alkali-silica (TAS) classification of volcanic igneous rocks.                       



    1. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of major igneous rock types and suites: Ultramafic rocks, komatiite, ophiolites, flood basaltandanorthosite.                         
    2. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of lamprophyres and kimberlite.                        
    3. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite (TTG), granitoids and its derivatives leucogranite and pegmatites.                             
    4. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of alkaline rocks and carbonatite with special reference to type locality of the world and Indian examples.                   


Books Recommended

Phillpotts, A.R. (1994)                       Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice Hall of India.

Winter, J. D. (2014)                           Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Pearson Education Limited, Edinburg.

Best, M. G. (2003)                             Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, 2nd Ed.  Blackwell.

Bose, M.K. (1997)                             Igneous Petrology, World Press, Kolkata.

Cox, K. G., Bell, J. D. and Pankhurst, R. J. (1979) The Interpretation of Igneous Rocks, Unwin


McBirney, A. R. (1993)                      Igneous petrology. Jones & Bartlet Publication.




Course No.: PSAGTC115                                                    Title: IGNEOUS PETROLOGY

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)

LeMaitre R. W. (2002)                      Igneous Rocks: A Classification and Glossary of Terms, Cambridge University Press.

Wilson, M. (1993)                             Igneous Petrogenesis, Chapman and Hall, London.

Kumar, S, and Singh, R. N. (2014)   Modelling of Magmatic and Allied Processes. Springer,


Modules of igneous and metamorphic petrology (E-pathshala website of UGC-Delhi)


Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time:   01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

















Course No.: PSAGLC116                            Title: Practical -I

(Related to courses PSAGTC-111, 112 & local weekend field report)

Credits: 04                                                    

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


Course No. PSAGTC111 (Sedimentology) - 15 marks

Exercises on Textural parameters, Megascopic study of rock specimens, Petrological study of clastic and non-clastic rocks

Course No. PSAGTC112 (Stratigraphy) – 15 marks

Preparation of stratigraphic columns, facies diagrams and correlation charts from field data. Making of fence diagrams from borehole data, calculation of bed thicknesses using trigonometric techniques, development of composite lithologs. Identification and division of lithocolumn into Group, Formation, Members, Beds etc.

At least seven days local field work and submission of field Report (An essential component of

15 marks) **.


                        Viva – Voce (5 marks) 

Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above** = total 50 marks















Course No.: PSAGLC117                            Title: Practical –II

(Related to courses PSAGTC- 113,114 &115)

Credits: 04                                                                

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2022, Dec. 2023 & Dec. 2024)


Course No PSAGTC113 (Structural Geology & Tectonics) – 15 marks

Geometric methods used to interpret geological structures, completion and interpretation of geological maps, strain analysis. Study of geological maps and drawing of cross sections and profile of geological map.


Course No. PSAGTC114 (Mineralogy)** - 15 marks

Identification of important rock forming minerals in hand specimen. Determination of various optical properties and identification of rock forming minerals under microscope. Determination of pleochroic scheme for biotite and tourmaline and determination of extinction angle and optic sign of uniaxial and biaxial minerals.  Staining techniques for identification of silicate and carbonate minerals.

Course No PSAGTC115 (Igneous Petrology) – 15 marks

Megascopic and microscopic studies of major igneous rock types. CIPW norm calculation. Introduction to software: Sinclass, Petrograph, and GCD kit.

                        Viva – Voce (5 marks) **    

Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

**As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above = total 50 marks













Course No.: PSAGTC211                Title: Basin Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy

Credits: 04                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 60       

Maximum Marks: 100                                              Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Objectives: To understand the depositional mechanism of different sedimentary basins in relation to tectonics. Sequence stratigraphy and its application



1.1       Continental and Marine sedimentary basins

1.2       Mechanisms of basin formation: tectonic v/s nontectonic processes

1.3       Tectonic classification of sedimentary basins – intra-plate basins (pre-rift); divergent-margin basins (syn-rift); intra-plate basins (post-rift); convergent-margin basins; collision and post-collision basins; strike-slip basins.

1.4       Case histories of tectonic basins of India (Siwalik and Kutch)



2.1       Methods of basin analysis (Tectonic, stratigraphic and sedimentological)

2.2       Tools of basin analysis– Facies analysis, sediment dispersal and palaeo-flow analysis 

2.3       Geophysical tools (seismic, gravity, aeromag) 

2.4       Geochemical tools (organic and mineral geochemistry)



3.1       Classification of sedimentary environments

3.2       Continental sedimentary environments (Fluvial, Lacustrine)

3.3       Shallow marine sedimentary environments (Estuary, Delta, Tidal flat, Lagoon)

3.4       Deep marine sedimentary environment (Submarine fan, Abyssal plain)



4.1       Principles of sedimentation

4.2       Concept of sequence stratigraphy

4.3       Sea level changes, systems tracts, para-sequences and hemicycles

4.4       Application of geochronology and thermo-chronology in sequence stratigraphy



5.1       Introduction to Quaternary sedimentology

5.2       Allogenic controls on basin evolution

5.3       Applications of basin analysis for energy resources and palaeoclimate

5.4       Symbiosis among field and laboratory sedimentological technique

Books Recommended

Miall, Andrew D.                                            Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Lindholm, R. C.                                              A Practical Approach to Sedimentology




Course No.: PSAGTC211                            Title: Basin Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Reading, H.G.                                                 Sedimentary Environments

Reineck, H. E. & Singh, I. B.                         Depositional Sedimentary Environments

Allen, J.R.L.                                                    Physical processes of Sedimentation

Collinson, J. D. & Thompson, D. B.              Sedimentary Structures

Petijohn, F.J. & Potter                                    Sand and Sandstone

Petijohn, F.J                                                    Sedimentary rocks

Friedman, M.Gorale& Sanders                      Principles of Sedimentology

Selley, R.C.                                                     Applied Sedimentology

Bjorlykke, K.                                                  Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology

Blatt, Middleton and Murray                          Origin of Sedimentary rocks

Swift, Oertal, Tillman and Thorne                 Shelf Sand and Sandstone Bodies:

Zutshi and Panwar                                          Geology of Petroliferous Basins of India

Bhandari et al.                                                 Petroliferous Basins of India

Miall, A D                                                       The Geology of Sequence Stratigraphy

Catuneanu O                                                   Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)





Course No.: PSAGTC212                                                    Title: Palaeontology

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60   

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)



  1. To understand the basic principles of organic evolution and their application in palaeontology.
  2. To have an extensive knowledge of evolution and distribution of the important invertebrate, vertebrate, trace and plant fossils and their significance



1.1       Origin and Diversity of life with major adaptive events. Evolutionary process and the fossil record: concept of species, Micro- and Macro-evolution, heterochrony, punctuated equilibrium, Hennigian systematics, molecular clocks and estimation of divergence time

1.2       Modes of preservation of fossils and concept of taphonomy, collection and preparation of fossils

1.3       Classification and Nomenclature, distribution and dispersal of organisms. Type specimens, fixing and nature of type specimens, methods of fossil identification and description, law of priority, homonymy and synonymy

1.4       Mass extinctions – patterns, selectivity, timing, periodicity and causes.



2.1       Trace Fossils:  classification –Morphology, Taphonomic, Ethological and Phylogeny; Preservation of Trace fossils.

2.2       Borings as trace fossils and marine bio- erosion traces of predation, fossil tracks and impressions of vertebrates. Environmental significance of trace fossils

2.3       Definition, origin and key steps in evolution of plants, dispersal and migration. Modern techniques used in palaeobotanical studies

2.4       Gondwana floras of India and their significance, Application of palaeobotany in palaeoclimatic studies



3.1       Trilobites and Brachiopoda –Morphology, classification, evolution and geological distribution

3.2       Bryozoa and Graptolites – Morphology, classification, evolution and geological distribution

3.3       Lamellibranchs, Gastropods, Cephalopods – Morphology, classification, evolution and geological distribution

3.4       Echinoderms and Cnidarians – Morphology, classification, evolution and geological distribution.



4.1       General characters of vertebrates, origin of vertebrates. Classificatory characters of vertebrates and division at the level of class




Course No.: PSAGTC212                                                                Title: Palaeontology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)

4.2       Important landmarks in the evolution of vertebrates: evolution of bone and cartilage, jaw and teeth, transition from water to land, development of amniote egg,

4.3       Classification of reptiles; origin of dinosaurs and their classification in brief. Origin of birds, anatomy of Archaeopteryx, birds as dinosaurs

4.4       Endothermy versus ectothermy in dinosaurs. Extinction of dinosaurs



5.1       Gondwana and Deccan vertebrates of India and their palaeobiogeographic significance.

5.2       Brief classification of mammals; habitat shift in whales - fossil record from the Indian subcontinent. Interrelationships of major groups of primates; evolution of man and lithic cultures associated with various stages of human evolution

5.3       Classic trends in the evolution of horse and proboscideans, their distribution, evolutionary implications of climatic change, systematic and phylogeny

5.4       Siwalik vertebrate faunal changes and their relation to tectonic and eustatic events. Pleistocene extinction of mammoths and other fauna.


Books Recommended

Morley Davis & Stubblefield, S.J.                             In Introduction to Palaeontology

Shrock, R.R &Twenhofel, W.H.                                Principles of Invertebrate Palaeontology

Black, R.M.                                                                 The Elements of Palaentology

Fairbridge& Jablonski                                                The Encyclopedia of Palaeontology

Babin, C.                                                                     Elements of Palaeontology

Clarkson, E.N.T.                                                         Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution

Raup, D.M. & Stanley, S.M.                                      Principles of Palaeontology   

Lull, R.S.                                                                     Organic Evolution

Benton, M.J. & Harper                                               Basic Palaeontology

Dodd, J.R. &Stenton, R.J.                                          Palaeoecology-Concept and Applications

Frey, R.W.                                                                  The study of trace fossils

Bromley, R.G                                                              Trace Fossils

Seilachers                                                                    Trace Fossils

Amal   Dasgupta                                                         Introduction to Palaeontology

Romer& T.S. Parsons. 1977                                       The Vertebrate Body. 5th edition. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.

Colbert. 1980.                                                                         Evolution of the Vertebrates – A history of

the backboned animals through time. John Wiley & Sons. Pp510.

R.L. Carroll. 1997.                                                      Pattern and Processes of Vertebrate Evolution. Cambridge University Press. Pp 448.

M.J. Benton. 2000.                                                     Vertebrate Palaeontology. 2nd edition. Blackwell Science Ltd. Pp452.

Milton Hildebrand and G.E. Goslow. 2001                Analysis of Vertebrate Structure. 5th edition.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pp635.




Course No.: PSAGTC212                                                                Title: Palaeontology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


M.J. Benton. 2005.                                                     Vertebrate Palaeontology. 3rd edition.

Blackwell Science Ltd. Pp455.

David E. Fastovsky& David B. Weishampel. 1996. The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs. Cambridge University Press. Pp460. (Chapter 13 Pp 293-322).

R.L. Carroll. 1988.                                                       Vertebrate PalaeontologyandEvolution.

SpektrumAkademischerVerlag Pp698.

R.S. Lull. 1976.                                                            Organic Evolution. Macmillan Publishing

Co. Inc.

P. Doyle. 1996.                                                            Understanding of Fossils. John Wiley and

Sons Ltd.

D.E.G. Briggs & P.R. Crowther. 2001.                       Palaeobiology II. Blackwell Science Ltd.


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)









Course No.: PSAGTC213                            Title: Geomorphology

Credits: 02                                                     No. of teaching hours: 30           

Maximum Marks: 50                                    Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Objectives: To introduce the fundamental concepts governing the landforms; understand the concept of various geomorphological processes and landform evolution. Introduce the latest concept of chronology based on geomorphological studies in tectonic zones.



    1. Historical background of Geomorphology.
    2. Lithological and structural control on landforms.
    3. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of basins and drainage density.

1.4       Landform evolution by fluvial process



2.1       Landform evolution by aeolian activity in hot arid regions

2.2       Landform evolution by marine processes

2.3       Glacier, types, and landform generation by glacial and fluvio-glacial processes

2.4       Morphometric parameters of mass movement deposits.



3.1       Factors of weathering-mechanical disintegration, chemical decomposition.

3.2.      Determination of weathering indices and ratios

3.3       Soils - soil formation and climate

3.4       Process of pedogenesis



4.1       Introduction to planetary geomorphology.

4.2       Morphotectonic evolution of Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau.

4.3.      Evolutionary history of Thar Desert of India.

4.4.      Morphotectonic evolution of Western Ghats of India.


Books Recommended

F.A. Pitty                                                  Introduction to Geomorphology

Donj-Easterbrook                                      Principles of Geomorphology

C. Ollier                                                    Tectonics and Landforms

C. Ollier                                                    Weathering

Thornbury                                                 Geomorphology

A. Bloom                                                  Fluvial Geomorphology

C.A.M. King                                             Introduction to Marine Geology and Geomorphology

K.S. Valdiya                                             Aspects of Tectonics

Ronald Greeley                                         Introduction to Planetary Geomorphology

R Greeley                                                  Planetary Landscapes





Course No.: PSAGTC213                                                                Title: Geomorphology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)



Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

 (25% weightage),                                                                                           Time - 01 hour

Question 1:       5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:      Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2   (Upto 50% Syllabus)

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),                                            Time: 01 hour

Question 1:      5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:      2 short answer type questions (5 marks)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hours

Question 1:      10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:      4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:      One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only.

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)























Course No.: PSAGTC214                            Title: Geospatial Techniques

Credits: 02                                                     No. of teaching hours: 30           

Maximum Marks: 50                                    Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Objectives: Remote Sensing Technology has emerged as an important tool for scientifically managing resources and environment. The technology enhanced our capability of resources exploration, mapping and monitoring on local and global scale. This course has been designed with the objectives to acquaint the students with basic principles of remote sensing, GIS and GPS.


UNIT-I           Geospatial Technology-concept and overview

    1. An Overview of geospatial technology
    2. Developments of remote sensing, advantages and limitations of remote sensing techniques.
    3. Define the basic principles of satellite remote sensing: Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and electromagnetic spectrum, earth and atmospheric interaction with EMR          

1.3       Remote sensing: data resources, platforms and sensors acquisition of remote sensing data.

1.4        Satellite remote sensing, global and Indian space mission. Different satellite exploration

programs and their characteristics: LANDSAT, METEOSAT, SPOT, JERS-I, IRS.


UNIT-II          Aerial photography

    1. Introduction to aerial photography – Basic information and specifications of aerial photographs
    2. Aerial camera, lens, types of aerial photographs and information records on the aerial photographs. Planning and execution of photographic flights
    3. Geometry of the aerial photographs, stereoscopic vision and stereoscope.   Measurement of the height difference from aerial photographs.
    4. Recognition of photo-elements and terrain elements like tone, texture, pattern, shape, size; terrain elements like drainage pattern, density, type, landform characteristics, erosion behavior of rock and soil material, vegetation and landuse.


UNIT-III        Thermal and Microwave Remote Sensing

    1.  Introduction, TIR region of electro-magnetic spectrum, thermal properties of   material.
    2.  Interpretation of thermal (radiant temperature) imagery, interpretation of day and night    thermal image, advantage of thermal imagery.
    3. Introduction, advantage of microwave remote sensing, microwave sensors, radar operating principle.
    4. Spatial resolution of SLAR system, geometric characteristic of SLAR imagery, transmission characteristic of radar signals, radar return and image characteristic, interpretation of radar image and general application microwave remote sensing.


UNIT-IV        Digital Image processing and Geographical Information system

    1. Digital image processing: introduction, image rectification and restoration, image enhancements and its application.





Course No.: PSAGTC214                                                    Title: Geospatial Techniques

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)

    1. Introduction and application of GIS, components of geographical information system (GIS), database structures in raster and vector and its comparison.
    2. Global Positioning System (GPS) and its segments, observation principle, parameters affecting the accuracy of result, main components of a GPS receiver and GPS application.
    3. Digital cartography - elements of digital cartography Relation between digital cartography, RS & GIS


Books Recommended

P.J. Curran                                          Principles of remote sensing

S.A. Drury                                          A guide to remote sensing interpretation images of earth

R.P. Gupta                                          Remote sensing in geology

T.Lillesand&RW.Kiefer                     Remote sensing and image interpretation

V.C. Miller                                         Photogeology

S.N. Pandey                                        Principles & application of photo-geology

A.N. Patel & S. Sundera                     Principles of remote sensing

D.P. Rao                                              Remote sensing for earth resources

A. Reddy                                             Remote sensing and Geographical Information System

F.F. Sabins                                          Remote sensing-principles and interpretation

E.S.Seigel &A.Gillespie                     Remote sensing in geology

W.L. Smith                                         Remote sensing in geology


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

 (25% weightage),                                                                                           Time - 01 hour

Question 1:       5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:      Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2   (Upto 50% Syllabus)

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),                                            Time: 01 hour

Question 1:      5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:      2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hours

Question 1:      10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:      4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:      One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only.

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)



Course No.: PSAGTC215                                        Title: Metamorphic Petrology

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30       

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)



    1. Mineralogical phase rule of open and closed systems.                                             
    2. Nature and types of metamorphic reactions.                                                             
    3. Concept and classification of metamorphic facies; Facies series.                            
    4. Graphical representation of minerals in ACF, AKF and AFM diagrams; Time relation between phases of deformation and metamorphic crystallization.                                   



    1. Description of facies of low pressure with special reference to characteristics minerals, mineral assemblages, metamorphic reactions and pressure-temperature conditions of metamorphism                                                                                                                   
    2. Description of metamorphic facies of medium to high pressure with special reference to characteristics minerals, mineral assemblages, metamorphic reactions and pressure-temperature conditions of metamorphism.                                                                      
    3. Description of very high pressure with special reference to characteristics minerals, mineral assemblages, metamorphic reactions and P-T conditions of metamorphism.              
    4. Introduction to ultra-high temperature (UHT) and ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism.          


    1. Isograds and Reaction Isograds.                                                                                
    2. Metamorphic differentiation;                                                                                    
    3. Anatexis and origin of migmatites;                                                                           
    4. Paired metamorphic belts.                                                                                         



    1. Gibb’s free energy; Entropy; Enthalpy.                                                                    
    2. Clausius-Clapeyron equation.                                                                                   
    3. Geothermobarometry.                                                                                                
    4. Pressure-Temperature-Time (P-T-t) paths and tectonic implications.                       


Books Recommended

Turner, F.J. (1980)                                  Metamorphic Petrology, McGraw Hill, New York.

Yardlley, B.W.D. (1989)                        An introduction to Metamorphic Petrology, Longman Scientific and Technical, New York.

Philopotts, A.R. (1994)                          Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice Hall.

Kretz, R. (1994)                                      Metamorphic Crystallization, John Wiley.

Bucher, K. and Frey, M. (2002)             Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks (7th Rev. Ed.), Springer–Verlag.

Powell, R. (1978)                                   Equilibrium thermodynamics in Petrology: An Introduction, Harper and Row Publ., London.





Course No.: PSAGTC215                                                    Title: Metamorphic Petrology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Wood, B.J. and Fraser, D.G. (1976)       Elementary Thermodynamics for Geologists, Oxford University Press,

Spry, A. (1976)                                       Metamorphic Textures, Pergamon Press.

Winter, J.D. (2001)                                 An introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice Hall.

Sharma, Ram S. (2017):                         Metamorphic Petrology, Geological Society of India, Bangalore


Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time:   01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80%weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20%weightage for units1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)


















Course No.: PSAGTC216                                        Title: Geochemistry

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30       

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Objectives To impart the knowledge about the concept of geochemistry and classification of elements.



    1. Composition of Earth and its constituents (crust, mantle and core); Lithosphere and asthenosphere.                                                                                                        
    2. Meteorites: Mineralogy and Classification.                                                  
    3. Crystal chemistry: ionic and co-ordination number; Rules of ionic substitution, coupled substitution.                                                                                                     
    4. Geochemical classification of elements.                                                                   



    1. Distribution coefficient: Capture admission and camouflage.                                    
    2. Definition of major (Raoult’s Laws) and trace (Henry’s Laws) elements.        
    3. Behaviour of major and trace during magmatic crystallization.                                   
    4. Geochemical properties and behavior of rare earth elements (REE) during magmatic crystallization.                                                                                                       



    1. Atmosphere: structure and composition                                                        
    2. Near-surface geochemical environment: Eh-pH diagram and its application     
    3. Principle of chemical mass balance and rock-cycle                          
    4. Chemical weathering of minerals and rocks                                                 



    1. Radiogenic isotopes: Decay and growth of daughter isotopes                                    
    2. Radiogenic isotopes in geochronology and petrogenesis: Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb isotopic system.                                                                                                                      
    3. Stable isotopes: nature, abundance and fractionation.                                              
    4. Application of stable isotopes in geological processes.                                            


Suggested Readings

Allegre, C.J. and Michard, G. (1974)            Introduction to Geochemistry, Reidel, Holland.

Evans, R.C. (1964)                                        Introduction to Crystal Chemistry, Cambridge Univ. Press.

Faure, G. (1998)                                            Principles and applications of geochemistry, 2nd Edn., Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 593p.

Faure, G. (1986)                                            Principles of Isotope Geology, 2nd Ed. John Wiley.

Krauskopf, K.B. (1967)                                 Introduction to Geochemistry, McGraw Hill.

Mason, B. and Moore, C.B. (1991)               Introduction to Geochemistry, Wiley Eastern.




Course No.: PSAGTC216                                                    Title: Geochemistry

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)




Rollinson, H.R. (1993)                                  Using geochemical data: Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation, Longman, U.K.

White,W H (2013)                                         Geochemistry. Willey - Blackwell

R. Gill (1995)                                                Chemical Fundamental of Geology, SpringerIInd Ed.

Albarde, F.  (2003)                                        Geochemistry: An introduction, Cambridge Univ. Press


Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time: 01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)
















Course No.: PSAGLC217                            Title: Practical -I

(Related to courses PSAGTC-211, 212)

Credits: 04                                                                

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Course No. PSAGTC211 (Basin Analysis & Sequence Stratigraphy) -23 marks

Preparation and interpretation of lithologs and isopach maps, Palaeocurrent analysis, Analysis of seismic profiles, Delineation of sequence boundaries, systems tracts and parasequences in sedimentary sequences

Course No. PSAGTC112 (Paleontology) – 22 marks

Application of zoological code of nomenclature for taxonomic studies. Study of mega and microfossils of various plants, invertebrate and vertebrate groups. Univariate and bivariate analysis of fossils using regression analysis and major axis equations. Study of methods of preservation of fossils.


                        Viva – Voce (5 marks) 


Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above** = total 50 marks














Course No.: PSAGLC218                            Title: Practical –II

(Related to courses PSAGTC- 214, 215 & 216)

Credits: 04                                                                

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2023, May 2024 & May 2025)


Course No. PSAGTC214 (Geospatial Techniques)** - 15 marks

Stereo test. Study of Aerial Photographs, resolution, mosaics, symbols, gully pattern and drainage analysis, image parallax. Determination of scale, height, dip, slope vertical exaggeration and image distortion. Visual interpretation of satellite imagery for geological structural geomorphic and hydro-morphological mapping. Exercises on digital image processing.


Course No PSAGTC215 (Metamorphic Petrology) – 15marks

Megascopic and microscopic studies of important metamorphic rocks with reference to texture/structure, time relation between phases of deformation and metamorphic crystallization, mineral association, parent rock, metamorphic facies to which rock can be assigned; Representation of assemblage in ACF, AKF and AFM.

Course No PSAGTC216 (Geochemistry) – 15 marks

Preparation of Solution A and Solution B; determination of various major oxides by titration methods; determination of alkali elements by Flame photometer; determination of elements by UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

                        Viva – Voce (5 marks)**    


Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

**As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above = total 50 marks









Course No.: PSAGTC311                                   Title: Micropaleontology and Oceanography

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60   

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)



  1. To provide working knowledge of various microfossil groups and their geological significance.
  2. To study the modern concepts, dynamics and resources of the marine realm



    1. Microfossils- Introduction, record, important groups, sampling. Techniques for separation and picking and mounting of microfossils.
    2. Ostracoda: morphology, ornamentation, orientation of the carapace, classification and significance
    3. Foraminifera: test morphology, composition and classification and significance
    4. Siliceous microfossils: Radiolaria and Diatoms: classification, distribution, ecology, geological historyand significance.



    1. Calcareous nannofossils: Coccolithophores:cocoliths and nanoliths, their geological history, ecology, and significance
    2. Conodont: composition, elements, groups, apparatus and assemblages, biological affinities, geological history and significance. Pteropods and tentaculitids and their significance.
    3. Acritarchs and Chitinozoans: morphology, classification, biological affinities, ecology, geological history and significance.
    4. Dinoflagellates: morphology, classification, biological affinities, geological history, ecology and significance.



    1. Calcareous algae (Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta): morphology and internal structure, broad classification and their significance;  Charophytes: morphology, classification, ecology and significance
    2. Palynomorphs: Spores and Pollens morphology (shape, aperture, composition and structure, sculpture, size) and their application. Silicoflagellates and phytoliths and their significance.
    3. Biozones, biozonation, stratigraphic correlation and problems in biostratigraphic interpretations.
    4. Palaeoenvironment and palaeogeographic interpretations using multi microfossils.






Course No.: PSAGTC311                                   Title: Micropaleontology and Oceanography

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)



4.1       Oceanography- origin and evolution of oceans; paleoceanography – Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary. Sea level fluctuations and their causes

4.2       Topographic features of the ocean floor. Hpsography of the continents and ocean floor. Classification of marine sediments, sediment budget, transport, accumulation. Coral reefs. Geochronology of oceanic sediments

4.3       Wave dynamics: deep water, shallow water, wind waves; wave reflection, refraction and diffraction. Tides: equilibrium and dynamic theory, tidal currents in coastal areas, observation and prediction. Seiches and Tsunamis.

4.4       Heat budget and Atmospheric Circulation. Storms, jet streams, El Nino and land effects on winds. Ocean circulation: forces driving currents. Surface currents and their effects on climate. Thermohaline circulation and global heat connection. Wind induced vertical circulation.



5.1       Origin and evolution, structure and physiography, bathymetry and sediments of the Indian Ocean.          Petroleum occurrences and exploration activity in Indian Ocean. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and its marine minerals resources.

5.2       Seawater chemistry and dissolved gases. Density structure of ocean and stratification. Phytoplankton dynamics in the marine food web and factors limiting productivity.

5.3       Marine resources: Physical (Petroleum and Natural Gas, sand and gravel, magnesium and magnesium compounds, salts, manganese and phosphate nodules, metallic sulfides and muds); Biological (fish, crustaceans, molluscs, whaling, fur-bearing mammals, botanical, aquaculture).

5.4       Marine pollution – pollutants, habitat destruction and global changes (ozone layer depletion, global warming, acid rain)


Books Recommended

Gerard Bignot 1985                                  Elements of Micro Palaeontology.Graham  Trotman Limited 

David G. Jenkins (Ed) 1993                     Applied Micropalaeontology. KluwerAcademic Publishers

Danial J. Jones 1956                                 Introduction to Microfossils. Harper andBrothers, Harper Geoscience Series.

Ronald L. Austin (Ed) 1987                     Conodonts: Investigative Techniques and Applications. Ellis Horwood Limited

M.D. Brasier 1980                                    Microfossils. George Allen & Unwin

P.K. Kathal1998                                       Microfossils and their applications. CBSPublishers

A.C. Shukla& S.P. Mishra 1975               Essentials of Palaeobotany. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.          

R.H. Tschudy& R.A. Scott 1969              Aspects of Palynology. John Wiley & Sons                  

Garrison, T.1996                                       Oceanography- An invitation to Marine Science. Wadsworth Publishing Company.



Course No.: PSAGTC311                                   Title: Micropaleontology and Oceanography

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)



Qasim, S.Z. &Roonwal, G.S.(eds).1996 India's Exclusive Economic Zone. Omega ScientificPublishers.

Gross, M.G.1972                                       Oceanography - A view of the Earth. Prentice-Hall.

S. Davis, R.A. Jr. 1972                             Principles of Oeanography. Addison -Wesley PublishingCompany.

Roonwal, G.S.1986                                   The Indian Ocean: Exploitable mineral & petroleum Resources. Narosa Publishing house

Haq, B.U. &Milliman, J.D. 1984              Marine Geology and oceanography of Arabian Sea and coastal Pakistan. Elite Publishers Limited.

Francis P. Shepard                                    Geological Oceanography.

Bhatt, J.J. 1978                                         Oceanography - Exploring "the planet Ocean. D. van Nostrand Company.

Duxbury, A.B. & Duxbury, A.C. 1993     Fundamentals of Oceanography. Wm. C. Brown Publishers.

Turekian, K.K.                                          Oceans.

A.P. Trujillo &H.V. Thurman 2012         Essentials of Oceanography. PHI Learning Private Limited


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)



Course No.: PSAGTC312                                                    Title: Fuel Geology

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60   

Maximum Marks: -  100                                                      Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Objectives:  This course contrives to introduce the history of the fuel geology with a futuristic vision, also bearing in mind the importance of present energy challenges of which coal, oil and gas form an important and inseparable part. Stress will be on inculcating the classical ideas and imparting the latest knowledge – their origin, distribution, exploration, exploitation and production. Students should see this an opportunity to explore energy options in India that are intricately based on the conditions created by geology.


UNIT-I        Fundamental of coal geology

    1. Origin of coal, formation of coal: macroscopic and microscopic description of coal
    2. Types of coal, rank of coal, structures in coal seams
    3. Coal quality: proximate and ultimate analysis of coal
    4. Petrography of coal: lithotypes, macerals and microlithotypes.


UNIT-II       Coal classifications and processes

2.1       Combustion and carbonization of coal

2.2       Stages and methods of coal exploration, coal preparation for different industrial use.

2.3       Seyler’s Classification of coal, grading of coking and non-coking coals of India.

2.4       Geological and geographical distribution of coal in India; Lignite resources of India


UNIT-III        Coal deposits and commercial aspects


3.1       Detailed geology of Jharia and Raniganj coalfield

3.2       Coal exploration and estimation of coal reserves; Indian coal reserves and production of coal in India

3.3       Coal as an alternative energy resource: coal bed methane (CBM); underground    coal gasification

3.4       Coal and the Environment: water pollution; dust suppression; subsidence; health hazards. Coal marketing


UNIT- IV       Petroleum Geology –Basics

    1. Petroleum: Origin and occurrence.
    2. Petroleum: composition, classification, physical and chemical properties
    3. Organic matter (production, accumulation and transformation) and Kerogen (composition and classification), timing of oil and gas generation and geochemistry of source rocks
    4. Classification of reservoir rocks- fragmental reservoir rocks and chemical reservoir rocks. Cap rocks and their characteristics.


UNIT- V         Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation

5.1       Petroleum traps: structural, stratigraphic, diapiric (salt domes etc.), combination, mechanism and timing of trap and reservoir development.




Course No.: PSAGTC312                                                                Title: Fuel Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


5.2       Primary migration (physicochemical, geological and geochemical aspects), secondary migration and accumulation of oil and gas, well logging and drilling

5.3       Classification of petroliferous basins of India.

5.4       Radioactive minerals as fuels


Books Recommended for Coal Geology

Chandra, D., Singh, R.M & Singh, M.P.        A Text Book of coal.

Singh, M.P. (Ed.)                                            Coal and Organic Petrology.

Sharma, N. L.                                                  Introduction to the Geology of Coal and Indian Coalfields.

Acharyya,S.K.                                    Coal and Lignite Resources of India

Thomas, Larry                                                Coal Geology


Books Recommended for Petroleum Geology

Mc.Cray, A.W & Frank, W.C.                       Oil Well Drilling Technology

Chapman, R.E.                                                Petroleum Geology

Landes, K.K.                                                   Petroleum Geology

Russel, W.L.                                                   Principles of Petroleum Geology

Chandra, D. & Singh, R. M.                           Petroleum (Indian Context)

Hager, D.                                                        Practical Oil Geology

Levorson, A.I.                                                 Geology of Petroleum

Amyx, J.W., Ban, D.M. & Whiting, R.L.       Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Deshpande, B.G.                                             The World of Petroleum

Holson, G.D. &Tiratsoo, E.N.                        Introduction to Petroleum Geology

Selley, R.C.                                                     Elements of Petroleum Geology


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours




Course No.: PSAGTC312                                                                Title: Fuel Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)






































Course No.: PSAGTC313                                        Title: Ore Geology

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30       

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Objectives - To impart the knowledge and understanding about ores, the various processes of the ore formations. To introduce the modern concepts of the ore genesis. To understand the formation, mode of occurrences and types of various petrological ore associations.



    1. Introduction to ore microscopy; Qualitative and Quantitative methods in the identification of Ore minerals.                                                                      
    2. Mode of occurrences of ore bodies – morphology of ore body, attitudinal relation with host rock and secondary structures in the host rocks                                           
    3. Spatial and temporal distribution of ore deposits – a global perspective     
    4. Ore deposits in global tectonic context                                                         



2.1       Chromite deposit associated with mafic and ultramafic rocks: their types and genetic models.                                                                                                      

2.2       Genesis of Cu-Ni + Co sulfides deposits associated with magmatic processes.  

2.3       Diamond deposits associated with Kimberlites their characteristics and genetic models.   

2.4       Mineralization associated with Carbonatites- their characteristics and genesis.



3.1       Disseminated and stockwork deposits associated with acid and intermediate rocks. Pegmatites and associated mineralization.                                                           

3.2       Porphyry copper deposits- types, characteristics, associated alterations and origin.

3.3       Hydrothermal processes and related ore deposits- Hydrothermal fluids; Classification, general characteristics of the hydrothermal deposits and associated wall rock alterations; Mineralisation associated with greisens.                                           

3.4       Volcanic hosted massive sulfide deposits – types, characteristics and mode of occurrences.                                                                                                      


4.1       Placers and paleoplacers – process and mechanism of development, tectonic and temporal aspects of placer deposition and origin of ores.                              

4.2       Sedimentary and synsedimentary iron ore deposits – types, general characteristics and origin.                                                                                                                  

4.3       Stratabound carbonate hosted base metal deposits – types, general characteristics and genetic models.                                                                                       

4.4       Ores related to weathering processes – bauxite, laterite and Ni/Au-laterite deposits, general characteristics and process of formation. Supergene enrichment.          








Course No.: PSAGTC313                                                    Title: Ore Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Books Recommended

Barnes, H L                                                 Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits

Edwads&Atinkson                                      Ore Deposit Geology

Evans A M                                                  Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals

Evans A M                                                  An Introduction to Ore Geology

Klemm& Schneider                                    Time and Strata Bound Deposits                            

Mishra K C                                                  Understanding Mineral Deposits

MukerjeeA                                                  Ore Genesis: A Hollastic Approach

Robb, L J                                                     Introduction to Ore Forming Processes

Park &Macdiarmid                                     Ore Deposits

Pohl, W                                                       Economic Geology: Principal and Practice       

Smirnov                                                       Geology of Ore Deposits

Pirajno Franko                                             Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits

Sharma, R and Srivastava, P K                   Hydothermal Fluids of Magmatic origin in S Kumar

and R N Singh :  Modelling of Magmatic and allied processes, Springer

Srivastava, P K                                            On e-pathshala on website of UGC, New Delhi


Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time: 01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)







Course No.: PSAGTC314                            Title: Application of Remote Sensing in Geology

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30       

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II–10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)



    1. Remote Sensing in geology – an overview
    2. Basic concept of geomorphology, earth surface process and resultant landforms
    3. Spectral characteristics of rocks and minerals
    4. Interpretation of drainage patterns – types and its significance in geologic interpretation

Unit -2

    1.                    Lithological interpretation: Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks and Metamorphic    

                   Rocks; lithological mapping

    1.                    Structural interpretation: folds, faults unconformities and lineaments; structural                                mapping

2.3                    Interpretation of fluvial landforms

    1.                    Interpretation of glacial and volcanic landforms


Unit – 3

    1.                   Digital Elevation Model, terrain evaluation and geomorphological mapping

3.2                   Interpretation of structural and denudational landforms – cuesta, hogback, butte,                                   mesa, etc

3.3                  Interpretation of landforms related to igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic                                rocks

3.4                   Morphometric analysis and its applications in morphotectonics                    


Unit – 4

4.1                   Remote Sensing in water exploration; Role   of Remote Sensing in                                                       watershed conservation, planning and management

4.2                   Remote Sensing in Mineral exploration

4.3                   Remote Sensing in Oil Exploration                           

4.4                   Remote sensing in Environmental studies.   


Books Recommended

Drury, S.A., 1987                            Image Interpretation in Geology. Allen and Unwin

Gupta, R.P.., 1990                           Remote Sensing Geology. Springer Verlag.

Jensen, J.R. 2000                             Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth resource Perspective. Prentice Hall

Lillesand, T.M., and Kieffer, R.M., 1987 Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley.

Paine, D.P., 1981:                            Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation for Resource Management. John Wiley.

Pandey, S.N., 1987:                         Principles and Applications of Photogeology. Wiley Eastern.

Miller, V.C., 1961:                          Photogeology. McGraw Hill.

Ray, R.G., 1969:                              Aerial Photographs in geologic Interpretations. USGS Prof, Paper 373.



Course No.: PSAGTC314                            Title: Application of Remote Sensing in Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Sabbins, F.F., 1985:                        Remote sensing Principles and interpretation.  W.H.Freeman and company

Skidmore A.2002:                           Environmental modeling with GIS and Remote Sensing. Taylor and Francis


Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time: 01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)





















Course No. PSAGTC315                              Title:   Engineering & Environmental Geology

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination:3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Course objective: This introductory course in engineering geology provides the understanding of how earth materials and geologic processes influence various civil engineering works. It also describes various important classifications, methods of investigation in various civil engineering projects with an emphasis on making construction decisions. On the other hand, the study of environment geology helps to impart knowledge about pollution and their remedial measures in order to mitigate the environmental problems. 


UNIT-I           Material and Investigations

    1. Introduction and Importance of engineering geology; engineering properties of rocks: specific gravity, porosity, sorption, absorption value, compressive strength, poisson’s ratio
    2. Physical and engineering properties of soil: structure, texture, colour, density, porosity, permeability and void ratio.
    3. Rocks as engineering materials: selection criteria of rocks for varied engineering purposes
    4. Geological investigations for civil engineering projects: surface investigations, sub-surface investigations.


UNIT-II          Classifications

    1. Rock mass classifications: Rock Quality Designation (RQD); Geo-mechanics classification
    2. Q-System classification for rock masses
    3. Slope Mass Rating (SMR)
    4. Landslides: classification and causes of landslides.  Earthquakes: classification and distribution of earthquakes, seismic zones of India


UNIT-III        Infrastructural Engineering

    1. Methods of tunneling: NATM, Fore poling method, Needle beam method, heading and bench method, full face method,
    2. Dams and tunnels: classification and lining in tunnels, classification of dam; influence of various geological factors on dam and tunnels
    3. Bridges: types, stability, design of bridges. Roads: constructions of roads in hilly regions, marshy regions and permafrost regions, role of geological factors in road construction
    4. Shore line engineering: types of shorelines, erosional features of shorelines, shoreline protection, coastal laws


UNIT-IV        Earth system and biosphere

    1. Inter-relationship of Earth, Man and Environment, anthropogenic changes in ecosystem, conserving endangered species.
    2. Ecological spectrum - biotic communities; food chains, community stability.




Course No. PSAGTC315                              Title:   Engineering & Environmental Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


    1. Components of the geosphere and environment - lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere (nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle and phosphorous cycle).
    2. Global warming - increase of CO2 and N2O due to industrialization, urbanization, burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, ozone depletion and its impact.


UNIT-V          Energy resources and pollution

    1. Energy resources- consumption and production trends, environmental effects of various energy resources
    2. Mineral resources- processing and smelting of minerals, environmental impact of exploitation, conservation of mineral resources.
    3. Waste disposal - toxic, metallic and radioactive waste, planning and management of hazardous waste, carbon sequestration.
    4. Medical Geology – trace elements and health; controls on elemental intake.


Books Recommended for Engineering Geology

Trefethen, J. M.                                              Geology for Engineers

Richey, J. E.                                                    Elements of Engineering Geology

Legget,R. F                                                     Geology and Engineering

Arora D. S                                                       A Text Book of Engineering and General Geology

Jaeger, C.                                                        Rock Mechanics and Engineering

Srinivasan, R                                                   Harbour, Dock and Tunnel Engineering

Parbin Singh                                                   A Text Book of Engineering and General Geology

Brown, E.T                                                     Rock characterization, Testing and Monitoring

Gupta, H .K                                                     Dams and Earthquakes

Krynine, P D &Judd,W. R.                             Principles of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics

B. Singh & R. K. Goel                                    Rock Mass Classification: A practical Approach in Eng. Geology

T Ramamurthy                                               Engineering in Rocks for Slopes, Foundations and Tunnels

Books Recommended for Environmental Geology

Montgomery, C.W.                                         Environmental Geology           

Casale, R. &Margottini, C.                             Natural Disaster and Sustainable Developments

Turk, J.                                                            Introduction to Environmental Studies

Cutter, S.L. & Renwick                                  Exploitation-Conservation-Preservation

Hsai – Yang Fang                                           Environmental Geotechnology

Keller, E.A.                                                     Environmental Geology

Valdiya, K.S.                                                  Environmental Geology

Merritts, D., Wet, A.D. &Menking, K.          Environmental Geology

Lutgen, F.K. &Tarbuck, E.J.                          The Atmosphere: An introduction to meteorology

Gaudie&Cuff (Editors)                                   Encyclopedia of Global Change (Vol 1 and Vol 2)                                                          

Holechek, C, F. & Valdez                              Natural Resources                                          

Santra, S.C                                                      Environmental Science                                   




Course No. PSAGTC315                              Title:   Engineering & Environmental Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)



Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)




















Course No.: PSAGLC317                            Title: Practical -I

(Related to courses PSAGTC-311, 312)

Credits: 04                                                                

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Course No. PSAGTC311 (Micropalaeontology and Oceanography) - 15 marks

Processing of samples, picking and mounting of fauna, study of diagnostic morphological characters of selected microfossils and construction of biostratigraphic correlation and relative charts, ocean floor profiles, bathymetry of oceanic sub-environments, circulation patterns etc.

Course No. PSAGTC312 (Fuel Geology) – 15 marks

Physical characteristics of coal, Macroscopic characterization of banded coals, Calculation of coal reserves, Microscopic examination of coal

Geological Field Report for Geological field work / geological mapping in Himalayan Terrain of 2-3 weeks – 15 marks**.


                        Viva – Voce (5 marks) 

Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above** = total 50 marks















Course No.: PSAGLC318                            Title: Practical –II

          (Related to courses PSAGTC- 313, 314 & 315)

Credits: 04                                                                

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in Dec. 2023, Dec. 2024 & Dec. 2025)


Course No PSAGTC313 (Ore Geology) – 15 marks

Identification of ore specimens using their physical properties; Study and identification of optical properties of ores under the microscope


Course No. PSAGTC214 (Application of RS & GIS)** - 15 marks

Visual interpretation of satellite images to study the Geomorphology, lithology, geology and structure; Digital image processing for the study of geomorphology, structure, and lineaments; Geomorphic mapping; Lineament mapping; Structural mapping; Preparation of Hydro-geomorphology map.


Course No PSAGTC215 (Engineering & Environmental Geology) – 15marks

Plotting/Kinematic analysis of Joint data, Determination of RQD, RMR and Basic RMR

                        Viva – Voce (5 marks) **    

Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

**As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above = total 50 marks















Course No. PSAGTC411                                                      Title:            HYDROGEOLOGY

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Unit-I:             Origin, occurrence and distribution of water

1.1       Introduction to Hydrogeology: Hydrology, Hydrogeology and sources of information. Fundamental concepts – Water, its origin and nature – theory and classification. Subsurface movement and vertical distribution of groundwater and thegoverning physical laws; surface ground water relationships. Renewable and non-renewable groundwater resources.

1.2       Hydrological properties of rock-formations (aquifers): porosity, permeability, and their determination in the  laboratory, Physical properties of the reservoir rocks-intrinsic permeability.

1.3       Hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, storativity, specific yield, specific retention.       Formation constants, Genetic and hydrologic classification of reservoirs rocks and boundary conditions.

1.4       Hydrostratigraphic units, water table contour maps and flow net analysis. Concepts of drainage basin and groundwater basin. Springs - , classification, distribution and economic importance, spring sanctuary development and its importance.


UNIT-II:        Water well and well hydraulics

2.1       Different drilling methods used in the construction of water wells; Shallow, deep penetrating and non-penetrating types, various groundwater structures.

2.2       Different well development methods, well construction,completion, sustenance, and abandonment.

2.3       Effluent and influent seepage, laminar and turbulent flow, force and laws of groundwater movement, Darcy’s law - assumptions, derivation, applications and limitations, Reynolds’s number, Rugosity and Manning factor.Unconfined, confined, steady, unsteady and radial flow to the well.Thiem’s and Thies equations.

2.4       Pump test methods, data analysis and interpretation of hydrogeologic boundaries,     Evaluation of Aquifer parameter using Thiem’s, Thies, Cooper-Jacob, Walton and   Jacobb-Lohmen’s methods. Slug tests. Step-draw down test (SDT), determination of      aquifer parameter, formation and well characteristics and their material relationship.


UNIT-III        Groundwater Exploration

3.1       Global tectonics in distribution of groundwater repositories, surface indicators of   groundwater.

3.2       Fracture trace analysis, Hydrogeological- lithological classification with respect to hydrologic properties. Hydraulic continuity in relation to groundwater structures.

3.3       Subsurface geophysical method, well logging techniques for delineating aquifer thickness and estimation of groundwater quality; electric radiational both natural and induced caliper and temperature logs.





Course No. PSAGTC411                                                      Title:            HYDROGEOLOGY

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


3.4      Mode of occurrence of groundwater in unconsolidated and semi- consolidated formations, Hydrogeology of arid and wet land zones of Indian Sub-continent


UNIT-IV:       Conservation, augmentation and management of Water Resources

4.1       Groundwater recharging methods.

4.2       Runoff estimates and future surface discharge simulation for watershed management.

4.3       Watershed conservation, planning and management.

4.4       Groundwater balance and methods of optimization.


UNIT-V:         Water Quality

5.1       Physical and chemical properties of water quality criteria for domestic, irrigation and          industrial use, and graphical presentation of water quality data.

5.2       Groundwater quality in different provinces of India. Water containments and pollutants; arsenic, fluorides and nitrates, Relationship of water quality to use change in water Quality.

5.3       Seawater Intrusion in coastal aquifers and remedial measures. Upcoming Ghyben-    Herzberg relation.

5.4       Influence of aquifer material on groundwater quality. Water quality estimation and            methods of treatment for various uses.


Books Recommended

Todd, D.K                                                       : Groundwater Hydrology

Hariwarayan                                                   : Exploration techniques for groundwater.

Lynch, R.J                                                       : Formation of Evaluation

Davis &Wiest                                                 : Hydrology

Chow                                                               : Handbook of Applied Hydrology

Johwon                                                            : Groundwater and Wells

Watton                                                            : Groundwater Resource Evaluation

Linsleyehal                                                     : Applied Geology

Linsley and Frangini                                       : Water Resource Engineering

H. Bouwar                                                       : Groundwater Hydrology

Patrick. A Dommenica                                   : Concepts and Models in Groundwater Hydrology

Freeze, R.A and Cherry, J.A. 1979                 : Groundwater

Fetter, C.W. 1990                                           : Applied Hydrogeology

Alley, W.M. 1993                                           : Regional Groundwater Quality

Subramaniam, V. 2000                                   : Water

Singhal, B.B.S. 1986                                      : Engineering Geosciences.

Black W. and others (Ed.) 1989                     : Hydrogeology Geol.Soc. of America Pub.

Davis                                                               : Geohydrology







Course No. PSAGTC411                                                      Title:            HYDROGEOLOGY

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                                      Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                                    Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions



















Course No.: PSAGTC412                                        Title: Exploration and Mining Geology

Credits: 04                                                                             No. of teaching hours: 60   

Maximum Marks: 100                                                          Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Objectives:     It is intended to familiarize the students with the principles, methodology and application of important geophysical and Geochemical methods adopted to investigate the surface and subsurface. To introduce the concept of exploratory mining  methods.


    1. Geological aspects of pitting, trenching and common drilling techniques.
    2. Sampling and assaying: Theory, patterns and methods. Core logging and core sampling.
    3. Resources and Reserves: Identified and Unidentified Resources, Measured, Indicated and Inferred Reserves, Para-marginal, Sub-marginal, Hypothetical and Speculative Resources; Classification Schemes, viz. USGS and UNFC Schemes.
    4. Evaluation of exploration data and ore reserve estimation. Introduction to geostatistical estimation of reserves.



2.1       Selection of area for prospecting. Stages of geological prospecting, Geological guides for the prospecting of mineral deposits; mineralogical, lithological and structural guides, gossans and capping.

2.2       Geochemical exploration Principle:  mobility and geochemical association of elements, primary and secondary geochemical dispersion patterns.

2.3       Methods and applications of geochemical exploration. Treatments of geochemical data.

2.4       Geobotanical survey: Uptake of mineral matters by plants, geobotanical indicators, geobotanical survey techniques. Biogeochemical anomalies and biogeochemical method of exploration.



    1. Gravity method - basic principles. Earth’s gravitational field and its relation to geophysical exploration. Instruments used in gravity prospecting - pendulum, torsion balance and gravimeters.
    2. Reduction of gravity data, separation of regional and residual gravity anomalies and interpretation of gravity data.
    3. Gravity corrections: Free-air correction, Bouguer correction, Latitude correction, Terrain correction
    4. Magnetic method: Geomagnetic field, Induced magnetism, Remnant magnetism, Susceptibility, Field survey method, Equipment, Data processing, Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of magnetic data.








Course No.: PSAGTC412                                        Title: Exploration and Mining Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)



    1. Electrical Methods: Electrical properties of rocks, Flow of current through ground surface, Apparent resistivity, Field procedures and electrode arrangements, VES and CST and their qualitative interpretation. Electromagnetic spectrum and induction,
    2. Seismic Methods: Basic principles, Types of seismic waves and their propagation characteristic, Seismic velocities in Earth’s materials.
    3. Refraction technique - Time distance relations for horizontal interface, dipping beds and faults. Delay time, shot and detector arrangement and corrections.
    4. Reflection technique - Time distance relations for horizontal and dipping interfaces, shooting procedures and corrections applied to reflection records.



5.1       Introduction to mining, elements of mining, definitions and explanation of different mining terms.

5.2       Introduction to surface mining; deposits amenable to surface mining; Placer mining methods; Classification of surface mining systems.

5.3       Introduction to underground metal mining; deposits amenable to underground metal mining. Modes of entry to underground mineral deposits. Mine development: drifting, raising and winzing; Classification of underground metal mining methods. General description, applicability and operations involvedin different methods.

5.4       Introduction to underground coal mining:Broad classificationof underground coal mining methods. Board and Pillar method, Logwall mining methods –general description and its advantages and disadvantages.


Books Recommended

Govett, G.J.S. (1983)                                          Rock Geochemistry in mineral exploration, Vol.3. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company.

Govett, W.K., Hoffman, S.J., Merthens, M.B., Sinclair, A.J. and Thomson, I. (1987).

Exploration Geochemistry, Design and Interpretation of Soil Survey. Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol.4.

Hale, M. and Plant, J.A. (1994)                          Handbook of Exploration Geochemistry – Drainage Geochemistry, vol 6,Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company.

Levinson, A.A. (1974)                                       Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry, Applied Publishing Ltd. USA.

Reedman, J. H. (1979)                                        Techniques in mineral exploration. Applied Science Publishers.

Rose, Arthur W., Herbert, E. Hawkes and Webb, John S. (1979) Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration. Acad Press.

Evans (1998)                                                      Introduction to Mineral Exploration. Blackwell Science 

McKinstry, H.E.  (1967)                                    Mining Geology, Prentice Hall,

Clark, G.B. (1967)                                              Elements of Mining, III ed. John Wiley



Course No.: PSAGTC412                                        Title: Exploration and Mining Geology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Arogyaswami, R.P.N. (1996)                             Courses in Mining Geology, IV Ed. Oxford IBH

Garland GD (1979)                                            Introduction to Geophysics. W.B. Saunders Company

Nettelton, L.L. (1976)                                        Gravity and Magnetics in oil prospecting. McGraw-Hill

Dobrin, M.B. (1988)                                           Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw-Hill& C.H. Savit

Ramakrishna,T.S. (2006)                                   Geophysical Practice in Mineral Exploration and Mapping.


Guidelines for setting of question papers:


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                          Time: 1½ hour

Question1:10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                        Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)











Course No.: PSAGTE413                                         Title: Gemology

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30       

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


OBJECTIVE: To introduce the students about the concepts and techniques for identification

of gemstones


UNIT - I         Basics of Gemology

    1. Gem and gemstones; General characteristics and chemical composition of gemstones; Nature of gem material: quality necessary in gems-beauty, rarity, durability.
    2. Formation of gem stones;. Crystal form and habit.
    3. Nature of crystals: distinction between crystalline and amorphous material, crystal symmetry, Twinning, parallel growth, crystal form, crystal habit, seven crystal system. Identification of rough stones.
    4. Classification of gem stones


UNIT - II        Physical Characteristics of Gemstones

    1. Physical characteristics of gemstones; Cleavage, Fracture, parting, and their importance in gemology and lapidary work. Units of measurement: metric scale, carat, pearl and grain.
    2. Colours in gemstone : causes
    3. Hardness its applications in gemology and limitations.
    4. Quantitative determination of Specific gravity of gemstones by hydrostatic weighing, heavy liquids, flotation and pycnometer. Inclusions and other features of gemstones


UNIT - III      Optical Characteristics of Gemstones

    1. Electromagnetic spectrum, reflection and its importance in gemology, lustre, aventurescence, sheen, chatoyancy, asterism, luminescence, play of colours, labradorescenceetc.
    2. Principal,  Construction and use of refractometer in gemology
    3. Polariscope and  Dichroscope:  construction and use in gemology ,
    4. Application of Chelsea colour filter, Infra-red ultraviolet and x-rays in gem identification


UNIT - IV      Advance Gemology

    1. Synthetic gemstones, methods of synthesis, and its characteristics. differentiation between natural and synthetic stones
    2. Gem enhancement methods and their identification: colourless/coloured impregnation, heat treatment, coating, irradiation, diffusion, treatment, etc.
    3. Imitation gemstones, glass and plastic imitations; organic materials. Pearls, corals, ivory and shells and amber and others



Course No.: PSAGTC413                                                                Title: Gemology

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


    1. Grading of diamonds and coloured gemstones

Recommended Books:

Brocardo, G. (1981)                            Minerals and Gemstones – An identification Guide

Bruton Eric F.G.A. (1970)                  Diamonds

Karanth, R. V (, 2000).                       Gems and Gem Industry, Geological Society of India, Memoir, 45

Max Bauer (1968)                               Precious stones, Vol. I and II

Orlov Yu L (1973)                              The Mineralogy of the Diamond

Rajendran S. (2007):                           Mineral Exploration: Recent Strategies

Wilson, M. (1967)                              Gems


Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time: 01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)













Course No.: PSAGTE414                             Title: Cryosphere & Climate Change Science

Credits: 02                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 30       

Maximum Marks: 50                                                Duration of Examination: 2½ hours

(Minor I-10, Minor II 10, Major 30)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Objectives: To introduce the fundamental concepts climate change in the past: understand the concept of various processes and dynamics of glacier formation, movement and chronology. Introduce the concept of climate change and various global oceanic and wind circulation patterns.


Unit I                                                                                                                                                 

1.1       Elements of the cryosphere; importance of the cryosphere, role of the cryosphere, in the climate system; ice ages.

1.2       Glacier types, dry and wet based glaciers and factors responsible, sediment transport and deposition by glaciers, physics of glacier ice and snow.

1.3       Techniques employed for the dating of glaciogenic deposits and their limitations, sediment discharge by meltwater and chemistry of meltwater.

1.4       Movement of glacier, surface and subsurface features of glacier.

Unit II                                                                                                                        

2.1       Meterological parameters vis-a-vis glacier, affect of debris/aerosols on glacier surface.

2.2       Energy balance, mass balance study of glaciers, various methods of mass balance study, Snout monitoring techniques.

2.3       Isotope study of glacier ice and snow vis-a-vis climate change, chemistry of snow/ice.

2.4       Characteristics of permafrost areas, rock and soil characters in cryosphere, mass movement in permafrost areas – causes and mitigation.


Unit III                                                                                                                                              

3.1       Definition of Quaternary, duration of the Quaternary and development of Quaternary studies.

3.2       Quaternary stratigraphy- Oxygen isotope stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and magneto-stratigraphy, application of pollen, spores and phytoliths in Quaternary stratigraphy

3.3       Continental records (fluvial, glacial, aeolian, paleosols) and marine Quaternary climate change records: continental- marine correlation.

3.4       Decadal, centennial and millennial climate change cycles, Milankovitch (Astronomical) cycle of climate change.


Unit IV                                                                                                                                              

4.1       Carbon Cycling: physical carbon pump, biological carbon pump, marine carbon cycle, terrestrial carbon cycle.

4.2       El Niño and the Southern Oscillation, El Niño and its Effects, upwelling and climate.

4.3       Global Ocean Circulation –Introduction and Overview, Strawberries in Norway, Icelandic Whirlpool, Origin of the Gulf Stream, The Deep Atlantic Conveyor.

4.4       Global Wind Systems: Trade Winds, Hadley Cell, Highs and Lows of Westerlies, Vital Importance of Indian Summer Monsoon rains.





Course No.: PSAGTC414                            Title: Cryosphere & Climate Change Science

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)



Books Recommended

Maher and Thompson 2000                      Quaternary climates, environments and magnetism. Cambridge Univ. Press

Williams, D. et al. 1998                            Quaternary Environments. Wiley & Sons.

Bigg, G., 1999                                           Ocean and Climate. Springer- Verlag

Bradley, F., 2000.                                     Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary. Springer- Verlag.

Williams, Durnkerley, Decker, Kershaw and Chhappell, 1998,

                                                                  Quaternary Environments. Wiley and Sons.

Evelyn Brown et al. 2001                         Ocean Circulation. Els;ervier.

Davind Randall 2015                                Introduction to the Global Circulation of the atmosphere. Princeton Press.

M. Satoh 2014                                           Atmospheric Circulation dynamics and general circulation models. Sprinder- Verlag.



Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1 (25% weightage for unit 1),                                                  Time - 01 hour

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (5 marks) to be set from Unit 1


Minor test 2 (Up to 50% syllabus)                                                              Time: 01 hour

(80% weightage for unit 2 and 20% for Unit 1),

Question 1:  5 multiple choice type question (5 marks)

Question 2:  2 short answer types questions (5 marks)


Major Test (80% weightage for units 3 & 4 and 20% weightage for units 1 & 2), Time allowed: 2 ½ hrs

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set equally from Units 3 & 4

Question 2:  4 short answer type questions (a-d, 10 marks) to be set from Units 1 & 2 (6 marks) and from Units 3 & 4 (4 marks)

Question 3:  One long answer type question (Essay type) with internal choice (10 marks) to be set from Units 3 & 4 only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)









Course No.: PSAGTC415                                                                Title: Dissertation

Credits: 08                                                                            

Maximum Marks: 200                                             

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


The dissertation shall comprise both field and laboratory work by a student. The allotment of specialization / Supervisor shall be based on preference and merit (total marks obtained in Semester I & II).The number of students shall be distributed equally among the permanent faculty on the basis of merit and preference of students. The dissertation shall be evaluated by a board of Examiners comprising Head of the Department, Supervisor and an external examiner.


Course No.: PSAGTO416                            Title: Geohazards and Disaster Management

Credits: 04                                                                 No. of teaching hours: 60       

Maximum Marks:100                                              Duration of Examination: 3 hours

(Minor I-20, Minor II 20, Major 60)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Objective: The main objective of the course is to explain students about the physical and geological processes causing geohazards; methods for quantifying geohazards; factors controlling their uncertainty. It also helps them to understand the possible consequences as well as risk and disaster management.



1.1       Geohazards:meaning and types of geohazards; causes and consequences of geohazards.

1.2       Earthquake: Causes of earthquakes; Indian and world scenario of earthquakes.

1.3       Earthquake’s measurement; effect of earthquakes, mitigation and forecasting of earthquakes; preparedness of earthquakes.

1.4       Tsunami:physical characteristics of tsunami;generation mechanism and its mitigation measures.



2.1       Landslides: Definition of landslides; types of landslides; features of landslides.

2.2       Causes of landslides; hazards associated with landslides; preventive measures of landslides.

2.3       Volcanic hazards: Causes and distribution of volcanoes; environmental impacts of volcanic eruptions.

2.4       Floods: Nature of floods; causes and its impact; mitigation measures and forecasting. 



3.1       Cyclones: characteristics of cyclone; causes of cyclone; preventive measures of cyclones.

3.2       Avalanches; formation and classification; mitigation and management plans

3.3       Disaster: Importance and scope of studying Disaster Management; basic concepts of disaster management; distinction between hazard, disaster and risk.

3.4       Vulnerability; Types of vulnerability – physical vulnerability, socioeconomic vulnerability, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk.




Course No.: PSAGTO416                            Title: Geohazards and Disaster Management

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)



4.1       Disaster Management – Definition; Components of DM; Crisis Management; Risk Management.

4.2       Disaster Management Cycle; Impact of disaster on development; ‘Paradigm shift’ in disaster management policy (policy for reduction of disaster consequences).

4.3       Disaster management: stages of disaster management (pre-disaster stage, emergency stage and post disaster rehabilitation).

4.4       Understanding of disaster management: national policy on disaster management; India’s response to changes in disaster management Policy.



5.1       Approaches to disaster risk reduction, prevention, mitigation and preparedness.

5.2       Major disasters in India; regional and seasonal profile of disasters in India.

5.3       National disaster management framework: NDMA, NEC, SDMA, DDMA, local authorities, NIDM, NDRF.

5.4       Role and responsibilities: Urban and local bodies; social networking and media; NGOs; armed and paramilitary forces.


Books Recommended


A Rittmann and E A Vincent             Volcanoes and their activity              

Vishwas S Kale                                   Flood studies in India                        

Gordon A Macdonald                         Volcanoes

Ayaz Ahmad                                       Disaster Management through the New Millennium

S R Singh                                            Disaster Management

Arvind Kumar                                     Disaster Management RecentApproaches

G K Ghosh                                          Disaster Management

Jay Levinson and HayimGranot         Transportation Disaster Response

Bruce W Clements                              Disaster and Public Health Planningand Response

ArunKTalwar and Satish Juneja         Flood Disaster Management

A K Jain                                              A Practical Guide to Disaster Management 

DrRNagarajan                         Landslide Disaster, Assessment and Monitoring

GuidelinesNational Disaster Management Authority 2009                                                                         

Guidelines for setting of question papers


Minor test -1

(Upto 25% of Syllabus i.e. first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1),                                 Time: 1½ hour

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to set from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from first 5 sub-units (1.1 - 2.1)


Minor test II (Up to 50% syllabus)

(80% weightage for second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2) and

20% weightage for first 5 sub-units i.e. 1.1 -2.1))                                                      Time: 1½ hour


Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (10 marks) to be set from second 5 sub-units (2.2 - 3.2)

Question 2:  Two short answer type questions (10 marks) from second 5 sub-units (2.2-3.2)


Major Examination

(80% weightage for last 10 sub-units (3.3 - 5.4), and

20% weightage for the first 10 sub-units (1.1 to 3.2).                                    Time allowed 03 hours

Question 1:  10 multiple choice type question (15 marks) to be set from the first 10 sub-units (3 marks) and from the last 10 subunits (12 marks)

Question 2:  5 short answer type questions (15 marks) to be set from first 10 sub-units (09 marks) and from the last 10 sub-units (06 marks)

Questions 3 & 4:  two long answer type questions (Essay type) with internal choice (15 marks each) to be set from the last 10 sub-units only

(Paper setter has to provide the key for objective type questions)






























Course No.: PSAGLC417                            Title: Practical -I

(Related to courses PSAGTC-411, 412)

Credits: 04                                                                

Maximum Marks: 100                                  Duration of Examination: 4 hours

(Internal 50 and External 50)

(Syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2024, May. 2025 & May. 2026)


Course No. PSAGTC411 (Hydrogeology) - 23 marks

Estimation of potential evapotranspiration and water balance through empirical equation; Drainagemapping andmorphometric analysis; Determination water equivalent in snow hydrology; Presentation of Hydro-geochemical data. Flow net analysis. Fracture Trace Analysis. Identification of groundwater and spring recharge zones in Himalaya. Ground water-table contouring and estimation of the flow directions – geological considerations. Borehole logs – interpretation and analysis.

Selection of gravel, sieve and slot size for sieve analysis data and interpretation. Designing of tube-well assembly from electric logs; Interpretation of three layer resistivity curve by Tagg’s method. Computation of aquifer parameters from SDT and APT data. Identification of aquifer boundaries. Groundwater Budgeting. Computation of intergranular and pore fluid pressure changes with declining water table. Problems based on the principles of groundwater flow in porous media; Steady and unsteady flow to a well.

Course No. PSAGTC412 (Exploration & Mining Geology) – 22 marks

Geophysical exploration data interpretation; Geochemical anomaly maps and its interpretation, Simple reserve estimation problems.


                        Viva – Voce (5 marks) 

Note:   Internal Assessment shall consist of daily practical assessment (26 marks),

Terminal practical test (14 marks) and practical attendance (10 marks) = total 50 marks

            For External Examination:

As per distribution of marks shown in the practical details above** = total 50 marks





Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Anju Bhasin Professor and Head M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D., Post-Ph.D Experimental High Energy Physics (Working in ALICE & CBM collaborations) E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419181423
Prof. P.K. Srivastava Professor M.Sc, Ph. D Mineral Exploration, Economic Geology E-mail: pankajsrivastava.ju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419125574
Prof. A.S. Jasrotia Professor M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph. D., PGD (R. Sensing) Remote Sensing & GIS E-mail: Mobile No.: 9419133793
Prof. S.K. Pandita Professor M.Sc., M. Phil, Ph. D Sedimentalogy, Disaster Management, Quaternary Geology E-mail: sundeep.pandita@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419137162
Prof. Varun Parmar Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Palaeontology & Stratigraphy E-mail: varunparmarvp@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419149781
Dr. Som Nath Associate Professor M.Sc., M.Phil,Ph.D Palaeontology, Cainozoic stratigraphy & Sedimentology E-mail: snkundal123@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419100818
Dr. Yudhbir Singh Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Engineering Geology E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419124021
Dr. Neha Arora Contractual Lecturer M.Sc., M.Phil, NET, Ph.D. Economic Geology & Geochemistry E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: 9906171703
Dr. Waquar Ahmed Contractual Lecturer M.Sc., NET–JRF and Ph.D Petroleum Geology E-mail: waqar.a.ganai@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9622658566
Dr. Kshetrimayum Deepak Singh Contractual Lecturer M.Sc., CSIR-NET Ph.D Palaeontology E-mail: deepakshetriya@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9899035707 / 9149413670
Dr. Sumeet Khullar Contractual Lecturer M.Sc., Ph.D. Sedimentology & Geochemistry E-mail: khullargeology@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9622070809 / 9419182529