Title of Project  

Funding Agencies

Principle Investigator

1. Fluctuations of Climate and Glacier in North Chenab kol Glacier Valley ,Kishtawar

DST,New Delhi


Prof. M.N.Koul

2. Fluctuations of Climate and Glacier in Naradu basin and it's Geo - Ecological Significance

DST,New Delhi


Prof. M.N.Koul

3. Glacial Chronology and Geomorphological Investigations of Naradu Glacier Valley, Himachal Pradesh .

DST,New Delhi


Prof. M.N.Koul

4, Desertification Status Mapping of Suru Valley, Ladakh(J&K State)

UNO Project (SAC Ahmedabad) 2002-2004

Prof. M.N.Koul

5. Resource Planning Atlas of J&K.

U.G.C  2006-09

Prof. G.B. Singh

6. Glacier Morphology and Quaternary History of Durung Drung,Glacier ,Ladakh,(J&K State)

DST,NEW DELHI 2005-2011

Prof. M.N.Koul

7. Inter and Intra Annual Seasonal Variability and it's effect on snow Cover:A Case study of Kangriz Glacier Basin ,Zanskar Ranges,Ladakh(J&K State);



Prof. M.N.Koul

8. Snow and Glacier Study of Nubra valley including Siachen(as consultant).   



Prof. M.N.Koul

9. Development, Management and Consumption Pattern of water. A case study of Jammu city ,J&k 2012-13


Sh. Devinder Singh

10. About Monitoring ,Snow cover and mass balance study of Machoi glacier (Draws ,kargil) and Chumchar Glacier (Nyoma,panging,ladkh Himalaya) 2010-14

Department of Space Application Center,Ahmedbad

Prof. M.N.Koul

11. National Agriculture Policy:A gate way to povert alleviation and sustainable development a focus on Jammu province of J&K. 


Dr. Shashi Prabha

12. Desertification Mapping of Kargil Region.

Department of Space Application Center, Ahmedabad

Prof. M.N.Koul

13.  Improvement in the Living Conditions of Tribals of Suru Zanskar Valley (Kargil) through Technological Intervention.

DST ,New Delhi


Prof. Anuradha Sharma

14. Assessment of climate change on the sustainability of wetlands in Jammu Division. JKSTIC(DST) Govt. of J&K.

Prof. Md. Sarfaraz Asgher

Dr. Rajender S. Charak

15.Variabilty Analysis of climate change for sustainable Agriculture: An Agro-Ecological based approach of the Himalayan regions of Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. JKSTIC(DST) Govt. of J&K. Dr. Shashi Prabha
16. Mapping Geographical inequalities in the spatial distribution of Health care facilities and appropriate site selection for the establishment of new Health care Infrastructure in the rural areas of Jammu District, J&K using Geospatial Technologies. DST, Govt of India Dr. Rajender S. Charak
Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Dr. Mohd. Sarfaraz Asgher Professor & Head Ph. D. Environment Planning & Management, Geomorphology and Hydrology E-mail: sasgher20@gmail.com, sarfarazasgher@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419134864
Prof. Anuradha Sharma Professor Ph.D. Resource Evaluation & Gender Studies E-mail: anujammu2012@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419156872
Dr. Shashi Prabha Associate Professor Ph. D. Agriculture Geography E-mail: sprabhaju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419106569
Dr. InderJeet Singh Assistant Professor Ph. D. Agriculture Geography, Remote Sensing & GIS E-mail: indergeogju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9906007392
Ms. Suman Kumari Assistant Professor M.Sc./JRF Gender Studies, Social Geography E-mail: sumankushwaha007@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596915505