Regulation for Grant/Utilization of Contigency Grant to be Given to the Whole- Time Pursuing Research leading to PH.D. who are not in Receipt of Any Scholarship/Fellowship.    

  1. There shall be three units of contingency grant in each department of the University each of the value of Rs. 2000/- per annum in the case of Science subjects and Rs. 1200/- p.a. in the case of other subjects.  
  2. Only the whole-time Ph. D. Research Scholars having qualified the eligibility test to be conducted by the Departmental Research Committee concerned and who are not in receipt of any Scholarship/Fellowship shall be eligible to get the said contingency grant.
  3. The scholars having been registered for the Ph. D. after undergoing Pre-Ph.D. programme shall become eligible for grant of the said contingency grant after a period of one and half years while those having been registered for Ph. D. after having passed the M.Phil course shall become eligible for the benefit of contingency grant after a period of one year from the date of their registration, for Ph.D. subject to fulfilment of other prescribed conditions.
  4. Save as otherwise provided, the said contingency grant shall be paid to the eligible scholars for a maximum period of two years.
  5. The scholars having availed of University Scholarship for a maximum period of three and half years shall also be entitled for the aforesaid contingency grant after the termination of University scholarship subject to availability of vacant contingency unit in the concerned department. However, the scholars will be entitled to receive the contingency grant even after having received the contingency grant attached with scholarship/fellowship for a combined period of 5 years (Period of receipt of both type of contingencies taken together.
  6. In the case of a scholar who is in receipt of the said contingency grant, is subsequently granted research scholarship shall cease to receive the said contingency grant. Thenceforth, he shall be entitled to draw the contingency grant attached to the scholarship provided that the period of receipt of the aforesaid contingency grant and that of contingency grant attached to the scholarship taken together shall not exceed five years.
  7. In case a scholar who is in receipt of the said contingency grant, is subsequently granted scholarship/fellowship by any other funding agency carrying contingency grant of higher value or/and longer span, such scholar shall have to refund to the University the total amount drawn by him out of the said contingency grant, before opting for such scholarship/fellowship.
  8. The same norms as approved by the Vice-Chancellor for regulating expenditure out of contingent grant attached with the University fellowship/scholarship shall be applicable for utilization of the said contingency grant also.
  9. The Vice-Chancellor or any other Officer authorized by him shall be competent to sanction such contingency grant in favour of the eligible scholars on the recommendations of Departmental Affairs Committee of the concerned Department.