One-week Workshop on Qualitative Research successfully concludes at JU

A one-week workshop on "Qualitative Research: Methods, Data Analysis, and Meta-Analysis" organised by Faculty of Business Studies in collaboration with SIIEDC, University of Jammu successfully concluded at the Department of Commerce, University of Jammu. Hosted from May 27-31, 2024, at Seminar Hall, Department of Commerce, University of Jammu, the workshop featured esteemed resource persons, Professor Tejinder Pal Singh from University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh, and Dr. Neeraj Kaushik from National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana.

Professor Tejinder Pal Singh led the workshop for first three days of the workshop, delving into the fundamentals and intricacies of qualitative research. Participants engaged in enlightening sessions covering topics such as "Demystifying Qualitative Research: Understanding What, Why, and How," "Qualitative Designs - Narrative and Phenomenological Research," and "Sampling Techniques for Qualitative Research." Professor Singh also provided hands-on training in qualitative data collection techniques and analysis approaches, including sessions on using ATLAS.ti software. Dr. Neeraj Kaushik, took over for the remaining two days, leading discussions on Meta-analysis and Meta-SEM. Participants were immersed in sessions exploring the nuances of meta-analysis, from understanding fixed and random effects to conducting subgroup analysis and meta-regression. Dr. Kaushik also shed light on working on Meta-SEM and provided insights about measurement biasness.

The workshop served as a platform for participants to enhance their understanding of qualitative research methodologies, data analysis techniques, and meta-analytical approaches. A total of 55 research scholars and faculty from different departments and institutes, including Commerce, SHTM, TBS, Economics, Sociology, IIM Jammu, Udhampur campus, ICccR - HRM, DD & OE and M.A.M college attended the workshop. This event fostered an environment of collaborative learning, with participants engaging in thought-provoking discussions and gaining hands-on experience. As they concluded their week-long journey, attendees expressed gratitude to the resource persons for their expert guidance and are now ready to apply their enhanced skills in their respective fields.

This workshop was coordinated by Dr. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.