One-week workshop on Qualitative Research: Methods, Data Analysis, and Meta-Analysis

A one-week workshop on "Qualitative Research: Methods, Data Analysis, and Meta-Analysis" will be held from 27 to 31st May, 2024, at the Seminar Hall, Department of Commerce, University of Jammu. This workshop is being organised by the Faculty of Business Studies in collaboration with SIIEDC, University of Jammu, and this event aims to deepen the understanding of qualitative research, essential for analysing human behavior and social dynamics. Scholars and faculty from different departments and institutes, including Commerce, SHTM, TBS, Economics, Sociology, IIM Jammu, Udhampur campus, and DD & OE, have already registered. The workshop will be featuring sessions by Prof. Tejinder Pal Singh from Punjab University and Dr. Neeraj Kaushik from NIT Kurukshetra. This interdisciplinary initiative promises to enhance research skills, foster collaboration, and offer insights into meta- analysis and qualitative data reliability. The following topics will be covered during the workshop:

  • Demystifying Qualitative Research:  Understanding What, Why and How
  • Qualitative Designs- Narrative and Phenomenological research
  • Qualitative Designs: Ethnography and Case study Research
  • Sampling Techniques for Qualitative Research
  • Qualitative Data Collection: Techniques and Tools for Rich Insights-I.
  • Qualitative data analysis using ATLAS.ti-I and ATLAS.ti-II
  • Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research: Approaches
  • Introduction to Meta Analysis- Fixed Effect, Random Effect
  • Input for Meta-Analysis, Various forms of Correlation
  • Sub- Group analysis, Meta Regression
  • Fail safe analysis, Trim and Fill analysis, Reporting results
  • Introduction to Meta- SEM
  • Study Artifacts- Sampling Error, Non- Sampling Error, Measurement Error.
  • Correcting ‘r’ for sample size adjustment and measurement biasness, meta
  • SEM, data entry format in SPSS and AMOS, working on Meta SEM.