• Dept of Buddhist Studies, JU organises Lecture on “Indian Constitution Based on Buddhism"

    The Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Jammu organized a Lecture on  by Mr M.S. Prabhu Maurya, Faculty, Department of BTTM, Lumbini Buddhist University, Nepal on the topic “Indian Constitution Based on Buddhism” In this lecture, he focussed that our democracy has been deeply influenced by Buddhist ideals and symbols. In the teachings of Lord Buddha, emphasis has been given to inner peace, he said, adding that the purpose of remembering these teachings on this occasion is that all people should inculcate the right meaning of the teachings and remove all the evils and inequalities to make a world full of peace and compassion. He also said that Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar had said that many processes of ancient Buddhist associations have been adopted in the country’s parliamentary democracy. While there is a rich literature on the intersections of religion and public law in secular, research on Buddhism and constitutional law remains scarce. This scarcity is problematic not only from a comparative perspective but other academic virtues also. Other dignitaries present were Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik (HOD), Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr. Vivek Sharma, Dr. Ekta Kumari, Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Students and Scholars of the department.




    • Department of Buddhist Studies in collaboration with Bharat Tibet Sangh organised two days National Seminar. The inaugural session of the seminar was held at the Brig. Rajinder Singh Auditorium on 17-18 December 2022. The inaugural session started with the National song of India and then the National Song of Tibet. The chief guest for the inaugural session was Shri.  Penpa Tsering, Hon’ble Sikyong, Central Tibetan Administration. Prof.Naresh Padha, Dean Academic Affairs, University of Jammu was the Guest of honour. Major Gen. Neelambar Kumar, National Vice-president of Bharat Tibet Sangh was a special guest, and Prof.Ramnandan Singh, Head, Department of Sanskrit and pali, Central Sanskrit University, Lucknow was the resource person for the inaugural session. Advocate Saurabh Saraswat, General Secretary, Bharat Tibet Sangh and Dr.Rajesh Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Buddhist studies were the convenors and Co-convenors of the seminar.




    • Buddha Purnima was celebrated with great enthusiasm, gaiety, and fervor by the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Jammu on 16th May 2022.




    • Department of Buddhist Studies Organized a dialogue on 6 June 2022 with  Shri Niraj Kumar, Director of Buddhist & Tibetan Institutes (BTI), Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India  the Author of the book  “The Kalacakra Tantra: Vol I Translation,  Annotation, Commentary”



    • As part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu In collaboration with Regional Centre, Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA)  Celebrated Buddha Purnima -Prayer for World Peace on wednesday,  26th May 2021.




Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik Professor & Head M.A. , M.Phil., Ph.D. Urdu Critique E-mail: profshohab.malik@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: +919419181351
Prof. Ram Nandan Singh Professor M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Pali Buddhism, Sanskrit Buddhism, Buddhist History. Art, Architecture and Archaeology E-mail: rnsingh.in@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +919419668876
Dr. Rajesh Sharma Lecturer (Contractual) M.A., Ph.D. Buddhism in Jammu & Kashmir E-mail: rajeshsharmahgr@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +919419113933
Dr. Ashwani Kumar Lecturer (Contractual) M.A., Ph.D. E-mail: ashwanikumaryouthactive@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +918825035911
Dr. Ekta Kumari Lecturer (Contractual) M.A. Ph.D. E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: