The department succeeded to get the FIST O level from DST to strengthen the research and teaching. About 57 lakh has been sanctioned to the department from DST to strengthen the infrastructure. Students of the department have got placed themselves in various state and central departments like higher education, school level, Kashmir Administrative Services, defence services, and private sector, etc. More than 70 students of the department have qualified National Eligibility Test and JRF, State eligibility Test. Being a spatial science the students of the department are exposed to study to different destinations of J&K and Himachal for socio-economic and physical survey in different semesters. As a part of the curriculum, every year the PG students visit various parts of the country to acquire field knowledge on various physical and human attributes.The research scholars have been presenting their research work at national and international forum. Their research work have been published in SCI/Web of Science and Impact factor journals.

Progression and Placement of Students/Alumni

From the last five years the students passout from the masters degree programme from the Department of Geography has been inducted into various government and non-government institutions at state and national level. A good number of students (21) of the department have been appointed as Assistant Professor in Higher Education Department of J&K. Students from the department have been inducted into JKAS & 9 students are contributing through their service in JKAS. Students are also having been inclination to serve the nation by extending their services in defence, BSF and other security forces, around 20 students have been inducted in these services. About 15 students are serving as Sub-Inspector in the Jammu and Kashmir Police.  15 students have been serving in the banking sector and more than 30 students are serving in other services i.e. panchayat secretary, account assistant etc.

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Dr. Mohd. Sarfaraz Asgher Professor & Head Ph. D. Environment Planning & Management, Geomorphology and Hydrology E-mail:, Mobile No.: 9419134864
Prof. Anuradha Sharma Professor Ph.D. Resource Evaluation & Gender Studies E-mail: anujammu2012@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419156872
Dr. Shashi Prabha Associate Professor Ph. D. Agriculture Geography E-mail: sprabhaju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419106569
Dr. InderJeet Singh Assistant Professor Ph. D. Agriculture Geography, Remote Sensing & GIS E-mail: indergeogju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9906007392
Ms. Suman Kumari Assistant Professor M.Sc./JRF Gender Studies, Social Geography E-mail: sumankushwaha007@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596915505