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Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
M.A. Semester-I
History of Buddhism in India |
Course Outcomes
The Students will have sound knowledge about the background, rise and development of Buddhism in the land of its origin. Students will get knowledge about biographies of the Buddha from the standpoint of various sects of Buddhism, the origin and development of the Buddhist Sangha, acquire knowledge about the Buddhist Councils and royal patronage of kings, Buddhism during the Pala dynasty and the rise of Tantric Buddhism, and finally Chinese travellers and their travelogues.
Fundamentals of Buddhist Philosophy |
Course Outcomes
Students will get a profound knowledge about the philosophical background of Upanisadic thoughts, Gautama Buddha’s contemporary thinkers and their philosophical ideas, acquire knowledge of four schools of Buddhist philosophy, the concepts of Arhat, Pratyeka Buddha, Boddhisattva, Samyak Sambuddha, the basic teachings of the Buddha, i.e. Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, Pratityasamutapada, Trilakshana, Trikaya, Bhumis, Paramitas and Nirvana.
Pali Language and History |
Course Outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge about the origin and development of the Pali Language, different Schools of Pali Grammar, translations from Pali to Hindi and English, Tripitaka Literature, Pre- Buddhaghosa Anupitaka Literature, Attakatha Literature and Vamsa Literature
Selected Pali Sutta Texts |
Course Outcomes
Students will get the knowledge of the original teachings of the Buddha in the form of Suttas contained in the Dīghanikāya, Majjhimanikāya, Samyuttanikāya, Dhammapada, Suttanipāta, Therigatha, Sāmaññaphalasutta, Ambaṭṭhasutta, Sabbāsavasutta, Sammādiṭṭhisutta, Yamakavagga, Dhaniyasutta
M.A. Semester-II
Vinaya Texts (Theravāda, Mahāsāṅghika, Lokottaravāda & Sarvāstivāda ) |
Course Outcomes
Students shall able to understand about the background and history of the formulation of rules and regulations for guidance in monastic life. Primary Knowledge of Buddhist canonical texts. Mahāvagga (Bodhikathā, Ajapālakathā, Mucalindakathā, Rājāyatanakathā, Brahmayācanakhā, Pañcavaggiyakathā, Dhammacakkappavattanakathā). Pali Pātimokkha (Sekhiya Dhammas, Adhikaraṇasamatha Dhammas). Date, Authorship and Subject Matter of the ŚrīghanācārasaṄgraha, PrātimokṢasūtram of Lokottaravāda (Pārājika & Saṅghādiśeṣa) and Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya (Gilgit Mss.) (Varṣāvastu & Pravāraṇāvastu)
Early Abhidhammic Pali Texts |
Course Outcomes
Students shall have intensive knowledge of the Pali texts and early Abhidhammic Philosophy contained therein. Like DhammasaṄgani (Mātika & Rūpakaṇḍa), Puggalapaññatti (Ekakapuggalapaññatti), PaṬṬhāna (Paccaya-Uddesa & Paccaya-Niddesa), Aṭṭhasālinī (Date, authorship and introduction of Aṭṭhasālinī)
Philosophy of Theravāda & Sarvāstivāda Schools |
Course Outcomes
Students shall be familiar with the development of thoughts and philosophy with passage of time. Detail knowledge about the important texts of Theravada and Sravastivada Schools of Buddhism like Milindapañha (Meṇḍakapañha & Dhammanagara), Visuddhimagga (Paññābhūminiddesa only), Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha (Cittasaṅgha, Cetasikasaṅgha) and Abhidharmakośa
History of Buddhism in Jammu & Kashmir |
Course Outcomes
Students shall able to have sound knowledge about the history, origin and development of different sects of Buddhism in the land of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. They also Gain Knowledge about Buddhism in Kashmir through Literary, epigraphical and antiquarian sources i.e. Nilamatapurana, Avadanakalpalata of Ksemendra, Ashokavadana, Rajatarangini of Kalahna, Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, Samantapasadika and Taranatha’s History of Buddhism in India, development of Buddhism during Post Mourayan period like Indo-Greeks, Scythians, Parthians and Kushan periods. Most important they also know about the history of Buddhism in the Jammu region with special reference to Buddhist sites of Paddar valley.
M.A. Semester-III
Anupiṭaka Literature |
Course Outcomes
Students shall able to understand about the changing patterns of Interpretation of the Buddha’s thought after the Piṭaka period. The sound knowledge about the Athakatha Literature such as Milindapañha (Bāhirkathā, Lakkhaṇapañha, Vimaticchedanapañha, Dhutaṅgakathāpañha, Opammakathāpañha).
Mahāyāna Sanskrit Literature |
Course Outcomes
Students shall able to understand about the Mahāyāna Buddhist Language, Literature and Philosophical concepts therein. They also learns about Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Literature and prominent Buddhist Acharyas. Gain knowledge about texts like Lalitavistara, Saddarmapuṇḍarīkasūtram, Suhṛllekha of Nagarjuna, Vajracchedikāprajñāpāramitā, Bodhicariyāvatāra of Śāntideva
Buddhist Philosophy (Epistemology and Logic) |
Course Outcomes
Students shall able to understand the development of Buddhist Philosophy in the light of its epistemology and logic. The comprehensive knowledge of the Buddhist Logic System. Learn about the founders of Buddhist Logic and their Works. Different kinds of Pramāna in traditional Indian Philosophy. Students understand about exposition of Pratyaksa and Anumāna according to Dinnāga, Dharmakīrti ,the Naiyāyikas and also learns about the Exposition of Anūmana and Doctrine of Apoha.
PSBSTC304** |
Elements of Buddhist Art, Architecture and Iconography in India and Abroad |
Course Outcomes
Students shall be able to gain knowledge of the origin and development of Buddhist Art, Architecture, Sculpture, Iconography and others which produce a reliable witness of the history of Buddhism. Learns about the origin of symbolism, origin and development of stupas, Caityas, Monasteries and rock-cut caves of Buddhism in India. Understand about the origin and development of images of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas and Iconography study of Avalokitesvara, Tara and Maitreya. Have detailed knowledge of the Gandhara, the Mathura, the Amaravati and Nagarjunakonda school of Buddhist Art. Learned about the art, architecture and iconography in South-East Asia and also detailed knowledge about the Rock-cut caves in Afghanistan and China.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik | Professor & Head | M.A. , M.Phil., Ph.D. | Urdu Critique | E-mail: profshohab.malik@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: +919419181351 |
Prof. Ram Nandan Singh | Professor | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Pali Buddhism, Sanskrit Buddhism, Buddhist History. Art, Architecture and Archaeology | E-mail: rnsingh.in@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +919419668876 |
Dr. Rajesh Sharma | Lecturer (Contractual) | M.A., Ph.D. | Buddhism in Jammu & Kashmir | E-mail: rajeshsharmahgr@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +919419113933 |
Dr. Ashwani Kumar | Lecturer (Contractual) | M.A., Ph.D. | E-mail: ashwanikumaryouthactive@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +918825035911 | |
Dr. Ekta Kumari | Lecturer (Contractual) | M.A. Ph.D. | E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: |