One week workshop on Communication and Personality Development concludes at JU

One week workshop on communication and personality development organized by the  Department of Lifelong Learning, University of Jammu from 19th to 26th February, 2024 concluded here today.

More than 60 students from the University of Jammu, colleges, and civil society enthusiastically participated in the workshop. During this weeklong workshop, The workshop's resource person, Ms. Neetu Dhar, Chief Coordinator and Master Trainer at Jammu and Kashmir Dairy Producers, Processors, and Marketing Cooperatives, Ltd. Conducted theoretical and practical sessions on different themes like effective communication skills, role play, presenting information through audio-visual aids, emotional intelligence and empathy, self-discovery and self-development, and resume writing.

The main objective of the workshop was to enable the students to enhance their communication skills, improve their confidence levels and help them in writing professional resumes.

Speaking during the valedictory function, Dr. Jeevan Jyoti, Director DLL, thanked the resource person and complimented all the participants for completing this workshop successfully. The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Rewa Khajuria, Counsellor, Employment Information cum Advisory Bureau, Department of Lifelong Learning.