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Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
List of Empanelled Vendors for Books(2024-25)
List of Empanelled Vendors for Journals/Periodicals
DAIP and IAIP Committees for Plagiarism as per UGC Regulations 2018
Rules for the Use of Property Counter
Regarding Rules related to Private Membership, kindly contact I/C Circulation Section
Rules Related to the Circulation of the Books
i) Rs.10/day – For first 10 days
ii) Rs.10/day – Next 20 days
iii) Rs.20/day – Beyond 20 days (not exceeding cost of book + 10% and any penalty imposed by the library). The overdue charges in all cases shall be calculated from the date on which the book/s should have been returned. Provided that in no case, shall the overdue charge exceeding the cost of the book/s plus 10% and any penalty which may be imposed by the Librarian according to the nature of the book/s.
In addition to the price of a book, 10% of the price may be charged from a person who having borrowed a University book fails to return it. Provided that for all such documents for which the price record is not available in the Accession Register/other bibliographic sources, a lump sum amount will be charged from the Library users at the following rates:-
i. Books pertaining to Science @Rs. 750/- per document.
ii. Books pertaining to Social Sciences @ Rs. 500/- per document.
iii) Books pertaining to Humanities @ Rs. 300/- per document. This amount be increased @ 10% after every financial year. The amount thus collected will be deposited in the local fund of the library.
General Library Rules