Semester I

Course No. Course Title  Course Outcomes
PSSETC-101 General Sericulture   

CO1: History and distribution of sericulture in India and world.

CO2: Scope and importance of sericulture.

CO3: Characteristics of different types of fibres.

CO4: Properties of silk.

CO5: Mulberry cultivation in different regions.

CO6: Silkworm seed production processes.

CO7:Physical and chemical properties of silk.

CO8: Role of CSB in development of sericulture.

CO9: Economic importance of sericulture bi-products.

CO10: Different types of reeling machines.

PSSETC-102 Mulberry Biology and Production

CO1.   Taxonomy and morphology of mulberry.

CO2.  Classification of soil.

CO3.Soil fertility management practices.

CO4. Essential nutrients required for mulberry growth.

CO5.Different types of biofertilizers.

CO6. Concept of Integrated Plant Nutrient Management.

CO7. Methods of propagation in mulberry.

CO8.Pruning and harvesting methods.

CO9.Mulberry weeds and their management.

CO10.Concept of exclusive chawki garden for chawki rearing.

PSSETC-103 Silkworm Biology, Physiology and Biochemistry    

C01.   Characteristic features of Arthropod.

C02.   Embryonic development in silkworm.

C03.   Physiology of digestion and different types of digestive enzymes.

C04.   Silk gland structure and protein synthesis.

C05.Concept of artificial diets and feeding behavior in silkworm.

C06.  Metamorphosis in insects and types of metamorphosis.

C07.  Structure and functions  of amino acids.

C08.Classification and metabolism of proteins.

C09.Classification of carbohydrates.

C010. Mechanism of enzyme action.

PSSETC-104 Silkworm Rearing Technology and Egg production

CO1.Morphology of silkworm egg.

CO2.Estimation of mulberry leaf quality and yield.

CO3.Different methods of disinfection and disinfectants.

CO4.Characteristic features of young age silkworms.

CO5.Different chawki rearing methods

CO6.  Characteristic features of late age silkworms.

CO7.Preservation of eggs for different seasons and regions.

CO8.   Incubation and different methods of incubation.

CO9.   Different bed cleaning methods.

CO10. Silkworm seed organization concept.

Semester II

Course No. Course Title  Course Outcomes
PSSETC-201 Cell and Molecular biology and Immunology

CO1: Origin of Cell, Structure and function of cell organelles .

CO2: Cell Cycle.

CO3: Structure of DNA& RNA.

CO4: DNA Replication and Protien Synthesis.

CO5: Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.

CO6: Immunology, Cell associated with immunity.

CO7: Immune responses in silkworm.

CO8: Autoimmune Diseases.

PSSETC-202 Genetics & Bio Chemical Techniques

CO1: Applications of UV-spectrophotometer & electron   microscopy.

CO2: Types of Chromatography.

CO3: Multiple alleles.

CO4: Extensions of Mendelism.

CO5: Linkage & crossing over.

CO6: Alterations of chromosomes.

CO7: Types & causes of Mutation.

CO8: Methods of genetic transfer

PSSETC-203                                                       Applied Entomology

CO1: Origin & Evolution of Insects.

CO2: Collection & preservation of insects.

CO3: Economic importance insects in relation to man.

CO4:Defense mechanism of plants against insects.

CO5: Management of Household insects.

C06.  Scanning electron Microscopy

PSSETC-204 Breeding &Genetics of Silkworm & Mulberry

CO1: Methods of selection for qualitative and quantitative traits in silkworm.

CO2: Linkage map in silkworm.

CO3: Region and season specific breeds of silkworm.

CO4:Genetics of voltinism and moultinism.

CO5: Sex determination in silkworm.

CO6: Methods of plant breeding.

CO7: Polyploidy in mulberry improvement.

CO8: Plant breeding for quality and yield of mulberry.

CO9: Tissue culture techniques.

CO10: Concepts of Polyploid Genetics.

PSSETC-205 Mulberry and Silkworm crop Protection

CO1: Disease Cycle.

CO2: Fungal diseases of mulberry.

CO3: Bacterial diseases of mulberry.

CO4:Minor diseases of mulberry.

CO5Nematodes of mulberry.

CO6: Microsporadian and Viral diseases of silkworm.

CO7: Non-infectious diseases of silkworm.

CO8: Different types of Disinfectants used for management of silkworm diseases.

CO9: Major and minor pests of mulberry.

CO10: Major and minor pests of silkworm.

Semester III

Course No. Course Title  Course Outcomes
PSSETC-301                                          Post-Cocoon Technology

CO1. Classification of textile fibres and their properties.

CO2. Different types of silk.

CO3. Assessment and grading of cocoon.

CO4. Objectives and methods of cocoon stifling.

CO5. Storage and preservation of cocoons.

CO6. Cocoon cooking: methods and objectives.

CO7.Importance of reeling industry.

CO8. Reeling process and different types of reeling machines.

CO9. Degumming and Dyeing of silk fiber.

CO10. Weaving of different types of fibres.

PSSETC-302   Entrepreneurship Development in        Sericulture

CO1. Objectives of EDP.

CO2. EDP policies of CSB and other Sericultural organizations.

CO3. EDP in raising Mulberry nurseries and vermicomposting.

CO4. Special schemes for technical entrepreneurs.

CO5. Worldwide status of Entrepreneurship

CO6.To study various aspects of Entrepreneurship Development in Sericulture.

PSSETC-303 Biostatistics and Computers

CO1. Application of computer.

CO2. Advantages of power point presentation in present era.

CO3. Statistics.

CO4. Linear co-relation.

CO5. Various Assumptions.

CO6. Uses of statistical software.


CO1 To provide the students high quality learning experience using multimedia on anytime, anywhere basis.

CO2 To acquaint the students with online mode of learning using ICT platform.

CO3  To diverse the knowledge of students through open learning and help them to access different disciplines online and thus promoting interdisciplinary knowledge.

CO4 To provide the students a hybrid model of learning that adds to the quality of classroom teaching.



PSSETC-305  Mulberry Physiology, Breeding and  Genetics                                                   

CO1. History of plant breeding.

CO2. Biodiversity and its significance.

CO3. Physiology of flowering.

CO4. Biological Nitrogen fixation.

CO5. Growth regulators.

CO6. Objectives of mulberry breeding.

CO7. Plant and water relations.

Co8. Transpiration and translocation.

CO9. Geographical distribution of mulberry.

CO10. Cytological techniques.

Semester IV

Course No. Course Title  Course Outcomes
PSSETC-401 Sericulture Extensionand Vanya Silks

CO1. Objectives of extension education.

CO2.SWOT analysis.

CO3. Sericulture Extension Organization

CO4.Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERPE)

CO5. WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture.

CO6. Role of NABARD.

CO7. Introduction to Vanya sericulture.

CO8. Seed organization in vanya sericulture.

CO9. Life cycle of tasar, eri and muga silkworms.

CO10.Diseases and pests of non-mulberry silkworms.

PSSETC-402 Advances in Seri-biotechnology

CO1. Genomic studies of silkworm

CO2. Genome mapping

CO3. Concept of molecular markers

CO4. Gene coding

CO5.  Proteomics of silkworm and mulberry

CO6. Artificial intelligence (AI)

CO7.  Silk biomaterials

CO8. Nanotechnology in Sericulture

CO9. Seri-biotechnology

CO10. Seri-biotechnology and human welfare.

PSSETC- 403 On Job Skill Training This course provides hands on experience to students about various sericultural activities especially silkworm rearing to evaluate the problems of sericulture encountered by the farmers and provides suitable solutions to that problem
PSSETE-404(Elective Course)     Entomology

CO1: importance of beneficial and non-beneficial insects.

CO2: Applied aspects of insects and their services to human welfare.

CO3: Insect behavior

CO 4: Insect plant interactions

CO 5: Insect pest management

CO6: Control measures for pest infestation

CO7: Economic insects

CO8: Insect as pollinators

CO9: Coloration defense

CO10: Mimicry

PSSETC-405 (Special Optional)          Sericulture and Toxicology

CO1. Introduction to toxicology.

CO2. Formulation of insecticides.

CO3. Classification of insecticides.

CO4. Insecticide Act.

CO5. Metabolism of insecticides.

CO6. Genetics of resistance.

CO7. Innovative approaches in pest control.

 CO8. Concepts of damage level

CO9. Mechanism of pathogen transmission:

CO10. Safe period.