This programme enables the students to delve deeper in the field of sericulture and understanding different concepts of sericulture like history and distribution of sericulture in India and world, role of different sericulture agencies, properties of silk fibers, anatomy and physiology of silkworm, morphology and anatomy of mulberry, different sericultural operations, breeding and genetics of silkworm as well as mulberry, different biochemical techniques used in sericulture, diseases and pests of mulberry as well as silkworm, biostatistical techniques used in sericulture, post- cocoon technologies, advances in seri-biotechnology and entrepreneurship in the field of sericulture. This  programme also provides hands on skill training to the students under the project work done at Regional sericulture research station Miran Sahib/SKUAST Jammu/Kashmir/SSPC Udhampur/CSRTI Pampore.