Tender Subject Opening date Sort ascending Closing date Contact Person Designation Email/ Telephone Unit Tender Document
Tender for the supply of scientific adapters/cables as per technical specifications Prof. Anju Bhasin Principal Investigator, ALICE Project University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for maintenance of Merck Genesys UV Spectrophotometers Professor B. K. Bajaj Director, School of Biotechnology, University of Jammu University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for maintenance of Master Cycler Nexus Gradient(PCR), Shaker(Excella E24R), Ultra low freezers U410 and Centrifuge 5430R Professor B. K. Bajaj Director, School of Biotechnology University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for maintenance of Freeze Dryer, Alpha 2-4 LD Professor B.K Bajaj Director, School of Biotechnology, University of Jammu. University of Jammu Tender Document
e-NIT for supply of Liquid Helium for NMR Spectrometer Prof. Kamal K. Kapoor HoD, Chemistry University of Jammu Tender Document
e-tenders are invited for sale of used Answer books and residue thereof(Kachra) lying in the stores of Examination Wing, University of Jammu. Controller Controller of Examinations University of Jammu Tender Document
Tenders for Printing and Supply of Study Material and other Publications Professor Neelu Rohmetra Director, Directorate of Distance Education, University of Jammu University of Jammu Tender Document
e-Tender: Conduct of Jammu University Entrance Test(JUET-2022) Ms Sumita Sharma Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs) University of Jammu Tender Document
Online Bids are invited for Managed dedicated server for University website Hosting For 2 years extendable by another 1 year on satisfactory performance Er. Anik Gupta Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management University of Jammu, Jammu University of Jammu Tender Document
Re-Tender Notice for printing of JUET-2022 Admission Brochure session 2022-23 Ms Sumita Sharma Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs) University of Jammu Re-Tender Notice
Tender for printing of JUET-2022 Admission Brochure Ms Sumita Sharma Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs) Last date extended Tender Document
Re-Tender for Sports Items Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba Director, Directorate of Sports and Physical Education University of Jammu Tender Document
e-NIT for the purchase of Nitrogen Gas Generation Plant Prof. Kamal K. Kapoor Head, Deptt. of Chemistry, University of Jammu University of Jammu, Jammu Tender Document
Tender for Sports Items Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba Director, Directorate of Sports and Physical Education University of Jammu Tender Document
Re-Tender for printing of Admission Brochure for the Session 2021-22. Dr. Sumita Sharma Dy. Registrar (Academic Affairs) University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for outsourcing of Housekeeping and maintenance of the Guest House University Guest House Manager University of Jammu Tender Document
QUOTATIONS FOR SALE OF OLD ADMISSION BROCHURES/STATIONERY/SCRAP Dr. Sumita Sharma Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs) University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for hiring the services of consultants/experts for developing Environmental Management System for Green Audit/ISO 14000 certification of University of Jammu Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, JU University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for supply, installation & commissioning of Network Infrastructure at University Campus Er. Anik Gupta Director, Centre for IT Enabled Services and Management <b>Last date extended to 12th July 2021</b> Tender Document
Tender for purchase of FULLY AUTOMATIC MICROTOME FOR MINERALIZED BONE SECTION Dr. Veenu Kaul HOD, Botany University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for purchase of FULLY AUTOMATIC MICROTOME FOR MINERALIZED BONE SECTION Dr. Veenu Kaul HOD, Botany Tender Cancelled Tender Document
Tender for the supply of spares and complete service of the Liquid Nitrogen Generation plant Prof. Kamal K Kapoor HOD, Chemistry University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for supply and installation of Rutherford Scattering Setup Prof. Sanjeev Singh Sambyal HOD, Physics University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for purchase of Autoclaves Prof. B. K. Bajaj Director, School of Biotechnology University of Jammu Tender Document
Tender for supply of Nitrogen Gas Generation Plant Prof. Kamal K Kapoor HOD, Chemistry University of Jammu Tender Document