The Green Campus Task Force (GCTF-JU) and the Department of Environmental Sciences, in collaboration with the Arboriculture and Landscaping Unit,  University of Jammu today organized a plantation drive in the University Campus as part of a one-day special plantation drive called by the University Grants54824 Commission under the “एक पेड़ मां के नाम / Plant4Mother” campaign initiated by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on World Environment Day 2024. 

During this event, more than hundred traditional, medicinal, and ornamental saplings were planted at various locations on the main Campus of the University of Jammu. 

Prof. Piyush Malaviya, Head, Department of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Deepika Slathia, Member Secretary, GCTF-JU, Dr. Ravinder Kumar, Mr. Ajmer Singh, Landscape Development Officer, students from the Department of Environmental Sciences, volunteers of GCTF-JU and the staff from the Arboriculture and Landscaping Unit actively participated in the plantation activity.