Prof. Arvind Jasrotia, Worthy Registrar, University of Jammu visited Dhanvantri Library and inaugurated the lockers which were installed at the Property Counter for the use of students.226494 Dr. Vikram Singh Sahi, Librarian, briefed the Registrar about the importance of these lockers. After the inauguration of lockers, the Registrar along with Dean Student Welfare Prof.  Prakash C. Antahal, Prof. Dipanker Sen Gupta and Irfan Goni along with other library officers visited different floors of the library. All the Officers, Officials and Professionals of Dhanvantri Library were present on this occasion.  Prof. Arvind Jasrotia, Registrar, University of Jammu assured the Librarian to extend full support for making the Library a Knowledge and Resource Centre.
The inauguration of the lockers was well received by students and they expressed their gratitude towards the Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Professor Umesh Rai for his efforts to enhance the services provided to them.