About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Potential Areas of Placement:
The passout students of the Department can secure employment in Government sector jobs offered by the Department of Social Welfare, Department of School Education, and Department of Higher Education. They can apply in Private sector jobs related to Health and Wellbeing, Resource and Institutional Management, Child and Family Welfare. They can also work with the NGO’s and CBO’s focusing on Special Children, Tribal Women and Children, and Social Empowerment. Students are also trained as Entrepreneurs to start Preschool and Counseling Centers.
Activities and Achievements of Students: The students of the Department are not only involved in teaching-learning process, but also in community based outreach activities. Internship programmes requiring students to be placed in Early Childhood Education Centres and Institutes for Children with Special Needsare a regular feature of the curriculum. Parent Empowerment Programmes, Awareness generationActivities , Seminars and Dissertation work are other activities carried out by the students.
Progression and Placements of Students/Alumini: The Department facilitates placements of students and scholars in government as well as private jobs. The pass outs are well placed as University, College and Higher Secondary Teachers; research assistants and associates; Supervisor and government teachers. Students have also turned entrepreneurs and set up their own preschool centers, consultancy services and training centers.
Students/Alumni based activities/events: An alumni register is maintained and regularly updated bythe Department. Departmental contact is available through Social networking to provide better accessibility. Regular inputs by the alumni through invited talks and open discussion formats are provided to the students and scholars.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Sarika Manhas | HOD, Coordinator SWAYAM & Disability Initiative, Co-chairperson CCC | M.Sc., Ph.D | Disability studies, Parenting, Tribal issues, Evaluative Studies, vulnerable children. | E-mail: sarikamanhas@jammuuniversity.ac.in, sarika.manhas@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419255885 |
Prof. Rajni Dhingra | Professor, Former Registrar, H.O.D and Dean Research Studies | M.Sc, Ph. D | Early Childhood Development, ICDS impact evaluation, Parenting, Adolescence (with specific emphasis on Adolescent Health), Tribal studies. | E-mail: rdhingra01@gmail.com,EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419104644 |
Prof. Neeru Sharma | Professor, Former H.O.D & Former I/c Librarian, Dhanvantri Library JU | M.Sc., Ph.D | Adolescence issues, Health issues for women and girls, Gender issues, Gerontology, Research methodology. | E-mail: neerusha@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419212010 |
Prof. Shashi Manhas | Professor,Former H.O.D&Warden Girls Hostel.At present Provost Girls Hostels | M.Sc., Ph.D | Gender issues, ECCE, ICDS, Adolescent issues | E-mail: shashimanhas@jammuuniversity.ac.in EPABX: Mobile No.: 9906068051 |
Prof. Samridhi Arora | Professor & Former Head | M.Sc., Ph.D | Early Childhood Care and Education, Child Rights, Tribal issues, Evaluative Studies, Gerontology, health issues related to Adolescents and women. | E-mail: samridhiarora18@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419200054 |